Matt Lodge Discussion

lol whoever released the footage must be rubbing their hands together with glee. All this outrage is what they wanted because God forbid we get the footy underway in a week's time without having another fucking scandal. A scandal from 3 years ago no less. The outrage on LU is real and I'm about to go check out a few other forums too. Hope Lodge wins the Dally M and the CC.
Who released the footage... why none other than channel nine.

Seriously the only thing that rates on their garbage channel and they seemingly spend their entire time trying to kill it off.
If there was sufficient evidence for their claims he would be behind bars. He's not. I'm not sure why they would have accepted 200 hours community service and alcohol testing in another country if they had a concrete case against him. The $1.6 million is a civil case. If you have more evidence then the New York prosecutors I suggest you hand it in.

They did have a concrete case against him, for reckless assault misdemeanour, which in Australia parlance equals - Common Assault. Which is why he pleaded guilty to that offence. It’s the weakest assault offence there is in legislation and that is all they had...
so we revert to believing the criminal rather than the victim?
why doesnt ldoge really come forward and give his account of events to clear all this up?

Why does he need to clear it up? Because the media want to run with it? He has done his time, completed his sentence in full, apologised to the victims and now wants to move on as he has already stated in a media interview. He has talked about that night and stated publicly this version is the best recollection he has. Whether that is entirely truthful or not is immaterial. He has paid his price for the criminal charge and can perfectly well ignore the bleatings of an ambulance chasing lawyer as I myself would do in his shoes.

He wants to move on and should be allowed to.

With regards to his civil case, that is neither hear nor there as far as Lodge playing NRL is concerned. It is a civil judgement of a non-Australian court about a matter that didn’t occur within the Australian jurisdiction. As of this moment it is entirely unenforceable within Australia and apart from media attention has zero impact on the NRL or Lodge himself.
Firstly, I asked you a question respectfully, there is no need for the attitude.

I never said nothing else happened or even suggested that, I do think it is possible that it has been greatly exagerated to say the least. These same people that you have claimed are incapable of fabrication have already been called out in a bald face lie. I don’t think it is a stretch to think they may be exaggerating things to try and pocket a cool 1.6M.
I have no doubt there is embellishment from the family, who seems very eager to collect the cash.

I must say, it confuses me they and their lawyer would lie so blatantly about Lodge's regret and apology, which they must know could backfire spectacularly, as has happened... surely the NY District's attorney didn't "forget" to pass the letter on?

Is this family milking it for all it's worth? Certainly!
Is their account of events greatly exaggerated? I honestly highly doubt it...
- There is corroboration of assault in the CCTV images.
- There is corroboration in the physical bruising and swelling of the man he assaulted.
- There is corroboration in that night's witness account of the two German women initially threatened (who fled into the building in the first place, and ended up calling the police).
- There is corroboration in the damage to the apartment furniture and bathroom door.
- And there is corroboration in the bottle thrown at the police (which is evidence he was still in a very agitated state after however long he was in that apartment until the cops showed up).

The collection of offences is: Assault to at least one person and one Police officer, stalking, trespassing, wilful property destruction, menacing, and reckless endangerment.

This happened 6 months after he was charged in Sydney with six counts of common assault, malicious damage, stalking and intimidation, and being served with a DVO, which goes to a pattern of behaviour.
He better become equipped to deal with the media fucking quickly ... because he is about to become a starter at the most prestigious, highly scrutinised club in the world of rugby league.
I do find rugby league fandom in this country amusing...

If he had signed with the Roosters, every one on here (including the people vigorously leaping to his defence) would be singing a different time, saying how it is as disgrace that he is allowed to play again ... while the Roosters fans would also switch sides and start talking about redemption etc.
I do find rugby league fandom in this country amusing...

If he had signed with the Roosters, every one on here (including the people vigorously leaping to his defence) would be singing a different time, saying how it is as disgrace that he is allowed to play again ... while the Roosters fans would also switch sides and start talking about redemption etc.

I wouldn’t. People can jump up and down in outrage all they like but the entire point of our criminal justice system and America’s too for that matter is rehabilitation. Not vengence or retribution. It wants to stop people from re-offending and help them develop into better people that lead healthy and productive lives.

What better way for someone to rehabilitate themselves than by hard work, supporting their families and trying to be a better person and role model moving forward? I have never said Russell Packer shouldn’t be allowed back in the game, and you won’t hear me say it about Lodge either, until the point is reached where they break the rules and continually bring the game into disrepute. That is the difference between these blokes and Todd Carney. These blokes have indiscretions under their belts, but until and unless they continually breach rules placed upon them, they are in my opinion fully entitled to play in the NRL if they are up to it. They have done what has been asked of them by the NRL since their indiscretions and this along with their hard work means they should be given a chance.

Christ there is even a specific act in Qld to try to help them do so, it’s called the Criminal Law (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Act 1986 and it is intended to, guess what? Help rehabilitate offenders...

All the bad boys should know they are skating on thin ice with the NRL and if anything good comes out of this in my book, it should be the NRL setting the example. We will give you a chance, we want you to rehabilitate and become a decent person and we will help even if you stuff up, but we want certain things from you and if you don’t do them or break our rules again, see you later. No ifs, buts or maybes.

The carrot has to be balanced equally with the stick and that is what we all complain about at the end of the day with NRL, the inconsistency. Hopefully this incident helps them settle on what that consistency is and what they will do to maintain it, rather than the vague and ineffectual responses we normally see from them.
So this guy ended his support of not only the Broncos, but also the Qld team because of Lodge's hiring. For anyone interested, here is the link to the blog in question:

The Super League war and recruitment of Ben Barba were apparently the first and second strikes, which made me wonder what to call this guy when I'm called sanctimonious... and then I read the last few sentences:

Thank you for the memories to the Brisbane Broncos club, and the Queensland Maroons.
I walk away from both teams happy with my decision and knowing that the time is now right to move on and start a new chapter as a rugby league fan.
To navigate this next journey with my wife and two kids by my side as fans of the Red V.
Yes, you read it right... the Red V, also known as the immaculate club with whom Russell Packer came back to the NRL after his conviction only 2 years ago.

Way to go John Martin, you have won the honorary idiot of the month award!
You know that as of February 2018, 47 white people have been shot and killed by police compared to 23 black people and 17 Hispanic people in the US?
Not that I care to enter this argument here but according to your stats, blacks have been shot and killed by police this year at a rate 50% less than whites. These numbers are far more alarming when you take into account that black people are only 12% of the US population. White’s make up around 62%.
I do find rugby league fandom in this country amusing...

If he had signed with the Roosters, every one on here (including the people vigorously leaping to his defence) would be singing a different time, saying how it is as disgrace that he is allowed to play again ... while the Roosters fans would also switch sides and start talking about redemption etc.
A gross generalization and way wide of the mark Foordy.
I do find rugby league fandom in this country amusing...

If he had signed with the Roosters, every one on here (including the people vigorously leaping to his defence) would be singing a different time, saying how it is as disgrace that he is allowed to play again ... while the Roosters fans would also switch sides and start talking about redemption etc.
I wouldn't be! Haha
As Jason said above, he got charged with the lightest assault charge there is-common assault. That's all the video shows and that's all that has happened. He didn't bash his wife, stomp on a mans head as they lie motionless on the ground, rape a woman, sexually assault a woman or kill someone. You will probably walk past 4 or 5 people today who have done something worse then what lodge did on a moral level and not even know it. Players like carney, Hopoate or ferguson are more just embarrassing for the game. Every time a player pisses in his mouth or sticks their finger up another players arse Thats what the game is known by for other sports fans- I remember an article where they did research that proved this. If the roosters signed him and no one else was allowed to I would be pissed off, or if they signed him for unders when other clubs also wanted him I would be suspiciously pissed off. He has absolutely copped it in the media! More then the (convicted) wife beaters in other teams, or the man who stomped on a motionless mans head. He has done his time. If he ***** up again he deserves everything he gets because he knows the nrl world is waiting for it, but since the incident he has been a model citizen and has an impact on 100's of young men via his charity/community work.

I'm not sure what else you actually want? You want trial by media of every player in every situation?

So please, stop telling us how bias we are being in hypotheticals and take a look at your own. The evidence, the police, the ny prosecutors, and anyone who knows more then the media (the nrl and the broncos would undoubtably know the full story would you not agree?) say he has not only done his time but the ones who are in a position too stand by him strongly! It's only the media and someone trying to claim $1.6 million that don't. Is that not a little suspect? Haha so before talking about other people's poor judgement take a look at your own and look past what the media tells you...
So this guy ended his support of not only the Broncos, but also the Qld team because of Lodge's hiring. For anyone interested, here is the link to the blog in question:

The Super League war and recruitment of Ben Barba were apparently the first and second strikes, which made me wonder what to call this guy when I'm called sanctimonious... and then I read the last few sentences:

Yes, you read it right... the Red V, also known as the immaculate club with whom Russell Packer came back to the NRL after his conviction only 2 years ago.

Way to go John Martin, you have won the honorary idiot of the month award!

What a piece of shit. I hope his wife and kids realise they being navigated by a spineless halfwit.
Why does he need to clear it up? Because the media want to run with it? He has done his time, completed his sentence in full, apologised to the victims and now wants to move on as he has already stated in a media interview. He has talked about that night and stated publicly this version is the best recollection he has. Whether that is entirely truthful or not is immaterial. He has paid his price for the criminal charge and can perfectly well ignore the bleatings of an ambulance chasing lawyer as I myself would do in his shoes.

He wants to move on and should be allowed to.

With regards to his civil case, that is neither hear nor there as far as Lodge playing NRL is concerned. It is a civil judgement of a non-Australian court about a matter that didn’t occur within the Australian jurisdiction. As of this moment it is entirely unenforceable within Australia and apart from media attention has zero impact on the NRL or Lodge himself.

Right on the money. Great post.
What a piece of shit. I hope his wife and kids realise they being navigated by a spineless halfwit.
Geez, you wouldn’t want to be in the trenches with old Marto, would you?
Not that I care to enter this argument here but according to your stats, blacks have been shot and killed by police this year at a rate 50% less than whites. These numbers are far more alarming when you take into account that black people are only 12% of the US population. White’s make up around 62%.
The problem is that most, if not all of the people who get shot by police are criminals. Why aren't you asking why such a minority of people commit crimes at such a disproportionate rate?

Of course you can say they were innocent or born into terrible circumstances created by white people, but that wouldn't be true. Very few people shot by police are as innocent as the media make them out to be.
This story seems to be dominating the media today so might as well throw my two cents in as well. In regards to the broncos signing of lodge I believe a lot of it can be put down to the sign of the times. Had the broncos won the 2015 title or even a title in the past 5 years I don’t think Brisbane would have taken this risk and signed lodge. I may be barking up the wrong tree but I think if Brisbane aren’t under pressure to win a premiership this year then Wayne settles for a the forward pack that doesn’t involve Matt lodge, full well knowing the pack may not win us a title.

Secondly I find it disturbing that clearly someone inside the media or nrl clearly has such a strong hate for Brisbane that they would wait until the week the nrl kicks off to AGAIN bring the lodge issue to the forefront of the media. To me it’s a clear attempt to put lodge off his game and unsettle the brocnos right from the players to the sponsors and the staff and even the fans at a crucial time of the year. Luckily for us Wayne is a very no bulshit kind of a guy and will come out and blast those behind this or simply ignore it and not give the media the reaction they want. Hopefully our boys don’t let it get to them and put it off their game.

Only time will tell.
I don't want Lodge playing in the NRL. If he didn't have the talent, we wouldn't even be discussing this. Many players have been blacklisted from the NRL for far more minor indiscretions. And we can't even categorise this as a one-off stupid event - he has a rap sheet that mirrors or outdoes Carney's by the same age.

BUT. What ***** me off about this is the hypocrisy. If the Roosters signed him, I'd be fucking filthy, but I can tell you this - if the Roosters signed him there would be no where near this level of one-sided bias. They would be ignoring Carney's time and Dick Pearce and SKD and pointing to Jake Friend and Blake Ferguson as examples of how excellent the club is at rehabilitating players.

That's what's got my back up here. Thank **** the Broncos are smarter than your average club. They clearly hold very little power over the NRL any more as they're the first club to get thrown under a bus, but they still know how to play the game. Either they knew the footage was out there, or expected some kind of escalation, and kept their powder dry. While every media outlet was happy to run with the "no remorse, no attempt to make amends" line, they knew there was proof out there of the exact opposite. Bam, we now know the victims and their legal team are flat out liars and are only interested in painting whatever picture ensures them the biggest payday.

Thank you Broncos. You've resisted playing dirty, in contrast to the media and those with interests against the Broncos. You can hold your heads high and as such, so can us fans. **** what the media have to say, we know they're rotten. **** what opposition fans have to say - they've been sold lies and are too stupid or blind to see it for what it is.
So this guy ended his support of not only the Broncos, but also the Qld team because of Lodge's hiring. For anyone interested, here is the link to the blog in question:

The Super League war and recruitment of Ben Barba were apparently the first and second strikes, which made me wonder what to call this guy when I'm called sanctimonious... and then I read the last few sentences:

Yes, you read it right... the Red V, also known as the immaculate club with whom Russell Packer came back to the NRL after his conviction only 2 years ago.

Way to go John Martin, you have won the honorary idiot of the month award!

not sure why he would walk away from the Maroons due to Lodge ... Lodge is a cockroach


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