Milford's chance to stake Maroons claim

I don't think there's any issues with him having a bench role, my concerns are for him starting in the halves - I don't think he is ready or even deserves to at this stage.
Yeah I must say I agree, he isn't ready. But he deserves it a lot more than DCE and Norman. He's last 2.5 seasons have been better than DCE definately? Norman is up for discussion but Normans got no heart and I couldn't think of a worse player to put on the no6 for Queensland.
And you never know Milford could be a hit alongside Smith and Cronk, there controlling manner could leave Milford to pick his moments.
I think Milf is higher risk higher reward choice than Norman.

Norman will do a job and do it well, Milf could be amazing or be found out really badly. It's hard to decide between the two.

I don't rate Morgan at all but Smith and Cronk may prefer him there as he is good as playing a simple game and doing exactly what he's told.
I remember someone saying that Milf is deceptively strong through the hips with his running style, and quite hard to put down. It may have been Cam Smith, actually.
I wonder if Cam talked about Origin during his little chat with Milf..

Something Wayne said sticks with me. It was about Locky's development as a player, having the chance to go on rep tours with Joey and Freddy and the like helped him develop - and this is after years under Alf, Kev and so on.

On current form, would you take Milf or Morgan? I'd take Milford. Whether that is at six or fourteen, remains to be seen.
Please stop it with Norman playing for Queensland, he doesn't suit origin what so ever the dudes piss weak/
Please stop it with Norman playing for Queensland, he doesn't suit origin what so ever the dudes piss weak/

I would've agreed with this 2 years ago, but not anymore, he's a tough player and a really bloody good one these days, he has a better kicking game than Milford, miles ahead defensively and rarely makes errors. He'd be great next to Cronk in Origin imo.
Milf has definitely become less agile because he is pudgy. I am convinced. How hard is it to put him on a diet?
A representation of how big Milford is
Screenshot 2017-05-10 18.02.53.png
That guys looks like he's going for Milf's C Cup chest.
So, has Milford got to the 150 Kgs milestone yet?
Morkel said:
Norman is all ego. Undoubtedly talented, but no heart. He'll have a blinder and think he's earned his pay cheque, so then just be a passenger or look for the easy option for the next three games. He'll probably do well for one Origin game, as he'll have a point to prove, but should we win he'll go back to being lazy if chosen again this series. Think his first game for us vs his last game(s) for us.

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If only BHQ had an upvote feature, this represents my point of view perfectly.