Mitchell Pearce Incident

Maybe the guy is a ****. But he is a **** that's 60k richer.

If I was told I could make that kind of money.. I would do it, as well.

I think he only got $5k, and the place he sold it to resold it for $60k.

The decent thing to do would have been to offer the video to Mitchell Pearce for 60k .

That maybe the decent thing to do, but it would do nothing to help the sport I love watching. Selling it to him, would only result in a cover up. The sooner these dickhead footballers realise that they need to tow the line, the better. If this helps, then I'll be an asshole.
Some of you guys should follow players around..You would all become rich..Hey we wouldnt have an NRL either..Same in all codes. If it was vigilantly followed up there would be no codes.
Some of you guys should follow players around..You would all become rich..Hey we wouldnt have an NRL either..Same in all codes. If it was vigilantly followed up there would be no codes.

Ha. Don't throw all the guys who actually do the right thing with the few that are complete tossers.
Theres a lot more than a few doing the wrong thing trust me..Lots dont get caught...Ie The Immortal Andrew Johns

No doubt. But there are heaps more that don't get caught because they realise that the job they do is a privilege, not a right. They also know that for every one player, there are hundreds who are absolutely dreaming of the chance to do the job they do.
Maybe if they knew they couldn't get away with it, they wouldn't do it. They'd learn pretty quick, the smart ones anyway.
Heaps i know..but it isnt a name and shame session... If pearce wasnt so out of it he could of sorted this and im surprised copley n niko let that video be taken.
So wrong and so typical that the bloke who shot (or didn't) the video is now the one in the crosshairs ... this country is alive with fuckwhit enablers

If you're a league star in Sydney it's always somebody else's fault

Yep, Australia amazes me sometimes.

A guy that has had repeated issues with acting like a fuckwit while on the drink forces himself on a woman, pretends to **** her dog, pisses on himself and her furniture, goes a racial and homophobic tirade and refuses to leave when asked = "Lets not get carried away, he just needs some help. Move on."

The guy that filmed the incident = "rip him apart" "what a grub" "invasion of privacy".

Give me a break.
I don't think anybody comes out of this looking good.

I've already had my say on Pearce, what he did was wrong and he has to face the consequences of his actions. If he feels rehab will help him become a better person, so be it, but he still has to face some sort of punishment to act as a deterrent and give back to the community in some regard.

However, if those sms texts are the genuine article, than it shines an uncomfortable light on modern society where people are looking to dob their fellow man in, and for what? Greed? Notoriety? I don't understand how people can be so selfish in that regard. To think "oh this guy is off my chops, let me just whip my phone out so I can make a quick buck," is just too common and should be socially frowned upon. It's one thing to do it to a mate and have a laugh with mutual friends, another to get in the bed with the media, show it to their boss or to their folks.

It's vindictive stuff.

Then you get all these thugs who can't think of anything better to do than escalate the situation. What's done is done, threatening to bash the bloke up isn't going to solve anything. All you can do in a situation like this is get behind your mate, perhaps make a statement about this 'gotcha' culture and see if you can't make something positive out of it.

Trying to solve problems with violence is not the answer... may seem easier but at the end of the day the ends don't justify the means.

I'm Alan Jones.