NRL bans shoulder charges

But if it's against the rules then it's no longer perfectly fine.

I'm with m1c, player protection is the no1 priority.
But if it's against the rules then it's no longer perfectly fine.

I'm with m1c, player protection is the no1 priority.

Im not saying the refs are interpreting it wrong, im saying the rule is wrong. There was nothing dangerous about the hit Matulino put on Thaiday last year, it was a good stand and deliver shot but in union it would have been penalised.
why dont we just allow voluntary tackles now too? dont want to get hit? put your hand up for a 'safe tackle' or take a knee, NFL style.
And let's not forget there's still plenty of protection gear that can be introduced just in case. You wouldn't want to risk any bruising!
how about the coin toss just decides the match instead? the captains better tie pillows to their feet too, dont want that coin landing on their foot and causing a nasty ouchie.
Alternatively, the games could be played with the new Rugby League game on PS3 or Xbox... although there is the risk of RSI.
Jeez, can't catch a break!
The lamenting of the shoulder charge is pitiful...

Yep, fair bit of this going on:
Oh look, cry baby pictures. How original!

I've got pics too...

I'm really glad that no one has gone over the top or taken examples to the extreme, it's great to see such a mature discussion happening
Well seriously, the people upset about shoulder charges being banned are having a massive sook.

Personally I wouldn't care if they're banned or not, I can understand why they did and i think we should wait until we see it in action for a while.

The way some are carrying on you'd think it's going to destroy the sport. What a joke. They're banned in junior grades anyway, the kids coming through are no less tough