NRL Judiciary Discussion

What does being referred straight to the judiciary even mean? Are they implying it’s worse then grade 3? Because there is hundreds of tackles on film that say otherwise…
What does being referred straight to the judiciary even mean? Are they implying it’s worse then grade 3? Because there is hundreds of tackles on film that say otherwise…
My understanding is it either means it's worse than a grade 3, or it doesn't clearly fit under an offence (lol manipulation) so they'll decide on how to punish it later.
My understanding is it either means it's worse than a grade 3, or it doesn't clearly fit under an offence (lol manipulation) so they'll decide on how to punish it later.
I think it's could be what you say, it doesn't clearly fit under the hip drop a bit like Clearys on Billy, so they don't know what to do with it yet, but they will probably call it a hip drop.
What does being referred straight to the judiciary even mean? Are they implying it’s worse then grade 3? Because there is hundreds of tackles on film that say otherwise…
My understanding is it either means it's worse than a grade 3, or it doesn't clearly fit under an offence (lol manipulation) so they'll decide on how to punish it later.
From what I'm gathering the Match Review Committee threw it into the too-hard basket and deferred grading it to the judiciary. My guess is because it's such a controversial tackle and the NRL is still trying to get a handle on how to penalize it. It's not really fitting properly into "dangerous contact."

The predictions I've been seeing based on previous convictions are all over the place. I know a lot of us get confused/outraged by inconsistencies from the judiciary, but I think in cases like this one the penalties are still a work in progress. They're liable to get stricter/lighter over time.

So if we see someone only get two weeks for something earlier in the season, it might be in retrospect it was too short and they should've gone in harder. They also seem to have periods of crackdowns where they try to rub certain tactics out by making an example of a bunch of players in one round. I think we have to assume it's working towards something concrete rather than on a whim.
That reasoning for letting NAS off is like something his lawyer would have come up with had he been charged. It sounds kinda laughable and desperate and clutching at straws, but it's from the official match reviewer instead lmao
Melbourne already have to ask every other club for their players can’t have them missing even more.
Check out (c) lol ... i'd think you would need to get public confidence first before they can maintain it

"You're on your own General Patten...."

about 7 mins in they have Patten trying to justify the NAS no charge

FTR, much of what was considered in not charging NAS was ignore when Carrigan go charged (e.g. more than one person in the tackle "two big men on a little man")
about 7 mins in they have Patten trying to justify the NAS no charge

FTR, much of what was considered in not charging NAS was ignore when Carrigan go charged (e.g. more than one person in the tackle "two big men on a little man")


It's only Yanks who can't say Worcestershire Sauce. "Woostasher", easy.

Also, **** the NRL. Their defense of NAS and JWH is cooked.

Patty fucked up and the tackle went wrong, but he didn't drop hips and Hastings leg ended up under Patty's back, not his hip. Cleary's hip-drop tackle on Turpin targeted the legs, whereas Carrigan was only drawing down on the player who then went forwards before being bent backwards leaving his back leg outstretched under Carrigan.

I honestly am in the same emotional place as your post earlier, Sproj. I love the Broncos. I have been watching them since I can remember, in 1991 I was at costume parties as a kid dressed as Alfie and eating Daydawn muesli bars at school. I can't easily cut the cord on such a thing, but **** me if the NRL in general isn't the most piece of shit sporting organisation in the world for making me want to.

I enjoy NRL, it's a fast game, exciting, tactical and tough, but the media presence is disgusting and the organisational aspects, from these jurisdictional sides all the way to the marketing department make the dumbest, reactionary, ill-judged, poorly timed, inconsistent and downright contradictory decisions that I have seen in my life.

How the **** can the fans even begin to salvage this wreck? It's hard enough to go through these forum posts without reading something that nearly word for word parrots a talking point/comment on NRL360 or Nein. Everything devolves into hyperbole (ironic, I know). We are addicted to the outrage that the sport provides.
It's only Yanks who can't say Worcestershire Sauce. "Woostasher", easy.

Also, **** the NRL. Their defense of NAS and JWH is cooked.

Patty fucked up and the tackle went wrong, but he didn't drop hips and Hastings leg ended up under Patty's back, not his hip. Cleary's hip-drop tackle on Turpin targeted the legs, whereas Carrigan was only drawing down on the player who then went forwards before being bent backwards leaving his back leg outstretched under Carrigan.

I honestly am in the same emotional place as your post earlier, Sproj. I love the Broncos. I have been watching them since I can remember, in 1991 I was at costume parties as a kid dressed as Alfie and eating Daydawn muesli bars at school. I can't easily cut the cord on such a thing, but **** me if the NRL in general isn't the most piece of shit sporting organisation in the world for making me want to.

I enjoy NRL, it's a fast game, exciting, tactical and tough, but the media presence is disgusting and the organisational aspects, from these jurisdictional sides all the way to the marketing department make the dumbest, reactionary, ill-judged, poorly timed, inconsistent and downright contradictory decisions that I have seen in my life.

How the **** can the fans even begin to salvage this wreck? It's hard enough to go through these forum posts without reading something that nearly word for word parrots a talking point/comment on NRL360 or Nein. Everything devolves into hyperbole (ironic, I know). We are addicted to the outrage that the sport provides.
I hear plenty of Aussies who can't say Worcestershire correctly, my wife being one of them no matter how many times I point her in the right direction.
It's only Yanks who can't say Worcestershire Sauce. "Woostasher", easy.

Also, **** the NRL. Their defense of NAS and JWH is cooked.

Patty fucked up and the tackle went wrong, but he didn't drop hips and Hastings leg ended up under Patty's back, not his hip. Cleary's hip-drop tackle on Turpin targeted the legs, whereas Carrigan was only drawing down on the player who then went forwards before being bent backwards leaving his back leg outstretched under Carrigan.

I honestly am in the same emotional place as your post earlier, Sproj. I love the Broncos. I have been watching them since I can remember, in 1991 I was at costume parties as a kid dressed as Alfie and eating Daydawn muesli bars at school. I can't easily cut the cord on such a thing, but **** me if the NRL in general isn't the most piece of shit sporting organisation in the world for making me want to.

I enjoy NRL, it's a fast game, exciting, tactical and tough, but the media presence is disgusting and the organisational aspects, from these jurisdictional sides all the way to the marketing department make the dumbest, reactionary, ill-judged, poorly timed, inconsistent and downright contradictory decisions that I have seen in my life.

How the **** can the fans even begin to salvage this wreck? It's hard enough to go through these forum posts without reading something that nearly word for word parrots a talking point/comment on NRL360 or Nein. Everything devolves into hyperbole (ironic, I know). We are addicted to the outrage that the sport provides.
Well said.

NRL need the media's money but not their continual sensationalising of anything and everything negative in and about the greatest game of all.

At times it strongly appears those running the game hand this stuff to them on a platter.

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