NRL Player Movements and Rumours 2013



International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Funny how Melbourne have to give up their good players now that they're not cheating the cap...

On a lighter note, I'd love to sign Tomkins, the guy is a superstar, he would kill it in the NRL. Give them what ever $ amount they want as compensation for a release and sign him up.
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Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Funny how Melbourne have to give up their good players now that they're not cheating the cap...

On a lighter note, I'd love to sign Tomkins, the guy is a superstar, he would kill it in the NRL. Give them what ever $ amount they want as compensation for a release and sign him up.
the storm lose more players every year than pretty much any other team, even when they were over the salary cap.

if the dragons get dugan gonna be dirty. we couldve and shouldve had both widdop and dugan if the dragons can get them.

if we dont move heaven and earth to get carney, i give up on even bothering with recruitment talk for the broncos. may as well not bother, the club dont seem to.
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Son Edo

Son Edo

NRL Player
Sep 14, 2011
Flannagan said he could get Carney to re-sign in a matter of days, so you may as well give up right now.
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Funny how Melbourne have to give up their good players now that they're not cheating the cap...

On a lighter note, I'd love to sign Tomkins, the guy is a superstar, he would kill it in the NRL. Give them what ever $ amount they want as compensation for a release and sign him up.

yeah, but I bet london to a brick it won't slow them down one bit .. they'll find someone somwhere to fit straight in .. that's the difference between craig bellamy and the blokes over at red hill ...
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
As long as Bellamy has Slater, Cronk and Smith Bellamy will always be fine.

Storm have a young kid called Matt McGahan coming through who looks a much better five eigth than Widdop.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Flannagan said he could get Carney to re-sign in a matter of days, so you may as well give up right now.
looks like it :(

"Todd Carney is set to show his loyalty to the Cronulla Sharks by rejecting a $900,000-a-season offer from the New Zealand Warriors.

He is expected to sign at the Sharks for $650,000-a-season before his comeback game against the Bulldogs next weekend in Gosford."
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
It rains a lot in Melbourne, so maybe Widdop won't be able to get on a plane to sign his Dragons contract & we can snap him up in the meantime.
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Storm have a young kid called Matt McGahan coming through who looks a much better five eigth than Widdop.

Of course they do .. bellamy is always one step ahead of the game .. he doesn't leave things to chance, he runs shit ....


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Found a replacement for Soward quickly I rate Widdop


State of Origin Rep
Jun 26, 2008
WOW, i never saw Widdop going to St.George ..... great buy for them.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Would've liked Widdop, but to fill Norman's spot at fullback, not for the halves. Besides, he is nowhere near worth $550K.

Pretty sure we'll see plenty of people saying we dodged a bullet next year around this time...
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Carney will re-sign. Only bloke I can think of is Tomkins.

I thought Rangi Chase going to the merge was a done deal ....then they sign Widdop?

Have to admit not watching too much of Chase but caught up with a few highlight reels this week and the guy looks pretty special.

A lot of it was against the non-existent defence in the ESL, but still....

would he be someone who could be a good fit here with us?


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
So apparently Dugan is a done deal to the dragons. What I love is how plyable Ben Ikin's 'opinion' is.

Broncos to sign Dugan:

Ben Ikin: "this is a terrible decision by the broncos that stinks of desperation. Dugan is a selfish player and needs to spend a long time away from the game first".

Dragons to sign Dugan:

Ben Ikin: "fantastic decision. Doust needs to be applauded for this signing"

Son Edo

Son Edo

NRL Player
Sep 14, 2011
Dragons are doing a good job building up a strong team for next season.

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