The sooner Channel Nein dump him altogether the better.
I guess I'm in the minority, but I like Johns. He identifies things no other commentators do, and gives great insight into how halves work. He can be a funny guy too.
But I also think people are way too easily offended these days. This is the country where you call your friend a ****.
Haha, that's what I thought too. Would be a good indicator as to how pissed he was!Anyone got photos of the Milf?
up till this point i felt sorry for Earl but with the Clenbuterol charge which i wasnt aware of in the past it changes my view. You cann't have possession of Glen and say you don't know what it is. When a product is marked for horses it would be a kind of a give away. Players have been suspendid for it before.
Correct... and (some of) the drugs taken by Gallen and co were also marked for horses/animals.Pretty sure the way the law is written, trafficking can mean driving the drug from one location to another.