[OFFICIAL] Anthony Milford to Broncos

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I love the one about Inala being ****. I know Inala ain't no paradise, but I had to spend about 6 hours in Canberra to sort out my UK working visa, but apart from a nice Chinese restaurant and a good CD shop the place has absolutely nothing going for it. I can see why a lot if their players turn out alcoholics!

Canberra is nice to visit but you'd never live there. Seriously though if the kid wants to be closer to his sick dad then the raiders should let him go. Some of Canberra's fans appear to but nutters (like we are shocked?)
If it's an offence to dare feel compassion for Milford in a situation I know what it's like to be in then throw me in the bloody chair and kill me right now cause it seems to be to some on the greenhouse forums, as the majority of you know (http://broncoshq.com/general-talk/18983-update-my-father.html)I was there the night my father had a massive heart attack on a train after a game against the Titans at Skilled Stadium who could have easily died that night had it not been for off duty ambulance workers who managed to successfully perform CPR and get him breathing again. They also claim the next post responded with the words "excellent" don't see that anywhere, just compassion from Bucking Beads for his family.
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romour is he as signed on as assistant coach but has a get out clause if a head coach job is offered to him. Hopefully our "get out clauses" work in the same way the raiders think they work. i.e the club needs to agree to them wanting to use it.

Every assistant has that. No club would hold an assistant coach to his role if offered a head coaching role.
And what's this get out clause that requires both parties to agree? :cuckoo:

A get out clause is a legal condition by which one party can end a contract without the permission of the other party

Any contract can be ended by mutual agreement of both parties - no clause required

A get out clause that requires agreement from both sides is not a get out clause at all

If it actually is written that way in his contract, then the Raider's have deliberately pulled the legal wool over the eyes of a teenager, getting him to sign a contract that he believed offered him the right to go home should his family require it, but it never did really offer him that

And the raiders fans call us names?
Here are some of the comments from the Greenhouse :loool:

"Carney, Dugan and Milford all in the space of 5 seasons. We are dead set cursed!"

My personal favourite .....
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I hate the assumption that the Broncos are somehow at fault here. Sure, I don't think we are sitting on our hands and ignoring the very real possibility of snaring Milford, but so far, what is there to suggest we are at fault/undermining his Raiders contract/engaging in illegal activity? It may be the case, it may not be, but waving around wild conspiracies just makes 'em look like nutters...
Every assistant has that. No club would hold an assistant coach to his role if offered a head coaching role.

Is that a yes to Walters coming?
I'm not rubbing my hands with glee about Milford coming only for the reasons outlined. We've all said family comes first and with heart conditions being tricky to handle.

Bit torn on this one, hoping his dad recovers and whilst I would like him to play would he have the passion?

Quick aside, they bag the Courier Mail but the Canberra Times is hardly better than the free one thrown on your driveway
Their onto him now though, Maranta made it too obvious
Milford has plenty of speed and great footwork. Just ran Slater down.

His defense isn't too good at the moment and he has made some stupid mistakes at fullback today though.
Milford has plenty of speed and great footwork. Just ran Slater down.

His defense isn't too good at the moment and he has made some stupid mistakes at fullback today though.

He's still young, and if the rumours are anything to go by, his family is probably heavily on his mind.
I don't think fullback is his best position.
I don't think fullback is his best position.

I like what I see with Milford at fullback. A friend of mine made a comparison that I thought was very good, which was that in terms of ability and development, Milford looks a lot like Barba: they were both very talented five-eights as juniors but their best skills are their incredible speed, footwork, finishing and instincts. Neither are really super creative ball-players, which means they might not be as effective in the halves but their running game and their crazy ability to take half chances and turn them into breaks or tries make them great fullbacks.

Obv he needs time at fullback to get accustomed to it since he hasn't played there much before but Milford as a fullback is pretty bloody scary!
I think he has the potential to be even better than Barba, if we're going to have Barba and Milford in the same team I'd rather Barba is the fullback with Milford in the halves.
I think it's a shame when we have what should be a sensitive issue, but Raiders fans are making preconceived judgments about the health of Milford's father, saying Broncos fans are scum, etc.
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