[OFFICIAL] Barba to Broncos

Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Coxy has already said most of what I wanted to say, but [MENTION=1771]QUEENSLANDER[/MENTION] should remember how people on this forum treated the Te'o situation, well after he had joined the bunnies.
Most people were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt given the circumstances, and although we don't have all the details, the end result was that Te'o was cleared and the woman lost all credibility.

The Barba situation isn't that much different, except the waters are even murkier.
All we have is allegations, which this time are not even backed by a victim, about something that happened 6 months ago, and a player that appears to be trying everything to get his life back on track after whatever happened, instead of telling people to off themselves on Twitter. Anything else is pure speculation!
I doubt anything will come out of it anyway, given the fact that there is no one to substantiate the accusation, and I can't see the Broncos tearing up Barba's contract based a Daily Telegraph article fed by vindictive Bulldogs fans/staff.

The Dugan situation is totally different, in the sense Dugan just went a did exactly what he was sacked for at the Raiders during contract negotiations with the Broncos!

FTR, I abhor violence against women, but I agree with Coxy that there are different degrees of abuse. More importantly, how the involved persons react and behave is a telling factor as well.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

And the whole reason he wants to move to Brisbane is to be close to his family - who wanted to get away from Sydney - and work on rebuilding that relationship. It'd be pretty bad if the Broncos then said "yeah that's great but no deal for you".
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

And the whole reason he wants to move to Brisbane is to be close to his family - who wanted to get away from Sydney - and work on rebuilding that relationship. It'd be pretty bad if the Broncos then said "yeah that's great but no deal for you".


IF and it's a big IF, the woman in question was his partner and she doesn't want anything further to come from this and the situation was a one off. They need to be supported, people **** up and make mistakes and IF this was his mistake and they both have resolved it and are now working to repair their relationship then let's support them. If it happens again release him and ban him.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

The woman is not his partner she has said that over and over again.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

I'll continue on my anti-Bulldogs / anti-Greenberg / BS cover-up & mis-information rant. Here are some quotes I dug up:

“The club [Bulldogs] has kept the NRL fully briefed on the matter and it is clear that this is a case of everyone wanting to put Ben’s interests first,” NRL CEO Dave Smith, said on Monday.

This flys in the face of the suggestion that because the Integrity Unit was yet to be set up, that therefore there was no proper way for the NRL to investigate it and therefore the Bulldogs did not need to inform them of any allegations, proven or otherwise.

( 'Ben Barba is ill and he needs help': Bulldogs poster boy may be out of game for six months )

"Greenberg indicated Barba's problems involve alcohol and gambling but said there are a multitude of issues.

He added that the breaches of conduct are not legal matters but emphasized Barba needs the club's help to get his life back on track."

Just because someone is refusing to press charges doesn't mean it's not a legal matter. I thought in specific cases (such as domestic disputes), the police can investigate and charge even if the victim refuses to comply?

Barba stood down to deal with his demons - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Bulldogs CEO Todd Greenberg says the club Code Of Conduct breaches Ben Barba has committed are not related to a police matter, but could not detail exactly why the star has been suspended indefinitely.

Once again, clever wording. "Not relating to a police matter", because it never made it to the police.

Ben Barba Suspended Indefinitely By Canterbury Bulldogs | NRL News | Triple M
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

The woman is not his partner she has said that over and over again.

Why does the photo look a hell of a lot like her tho?
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Why didn't this woman go to the Police immediately?

Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Let's stop trying to guess who this bird is. Currently his ex-partner has said she was not assaulted. That's that.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

The woman is not his partner she has said that over and over again.




I have no idea why she's bleeding in that photo, and I'm not suggesting Ben touched her in anyway. That's not for me to decide, but I'd bet my humble savings account that the woman in these two photos is the same person.

Its not a coincidence that the photo was cropped just below that piercing when it was attached to the original story.
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Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

*Speculation, not fact.* I agree [MENTION=2290]theshed[/MENTION] based on those 2 pics it does seem you're right and if that is true it appears she has moved on and is repairing her relationship with him and he is coming up here to support.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

I'd say you guys are close enough to getting BHQ in trouble with this speculation on who it is.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

The mods can edit that post if they think tis over stepped a line (not that they need my permission). I'm not buying into any of this. Quite frankly, this is up to the courts to handle and if no one's pressing charges than its none of my business what happens in these people's lives. I watch football instead of home and away for a reason.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

She looks alright.

I'd hit it.... oh I mean I would taker her out on a date and .... ok ok I'm sorry, too far? Yes probably right, no pun intended (and by no pun intended I mean the exact opposite) and certainly I overstepped the mark on this one. I do apologise but Nashy set me up too well and it was too tempting to not take.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Oooooo, you're bad!

I am honestly sorry, but I cannot watch such a good opportunity go to waste. I feel bad for posting it, but I still stand by the comment. Nashy set it up way too nicely.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Well I apologise if you indeed are not one of them. It just gets a bit suss when ever there is a scandal we have never been so popular, like I say tho sorry if I falsely accused you

It's all good, it's hard to offend me, appreciate the apology none the less.

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