[OFFICIAL] Barba to Broncos

Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Double jeopardy? Barba got suspended and sidelined early this year as a result of this incident.

He was put into rehab and dealt with the issue privately. Arguably, this is the best for all involved.

Very very strange that this has come to light in the days after Barba signed with the Broncos.
True, if he has already been punished than that should be enough. It is the media that is putting him before a public court, courtesy of the Bulldogs.
Ben Barba - Breaking News

The NRL absolutely cannot take action against Barba where they may be suggesting guilt when the issue is a potentially legal one. Don't be ridiculous, Barba has not brought the game into disrepute in any way, the media has. Barba is innocent until proven guilty, the NRL cannot act in a way to suggest otherwise.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

The NRL absolutely cannot take action against Barba where they may be suggesting guilt when the issue is a potentially legal one. Don't be ridiculous, Barba has not brought the game into disrepute in any way, the media has. Barba is innocent until proven guilty, the NRL cannot act in a way to suggest otherwise.

The NRL may have provisions in their playing contracts for this sort of thing. There is no reason why they can't have a clause allowing them to stand down any player currently being investigated by the integrity unit, or law enforcement.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Fact is that I have not seen anywhere, not even in the released txt messages by Ainslie's "supposed friend", anything indicating the injury was even the result of an assault. She has always denied it, and I haven't seen any mention of a punch outside the sensationalized media frenzy.

For all we know, it could be nothing more than an accident because Barba did something with his drunken face that resulted in her injury (not assault), and she went to the Bulldogs about his out of control behaviour...

Also not saying it doesn't qualify as DV, but it is totally different from other cases, like Bird or Lui.

The NRL also has nothing to substantiate a deregistration of Barba, but hear-say and a picture. You can't compare it to Ferguson, whom has actual charges brought up against him, not only for assault, but other offenses, like driving unlicensed.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

The NRL absolutely cannot take action against Barba where they may be suggesting guilt when the issue is a potentially legal one. Don't be ridiculous, Barba has not brought the game into disrepute in any way, the media has. Barba is innocent until proven guilty, the NRL cannot act in a way to suggest otherwise.
It is the media that constantly bring the game into disrepute, they feed off of it. It is a shame that they cannot be held accountable.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

It is the media that constantly bring the game into disrepute, they feed off of it. It is a shame that they cannot be held accountable.
Rugby league players are soft targets for lazy journalist.that and boat arrivals . The story that gives from every angle.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

It is the media that constantly bring the game into disrepute, they feed off of it. It is a shame that they cannot be held accountable.

100%. The funny thing is the keep crying out that it has to stop, but could you imagine what the would be like if everything stopped and they couldn't feed on this shit
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

I love the walking hypocrisy that is Rebecca Wilson
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

What's the bet Barba plays in the finals
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

i come back to what currie posted on twitter two days ago.

"Journalists are just a bunch of parasites!!!!"

this will fade away pretty quickly. on The Back Page last night they made a good point in that if currie spoke to greenburg and requested the matter remain private then how could greenburg have gone to the NRL?
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

i come back to what currie posted on twitter two days ago.

"Journalists are just a bunch of parasites!!!!"

this will fade away pretty quickly. on The Back Page last night they made a good point in that if currie spoke to greenburg and requested the matter remain private then how could greenburg have gone to the NRL?

They did make some very good points, which will be drowned out by Paul K*nt tonight with his ban barba tirade. What's the bet if barba had signed with the titans he wouldn't have an issue with this whole thing. Like the dugan saga, 'Broncos would be idiots to sign him, he needs to be deregistered blah blah blah'.... Dragons sign him 'Great signing, very smart operators etc etc.'

**** I hate that guy
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

What has the bitch said now?

Nothing lately but she's always quick to sink the boot in and harps on about how many chances can people get. Given her history it's downright full retard
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News


None of it means anything till investigated. Otherwise it's trial by media.

Just another reason to shake your head and wonder about the culture of the Sydney based club Mafia.

While the Dogs screw you lot over Barba the Warriors look likely to cop the fall out of Jayson Bukuya being signed for next year while the Sharks march into the finals.

Bukuya is a different case ( guilty it seems ) Barba if guilty would see you guys screwed in the same way......only worse given the status of the players.
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

Jayson Bukuya? What's he apparently done?
Re: Ben Barba - Breaking News

He is rumoured to be amongst the 2011 Poptard class at the sharks iirc.?

I remember I chose him in my fantasy team that year as people had massive wraps on him. Didn't happen, but he is starting to live up to expectations.

That would be pretty crappy for the Warriors, much like Sandor Earl for the Raiders, not that they are missing out on much.

The way I see it with Barba is if he gets convicted for DV or worse (there's Chinese whispers of a Breaking Bad related situation - bloody hell I love that show), the Broncos will be affected but not financially and we will have dodged a bullet as we don't need trouble on top of our current concerns. I really hope there is nothing to worry about though as we need his talent.

Have police charges been laid?

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