[OFFICIAL] Barba to Broncos

I'm starting to get a terrible sinking feeling that this is all rubbish and we have all been sucked in...

Nah I'm still confident. After all the rumours flared up yesterday the Courier Mail released an article with quotes from Barba himself saying he will definitely move to QLD to be closer to his daughters, that he is a true QLD'er and that he always wanted to play for a QLD team. It all seems to line up. Besides, if his ex-partner is aware that he could potentially earn 4 million dollars over 4 years just because she moves to the Gold Coast then she'd be stupid not to do it, it's in the best interest's of her children.
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Quotes from Greenberg.
Ben Barba: Bulldogs will consider all options
"There's a lot more to it and it's not just black and white because there's a lot of grey in these discussions," he said. "We've always said we put people's families first in all our decision making, but he's also a highly prized commodity for the Bulldogs and we've invested a lot in him and vice versa. We see him as a long-term part of the club and I've always said I want to see Ben be a one-club player and play his whole career with the Bulldogs. That still resonates in me strongly, but you never know what's around the corner."One day down the track, whether that's next year or in five years, we'll deal with it when it happens. I don't think it's an issue in the current climate but if it does happen, that's the sort of relationship you want with your players when they are honest and up front."

This probably completes the first stage of what's been the formal part of the program," Greenberg said. "There are lots of checks and balances in place inside the club to make sure we keep helping Benny on his way forward, on his progress. But he's certainly bought into that, and I think that's helped the club. Myself and he have always had good, open, honest communication. He's done well, but I think there's always steps in place to make sure he can go back to it if he needs it.
"It's taken him some time to get back to how he wants to play football, and how he wants to live his life. He's working really hard on his issues with his former partner, and he's seeing more of his children. Like any normal person in the normal world, that would have an impact on how you live your life. He's in a good space."
The more I read the butthurt at the Kennel, the more I want this to happen. It would be awesome to see them with their tails between their legs. I swear some of them act like all-knowing oracles. Here's some good lines:

"Who the **** is the lurker anyways? If c***s like this really think they know what they are talking about, then why use names to hide behind IE RLW Mole, the lurker and so on" - Some guy who's real name is not likely to be "ASSASSIN".

And the fact what I have been told by people who know their shit." - "The Greatest", hopefully about to lose all cred.
That guy "The Greatest" claims to be a sponsor of the Dogs or something of that ilk. He's also the moderator that bashed and insulted one of their members for supposedly "trolling", although the guy did nothing more than report what we've all read from news articles, twitter and FB.

With Sponsors and mods like that, no wonder they have such a reputation... :scared:
Didn't Greenburg leave the Dogs to become assistant NRL CEO or something?
That guy "The Greatest" claims to be a sponsor of the Dogs or something of that ilk. He's also the moderator that bashed and insulted one of their members for supposedly "trolling", although the guy did nothing more than report what we've all read from news articles, twitter and FB.

With Sponsors and mods like that, no wonder they have such a reputation... :scared:
He's a corporate sponsor of sorts for the Bulldogs from what I know so his information would be solid so in truth it worries me that he thinks the rumors are bullshit.
I can't believe for a second we don't have any coin left in the cap for Barba. I think we are sitting on quite a bit of cap space waiting to see who is available.
He's a corporate sponsor of sorts for the Bulldogs from what I know so his information would be solid so in truth it worries me that he thinks the rumors are bullshit.
Well, Greenberg's declarations say different.
Only a month or so ago, he came out categorically denying anything of the sort. Now he's already towing the line of "We've always put families first in our decision making" and "One day down the track, whether it's next year or five years from now... blah blah", definitely doesn't sound like the resolute "There's absolutely nothing to it" from this TG guy...

This is the NRL, so anything is possible, and while some people here are possibly too enthusiastic, he definitely looks like he wants to bury his head in the sand, and will shoot down anyone that disagrees!
The way I take it TG is just saying the that it's a done deal is already bullshit, there's obviously no one that knows if Barba will change his mind in a few weeks or months except Barba but TG is denying that it's already a done deal.
[MENTION=1848]ningnangnong[/MENTION] - No not friends.
He's a corporate sponsor of sorts for the Bulldogs from what I know so his information would be solid so in truth it worries me that he thinks the rumors are bull****.

Yeah, I know we've gone over this argument of 'how much do sponsors really know', but chances are the Bulldogs, or his contact, are just feeding him the denial line. "Nothing to see here, we're still a premiership force that can retain our stars, your continued sponsorship of our infallible club remains a smart investment" blah blah blah.
Yeah. To me this is them trying to save face, so if he does sign with is its because they are the 'family' club
I dunno, it's tough for me to see it happening. Has any thread in the rumour mill turned out to be true? I'm pretty new but looking at the other thread topics most of them sound like rubbish.
I dunno, it's tough for me to see it happening. Has any thread in the rumour mill turned out to be true? I'm pretty new but looking at the other thread topics most of them sound like rubbish.
Most of us are just wishing it true Captainhook but you should know whether it is true or doesn't Gee Gee tell you? :biggrin:
On a serious note Moley rated it 76.9% chance of happening so it is being worked on but realistically he is right, partner could stay in Sydney or Dogs not let him go. I think the latter will not happen, if he wants to go they will release him so it depends on his partner

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