[OFFICIAL] Barba to Broncos



Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
i think the barba/milford situations are a bit different to just claiming compassionate grounds.

barbas kids are being moved to a different state.
milfords dad is very sick and cant travel.

its not just "im homesick" or anything like that.

The way I see it. Barba and his missus are from Mackay, not Brisbane. No one can say if the Broncos had a hand in securing a job for her.

Milford states his old man can't travel, but he travels nearly every week anyway.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
It would improve things, but in the case you use as example as well as in the Barba case, there probably will be third party deals (arranged by the agent) up the wazoo for those marquee players, which would make the move attractive enough anyway.

Of course it is always hard to determine how much truth is in the "compassionate grounds" presented, but one thing it needs to be, is verifiable. One example that comes to mind is Ben Hannant... I don't think anyone doubts his request was genuine.

I agree with the principle that a player should not get a pay increase, but on the other hand, that player could possibly get a major increase at his current club if he justifies it and both he and the club come to an agreement. This is something that wouldn't be possible at a new club, based on the above...
I have no doubt that both Barba and Milford could get a significant increase on their salaries at their current clubs, especially the latter.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
The way I see it. Barba and his missus are from Mackay, not Brisbane. No one can say if the Broncos had a hand in securing a job for her.

Milford states his old man can't travel, but he travels nearly every week anyway.
Barba's wife is not from Mackay, he is. Her family is mostly based around Brissy and Gold Coast.

Milford's dad condition has obviously been exaggerated when it comes to travel arrangements, but:

- The family doesn't want to move to Canberra (who would?).
- While Halo can travel, it is probably not advisable to do too much of it, given his heart condition.
- Milford put a clause in his contract renewal exactly for this purpose. This was done well in advance, in what was an obvious attempt to stay at the club that nurtured him, and to either get his family down to Canberra or see if Anthony could cope being away from his father.

Of course, we don't know whether there are backstage agreements going on with Barba's wife and/or Milford's parents, and even if that is clearly unethical, the fact is that it's a ruthless world out there, as the Inglis saga showed, and we have to learn to live and act the same way...


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
I personally dont have an issue with Barba getting a pay rise if Dogs release him from his contract but maybe the NRL could look at a loan type agreement for these situations?

Basically Barba would remain on his Bulldogs contract at for arguments sake 350k and be loaned to Brisbane for 2014 and 2015. The payment of the player now falls to Brisbane and forms part of their cap and is deducted from the Dogs cap. That way Barba's financial position doesnt change so people who dont think he should get a pay increase for breaking contract are satisfied, it also acts as a deterrent if players were just using an excuse to get more money.
It would also satsify the "homesick" player as they are now playing at the club where their family is.

When 2015 rolls around Barba is a free agent and his manager is able to get his 700k at Brisbane if both parties are keen or he goes back to market.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
@Porthoz, your point about him negotiating an upgrade at his current club is a fair one. However, something has to be in place to stop the situation of players making up compassionate stories to get out of deals to get a better one.

So far it's not a problem, but if you get Milford and Barba profit, it won't be long before those leeches we call player managers get lightbulbs shaped like dollar signs going off above their heads.

Perhaps even as simply that the Bulldogs have to agree to whatever deal he gets with the Broncos for 2014-15.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I am not buying into that $750k per year amount TBH. Barba will be on good coin but not that much.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
@Porthoz, your point about him negotiating an upgrade at his current club is a fair one. However, something has to be in place to stop the situation of players making up compassionate stories to get out of deals to get a better one.

So far it's not a problem, but if you get Milford and Barba profit, it won't be long before those leeches we call player managers get lightbulbs shaped like dollar signs going off above their heads.

Perhaps even as simply that the Bulldogs have to agree to whatever deal he gets with the Broncos for 2014-15.
Yes, agreed. As I said, the compassionate grounds have to be reasonable and justifiable, which I think applies to Barba and Milford, but not so much to Ferguson...


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Yes, agreed. As I said, the compassionate grounds have to be reasonable and justifiable, which I think applies to Barba and Milford, but not so much to Ferguson...

Ferguson's compassionate reasons are moot now that Furner's got the arse and he had a coach get out clause.

How you assess the legitimacy of someone's compassionate reasons is tricky. Milford and Barba's seem clear cut, yet the way the Raiders are acting (and their dropkick fans) they obviously have doubts.


NRL Captain
Mar 31, 2008
Barba's wife is not from Mackay, he is. Her family is mostly based around Brissy and Gold Coast.

are you sure? i was pretty sure they were from mackay.

i just googled her name and in the first article i opened (from feb when the barba issues were happening):

"Ms Currie's mother, who still lives in Mackay where her daughter grew up, said she had "no comment to make".

maybe the broncos bought curries mum a house in brisbane? ;)
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Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Look, from a purely selfish perspective, yay us. But if the shoe was on the other foot, we developed a player say from New Zealand who broke through as a junior and became a real sensation, but was contracted for another 2 years on a pretty low salary - and they turned around and said "I'm feelung homesuck bru" and we let him go, and he signs with the Warriors for a big upgrade...we'd be shitty.

IMO, if a player seeks a release from their contract then the requirement should be for the term of that contract their salary must be the same. So if Barba's on $300K now and we get him, then until the end of 2015 he gets $300K. Broncos can back end that deal beyond the 2 years if they like, but not before. That would act as a deterrent for people just wanting to get a quick upgrade.

I can't see this being too much of an issue ... Both Barba and Milford have pretty clear cut reasons for seeking releases on compassionate grounds .. It's not like every other player in the league has situations similar to theirs that they could look to leverage off .. Clubs just need to take each case like this on its merits.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
so how long before 1 year contracts are the norm? would prevent all of this stuff from happening, and can net players more money, sonny bill style.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
so how long before 1 year contracts are the norm? would prevent all of this stuff from happening, and can net players more money, sonny bill style.

Yeah I doubt they will become all the rage. Imagine if what happened to Yow Yeh happened to SBW when he was on a 1 year deal.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Ferguson's compassionate reasons are moot now that Furner's got the arse and he had a coach get out clause.

How you assess the legitimacy of someone's compassionate reasons is tricky. Milford and Barba's seem clear cut, yet the way the Raiders are acting (and their dropkick fans) they obviously have doubts.
The Raiders are obviously very disappointed and reluctant to loose a kid that could become the next big thing in RL. They're also acting in bad faith and totally deaf to the reasons being given for Milford's release, even if there is a clause insert in the contract for that exact reason, although none of us knows what the clause wording is exactly. The way Ayoub has conducted himself may have contributed to it, making bold statements that Anthony's father can't travel, etc...

are you sure? i was pretty sure they were from mackay.

i just googled her name and in the first article i opened (from feb when the barba issues were happening):

"Ms Currie's mother, who still lives in Mackay where her daughter grew up, said she had "no comment to make".

maybe the broncos bought curries mum a house in brisbane? ;)
I was pretty sure that her family lives in Brissy, and have read it on several places, but I'm certainly not putting my nuts on the chopping block! :scared:


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
People I know who played footy with him up there have told me that she's a Mackay girl.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Well she is moving to Brisbane to be closer to family so you would expect her to have some family in the area.


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
In an average workplace if an employee wanted to leave on compassionate grounds based on having a sick relative or wanting to be close and have regular contact with other family members that employee would most probably would be granted a release. Professional sports clubs of any kind shouldn't be any different.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
These guys will more than likely get away with breaking their contracts but they are doing other players a disservice. I'd be surprised if the clubs aren't getting together to find a way to word future contracts to protect themselves better.
It's like a lot of situations in general, someone finds a loop hole then it gets shut down or tightened.


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