[OFFICIAL] Barba to Broncos



NRL Captain
Mar 16, 2008
Far out, it reminds me of Oztag when a team I was playing for was short and rather than forfeit we got a bunch of Australian reps who were just sitting around waiting for their game to fill in. That was allowed by the referee and opposition captain, so long as they didn't score tries.... *

That kind of thing is fine for an amateur social sport. This is professional sport. The notion of such a clause is laughable.

* Result was they made a break every time they got the ball, and just waited until one of us caught up to give us the pass to score... opposition complained at the end of the game when we won like 21-0 that it wasn't fair. And it wasn't. But the captain agreed to it so he had to suck it up.

Exactly, don't be a dumbass or "nice" or a pushover when you negotiate a contract.


Milford has a clause allowing him to terminate essentially at his convenience if he is homesick or his father's health deteriorates. I assume the Raiders agreed to this because Milford originally had reservations about moving to Canberra..."It's ok Tony, you can leave whenever you want, no questions asked if your father gets sick or you're not fitting in, we'll write it into your contract".

It's exactly the same as a buyer's finance clause in a house contract. You simply give notice that you failed to get finance and you terminate. Yes, there is a limited obligation for the buyer to act in good faith and make reasonable attempts to actually obtain finance. But it doesn't mean you have to accept finance at absorbinant rates, or go to any extra effort to get finance.

Milford has exercised his right. End of story. If it goes to Court, Canberra will lose. It will be messy and a terrible look for the Raiders, but they're used to that.

Barba doesn't have that clause in his contract. He's seeking a termination by agreement of his contract so he can move to be with his family. Bulldogs want him to continue on.

The only thing stopping him from moving on is the NRL using its big arbitrary wand to say whether or not it would register his contract with the Broncos next year.

But there's so many other particularities in each contract that none of us know about that could turn the matter either way.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
So whats the deal with Aaron Barba? all I have heard is that he is bad news etc. but what actually happened?

Unbelievable talent, 61 tries in 40 Qld Cup games. Three tries in a Grand Final, he just couldn't get it together.

Went to Penrith but never played NRL.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Unbelievable talent, 61 tries in 40 Qld Cup games. Three tries in a Grand Final, he just couldn't get it together.

Went to Penrith but never played NRL.

Wow! What a waste. Thanks man


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Not the whole article but some interesting quotes from it:

No Cookies | The Courier-Mail

Reports have indicated Barba's management is seeking a seven-figure package, comprising a base salary of $500,000 annually plus a similar amount in marquee and third-party agreements.

The 24-year-old's current Bulldogs deal is worth an estimated $350,000 annually and it is believed the Broncos will table a similar offer, excluding a proposed transfer fee to Canterbury.The Broncos remain front-runners to secure Barba from next year, but White scoffed at the prospect of paying the reigning Dally M Medallist $1 million a season.

"That is a ridiculous proposition and one we would not even contemplate, simple as that," White said.

"To be fair on Ben, the amount of rumours out there without substance is grossly unfair as there are personal issues at stake here.

"I don't know where the rumours come from, but they (Barba's management) shouldn't consider talking to us if that's what they are asking.
"It's ludicrous for anyone to be talking about us paying Ben Barba $1m a season.

"If Ben wants to come to our club it would be on the grounds that he wants to play for our club and he is prepared to come here on reasonable terms that we both agree on.

"If money is the priority, Ben needs to look at another club."

Castle said she expected a definitive call on Barba, who has requested a release, to arrive soon."There are a number of stakeholders to get across, but I would think in the next seven to 10 days we will have a firm position of where we are at," Castle said.
"Player welfare is a hugely important element and that will ensure Ben plays at his best. That is an important part of our consideration, no doubt about that.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Lockyer doesn't think he is worth what their asking either.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
500K of the cap + 500K from other (limited?) sources. Though to be honest I'm not an expert on how third party deals work.
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
sounds like the Titans have a new fullback for next year ...
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
I wouldn't have too many qualms about paying Barba big coin. It's not like we have anyone else available on the market to chase.

But I do like to think this is just White being smart. Barba can't go sign for the Warriors or something, the way it's played out he basically has to sign for us or the Titans. By offering him a similar salary to what he's on now hopefully it just forces him to take it because he's already made his bed and allows us to keep more than enough space to sign someone else in the future (i.e. DCE). That's my hope at least. I would hope if Barba were just a free agent White would be opening the chequebook.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
I dunno where the Titans would get the big money to top us. It always sounds like they are both hurting for cash and salary cap space.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Yeah, I can see us bottling this now.

All that's left is Gee to come out and give Hoffman a 5 year deal at fullback :sleep:


Made Legal Threat to BHQ
Oct 31, 2012
Just confirms that our present management are the idiots that we all thought they were...we are running 10th and they have the guts to go around making these comments? Get the freaking deal done...we are not in a position to walk away from this opportunity.

If they don't get this done then the board needs to sack White and Gee immediately.


NRL Captain
Aug 5, 2013
I wouldn't have too many qualms about paying Barba big coin. It's not like we have anyone else available on the market to chase.

But I do like to think this is just White being smart. Barba can't go sign for the Warriors or something, the way it's played out he basically has to sign for us or the Titans. By offering him a similar salary to what he's on now hopefully it just forces him to take it because he's already made his bed and allows us to keep more than enough space to sign someone else in the future (i.e. DCE). That's my hope at least. I would hope if Barba were just a free agent White would be opening the chequebook.
I agree Ari. 1.Barba has only 2 possible clubs to go to. 2. titans have said they don't wont him. 3.we probably have another live wire fullback coming next year. 4. Barba has not been without his issues.5. We are the only team with cap space for next year, but that could change quickly. White would be mental if he just rolled over on this.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I full expected White to come out and say we are happy to pay him $1million a year.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I don't see a need for white to come out and say anything, I think it's a really stupid move tbh. The only way it is acceptable in my eyes is if the deal is already done and he just wants to hose down the large amounts been thrown around.

Quite frankly if no deal has been done and he is publicly throwing around quotes like this, I would say right now will zillman is getting ready to finish his career in the centres


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
If i was the Titans and had anywhere from 450-500k cap left i'd be putting a 24 hour open contract to Barba's management as soon as he gets the Bulldogs release and hope to sneak him in while White and Lockyer give their opinions to the media. Nothing to lose and much to gain for GC should they enter discussions.


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