[OFFICIAL] Barba to Broncos

Biggest thing I got from this article is the fact that Locky said he is not worth a million bucks yet and that he is still unproven at 5/8. He obviously knows that Barba is not coming to us to play fullback
To me that whole article is a save face piece because they have muffed it. Why does he even need to justify the rumoured amounts otherwise. To me barba has essentially fallen into our lap, gee has somehow fucked it and they are getting in before its announced he has signed with the titans, so they can be like, we didnt even want him.

Very real chase of this same champion team lining up again next year to battle it out for 12th spot on the ladder
Biggest thing I got from this article is the fact that Locky said he is not worth a million bucks yet and that he is still unproven at 5/8. He obviously knows that Barba is not coming to us to play fullback

That in itself is a real problem
To me that whole article is a save face piece because they have muffed it. Why does he even need to justify the rumoured amounts otherwise. To me barba has essentially fallen into our lap, gee has somehow ****ed it and they are getting in before its announced he has signed with the titans, so they can be like, we didnt even want him.

Very real chase of this same champion team lining up again next year to battle it out for 12th spot on the ladder

Life's an emotional rollercoaster for you isn't it? :laugh:
It's probably a done deal already otherwise why would White make comments like that? He could also just be playing down the money side of things as the whole release is supposedly only being granted on compassionate grounds so to talk about pay upgrades could jeopardize that.
To me that whole article is a save face piece because they have muffed it. Why does he even need to justify the rumoured amounts otherwise. To me barba has essentially fallen into our lap, gee has somehow ****ed it and they are getting in before its announced he has signed with the titans, so they can be like, we didnt even want him.

Very real chase of this same champion team lining up again next year to battle it out for 12th spot on the ladder

I'm hoping your wrong, but that same thought entered my mind. The other possibility of course is that they know that Barba is coming here, has no other options, and is playing a bit of publicity hard-ball to hose down any thoughts Barba's manager has of making a packet on this one deal.
I just wish the only comment from our side was something like "Should Ben Barba be released we will offer him a deal that we feel is fair for both parties and then take it from there".

Not a great look having our ex captain and club legend label Barba's request as ridiculous. Also puzzling Lockyer calling him a 5/8th, wish people would worry about where he will play after he is signed.

I still think this is just a beat up though, it would totally baffle me if White didnt have an idea of Barba's asking price way before now.
something no-one seems to be considering is that the Titans may (a) not be able to or (b) not be willing to meet the compensation package that the Bulldogs require.

and from all reports i have seen, nowhere does it mention that the Bulldogs CEO is even talking to the Titans CEO about potential compensation.
something no-one seems to be considering is that the Titans may (a) not be able to or (b) not be willing to meet the compensation package that the Bulldogs require.

and from all reports i have seen, nowhere does it mention that the Bulldogs CEO is even talking to the Titans CEO about potential compensation.

I dont think anyone is saying that the Titans are in a position to do anything, nor do we know if the Bulldogs are instersted in dealing with them.

The discussion i guess has arisen if the CM article rings true and we are playing hardball with no more than 350k it doesnt take much to join the dots and picture Barba's manager giving a call to the Titans. Really, the Bulldogs won't really care which club he goes to as long as they get what they want compensation wise.

Also, i'm pretty sure Barba mentioned the Titans in his interview last week on the Sterlo show. I got the impression that was more to downplay the fact that Brisbane were in the box seat but he still mentioned them.
Not a dig! Just noticeable that the good news gets you super excited, and the bad news gets you suicidal! Interesting, that's all :-)

Suicidal?!? What the ****??? Seriously all I said was what I inferred from the article is that they fucked up, either that or it's a pretty stupid move to state publicly you don't think he's worth much, just say nothing.
To me that whole article is a save face piece because they have muffed it. Why does he even need to justify the rumoured amounts otherwise. To me barba has essentially fallen into our lap, gee has somehow fucked it and they are getting in before its announced he has signed with the titans, so they can be like, we didnt even want him.

Very real chase of this same champion team lining up again next year to battle it out for 12th spot on the ladder

hear what you're saying but clubs need to stick to their guns in situations like this because if they don't it sets a very dangerous precedent ..

think of it this way, you wouldn't make a big bet on team that was paying $1.50 if you capped their price at $1.90, would you ?
So if we did pay Barba the 700k+ some think he is worth I'm sure you'd be stoked if we missed out on re-signing or signing other players because of it.
hear what you're saying but clubs need to stick to their guns in situations like this because if they don't it sets a very dangerous precedent ..

think of it this way, you wouldn't make a big bet on team that was paying $1.50 if you capped their price at $1.90, would you ?

I'm not sure your point regarding setting a precedent?

The precedent i would like to avoid is failing to sign a player due to playing hardball on a contract in the media.

Of course i dont think we are at that stage and i honestly think (hope) that White knows it would cost more than 350k to sign Barba. I'm just not sure what benefit it does to say it publicly.
So if we did pay Barba the 700k+ some think he is worth I'm sure you'd be stoked if we missed out on re-signing or signing other players because of it.

You mean the current players that got us bundled out without a fight first round of finals last year and who have done well lately to get us into 10th spot?

Sure, i'd be prepared to not re-sign some of these if we get Barba. Who are the other players we are missing out on by signing Barba?

I dont see why we couldnt fit Barba @700k into our current squad anyway.


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