- how is it known that Milford wouldn't have resigned with the raiders with out that clause, that is not known fact that is speculation. Be reasonable here.
At the time it was certainly mentioned, and again at the start of this whole saga. Why do you think the clause is there in the first place? Just because you don't want to believe it, doesn't make it true!
- I haven't heard that frm Milford's parents but ok.
Oh, you haven't heard. In that case, I'm sorry... It mustn't be true. :rolleyes:
- less money under the cap. every man and his dog knows that he is going to be fixed up with the third party deals which the broncos can offer that the raiders can't. Not having a dig at the broncs for doing it , I wish the raiders could. But let's not be naive.
Now, that is assumption, not fact. I'm only going with what has been published and is verifiable.
- Fergo played great in his last games for us, I liked carney at the end too. If your pointing out that Milford doesn't have disciplinary issues, you only need to look at Gagai before you think of glass houses. Though I agree that we are in the poopoo in this regard, the question is whether broncs should be slinging it at us.
This is not about slinging anything, it's about the FACT that Carney, Dugan and Fergo's behavior towards the club was far worse than what Anthony has ever done, but he's the one the Raiders chose to make an example from.
As to glass roofs mate, no one can seriously compete with Canberra. From Carney's antics, passing by Monaghan's dog, Dugan's cruisers to Fergo's disappearance, you almost have a monopoly!
- I'm sure there is lots of proof, but I agree that no one here has it. Who really cares about that garbage anyways.
point is don't preface a post with known facts and then fill it with opinion.
So I'm the one accused of posting opinions instead of facts uh? LOL
At least I can back up each and everyone of my statements with verifiable sources, what are yours, if not speculation?
again the raiders look fine, news limited is having a fair dig, but they won the broncos and what milf for 2014, so their opinion on the subject is hardly valid.
in fact if you want to look at reputation having your club being owned by a company that writes negative stuff on the game and other club dies a lot more damage to the reputation of any club or rugby league then a little too and fro over Milford.
I wasn't talking about what the Courier Mail or Canberra Times write, albeit they will certainly have some influence. It's about the image that the Raiders will have to the general League community and its stake holders. Another thing I am curious about, given the form of Don Furner with player contracts (remember Dayne Weston?), let's see what other players, especially those from the same background as Milford will think of all this...
afgntk - I highly respect his opinion, IMO he is valued at thegh, just becoz a few of the noisy people don't like hearing some of the stuff he has to say because it challenges their view on things doesn't change his stature at thegh.
I am sure all clubs forums could do with blokes like him.
I don't know afgntk, but he seems to think for himself, not just tow the "party line", in the same way Worm does. In FACT, most of the Raiders fans on BHQ seem to have a semblance of a brain, even if some are a little deluded! :aetsch: