[Official] - Milford signs with Broncos

Well, if the Raiders want to pay him more than Inglis or Thurston then he should take the money. It'd be bloody silly to turn down that much, just like it's dopey to offer a player with less than 50 first grade games a massive deal like that.

Given that the Raiders have to pay overs to attract players if one player is taking up a huge chunk of it then the quality of the team overall will suffer. Talk about cutting your own throat!
Well, if the Raiders want to pay him more than Inglis or Thurston then he should take the money. It'd be bloody silly to turn down that much, just like it's dopey to offer a player with less than 50 first grade games a massive deal like that.

Given that the Raiders have to pay overs to attract players if one player is taking up a huge chunk of it then the quality of the team overall will suffer. Talk about cutting your own throat!

This is how Ricky operates though. And he two or three years time he will leave, mid contract and leave the club completely ass fucked and it will be someone's else's job to try and fix his mess
Hi guys,

I was just trawling the greenhouse site and they had a link to a facebook a page saying the Raiders have offered Milford $1.3 mill per year. Any credence to this story?


https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php? ... eam_ref=10

It says page not found

So I tweeted on Milfords twitter page. Imagine making a break at Suncorp and 40000 qlders yelling Milf Milf Milf and he favoured it and retweeted it... Id post the photo but I don't know how lol
Milford needs to shave his head and then he can lead us around the park like the great bald playmakers of our past!
So this is a headline in News Ltd papers tonight
The Raiders have not given up hope Anthony Milford will decide to stay in Canberra

based on this McCrone quote
“I haven't had a talk to him but I think if you're happy where you are I can’t see why you’d move,’’ McCrone said.
“He seems to be happy now and it would be nice if he could stay. It’s not up to me to discuss with him, it’s his personal decision.’’

Deadline must have been coming up fast and nothing but crickets and an interview with a Raiders player no one cares about.

The Raiders have not given up hope Anthony Milford will decide to stay in Canberra | News.com.au