Hundreds of thousands of people prove that statement completely false. Canberra is Australia's premier city and a class above all the others. The standard of living there is second to none. Milford is on record as saying he wants to move his family to Canberra, which has now happened, so he obviously proves you wrong also.
‘‘I’m signed until next year but
I’m looking forward to moving my parents down, I’m trying to move them down at the end of the year,’’ Milford said.
Milford wants to make Canberra home | Kiama Independent-Lake Times
Face it, Milford likes Canberra. Oh and only outsiders are silly enough to confuse the federal government with Canberra the city. In fact Canberrans at the moment are the most anti federal government state/territory population in the country. The Liberals (Abbott's) vote in Canberra was the lowest in the entire country and the territory has one of only two state/territory Labor govs. Make no mistake, the federal government does not have Canberra's support.