[Official] Smith re-signs with the Storm



International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
If supporters from other teams ever browse this forum they must laugh at the desperation of everyone on here to have any worthwhile player rumoured to join the club.

I think most other supportors are laughing at us broncos supporters in general


State of Origin Rep
Jun 26, 2008
Smith will come if Walters is appointed head coach

Barba will only come if we have a coach with 'merit'

Does Walters have 'merit' ?

Can we please both Smith and Barba ??


BRL Player
Jul 9, 2013
This is when you know someone is spewing complete bullshit from somewhere

"Smith will sign for the broncos if X and Y happens and Z becomes coach, he has X person he misses in Brisbane and wants to move closer to his old neighbour's sister's dog who just got a place in Brisbane."

Competitive players want to go somewhere successful (or get paid handsomely to move). It's just a coincidence that we aren't successful under Hook and that is being used as the excuse as to why players won't join us.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
I served Tonie Carroll a couple of weeks ago, I work at a deli, he said "I'll have 2 KG's of marinated chicken wings"

I think he was giving me a subliminal message.. We're going to sign 2 wingers from the Roosters


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I served Tonie Carroll a couple of weeks ago, I work at a deli, he said "I'll have 2 KG's of marinated chicken wings"

I think he was giving me a subliminal message.. We're going to sign 2 wingers from the Roosters

Yes! RTS and topou. Tunzas cryptic hint is all I need.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I served Tonie Carroll a couple of weeks ago, I work at a deli, he said "I'll have 2 KG's of marinated chicken wings"

I think he was giving me a subliminal message.. We're going to sign 2 wingers from the Roosters

Post of the year contender right here.


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
Competitive players want to go somewhere successful (or get paid handsomely to move). It's just a coincidence that we aren't successful under Hook and that is being used as the excuse as to why players won't join us.

You're right about competitive players, however CHAMPION players want to be that guy who defies the odds and returns a club to glory. How good would that final feather in the cap of Smith be if he was here to help return the Broncos to their glory?


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
One thing worth noting, if Cam Smith asks for a release, he'll get it. I can't see the Storm saying no to him after what he's done for them.


QCup Player
Feb 20, 2013
Is your sauce Steve michaels?

Sauce??? Stick to the topic please!!!! He is a well known retired ex-Bronco who even u have probably heard of. I have known him for 3 years as we both live in the same small town, I occasionally run into him at the bar (as I did this arvo). He was at the ball the other nite and these r some of the things that he heard. His wife wore a lovely French gown with a lace bodice and he dressed in smart casual and they danced and pranced the night away.

In his spare time, he likes to listen to James Taylor and his favourite brand of pickles are Polski Ogorki. As far as his sauce preferences go, to be honest, the topic has never come up but I will ask him next time if it means that freakin much to u.

As far as the rumours go, I reckon that they r 50% true and I heard enough to know that there isn't any way possible that Hook will be around next year. Step 1 will be taken and when that happens, u will be amazed how smoothly the following steps will fall into place.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Sauce??? Stick to the topic please!!!! He is a well known retired ex-Bronco who even u have probably heard of. I have known him for 3 years as we both live in the same small town, I occasionally run into him at the bar (as I did this arvo). He was at the ball the other nite and these r some of the things that he heard. His wife wore a lovely French gown with a lace bodice and he dressed in smart casual and they danced and pranced the night away.

In his spare time, he likes to listen to James Taylor and his favourite brand of pickles are Polski Ogorki. As far as his sauce preferences go, to be honest, the topic has never come up but I will ask him next time if it means that freakin much to u.

As far as the rumours go, I reckon that they r 50% true and I heard enough to know that there isn't any way possible that Hook will be around next year. Step 1 will be taken and when that happens, u will be amazed how smoothly the following steps will fall into place.

Kevin Walters.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
I served Tonie Carroll a couple of weeks ago, I work at a deli, he said "I'll have 2 KG's of marinated chicken wings"

I think he was giving me a subliminal message.. We're going to sign 2 wingers from the Roosters

Tunza's racist. Just because they're not white, doesn't mean has has to describe them as 'marinated'.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
One thing worth noting, if Cam Smith asks for a release, he'll get it. I can't see the Storm saying no to him after what he's done for them.

I dunno. New owners, who seemed to be hesitant to buy unless Bellamy remained. They know that the only way the club will maintain public interest is if they're right at the top of the ladder, year in, year out (as has been pointed out previously by another poster). There is little doubt that the club is likely to tank when the big 3 retire, the only possible way of arresting the slide would be if someone like Smith remained there in a transitional phase to coach / mentor.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
Care to elucidate who these gift wrapped prolific players would be?
I cannot think of anyone except Inglis, and we all know how that went...
Well Inglis is obviously the main one, Dugan you can argue was the same (however, I could see the merit in not calling him prolific).
Barba is potentially another, he wants to come home to Qld and by all reports (including those from his family) he'd be keen to play for them.

That's 3 already - then you have to question how hard we went for people like Thurston (we basically had one meeting and Gee said can't afford him, oh wells!), DCE (admittedly the most unlikely, but, was there ever any dialogue and how serious was it?), Carney (there seemed to be VERY little talk about him despite the fact he was off contract and available) and Johnson (not over the line yet, but seems odds on to re-sign with the Warriors)

You can always look further and consider the future, players like Sam Williams (300k too expensive?), Widdop (though if I were the Dragons I'd be concerned with his latest injury) and Milford (again, did we even have a look at him?).

Now, agreed, not all of these are gift wrapped so my comment was probably hyperbole, but you cannot deny there have been PLENTY of gettable alternatives on the market, and thus far, we have ended up with zero. Now, if you're willing to be content that we *might* have tried to sign these players, then that's good for you, but all I see is lip service from Broncos Management so I'm not really going to be naive and think they did all they could to get all of those players. Hell, I doubt they've done all they could to get any of those players.

And that's why I'm flippant and instantly dismissive of any rumour that we could go get the best player in the game from the most consistent side, playing under the best coach. Oh yeah, I'm sure he'd be keen to leave all that to come to us - and if he's not doing it soon, are we keen on paying 800k for a 32-33yo hooker that will give us two years of service? He's a great player but he's not superhuman, even Lockyer began to lose consistency when he hit his mid 30's and he wasn't in the thick of it every game like Smith is. Smith would be getting the better deal out of it rather than the Broncos.
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Sauce??? Stick to the topic please!!!! He is a well known retired ex-Bronco who even u have probably heard of. I have known him for 3 years as we both live in the same small town, I occasionally run into him at the bar (as I did this arvo). He was at the ball the other nite and these r some of the things that he heard. His wife wore a lovely French gown with a lace bodice and he dressed in smart casual and they danced and pranced the night away.

In his spare time, he likes to listen to James Taylor and his favourite brand of pickles are Polski Ogorki. As far as his sauce preferences go, to be honest, the topic has never come up but I will ask him next time if it means that freakin much to u.

As far as the rumours go, I reckon that they r 50% true and I heard enough to know that there isn't any way possible that Hook will be around next year. Step 1 will be taken and when that happens, u will be amazed how smoothly the following steps will fall into place.

kerrod walters ?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
With Barba, he stop has 2 years? to run on his contract, so technically under nrl rules we can't even talk to him unless the a Bulldogs give us permission and can't sign him unless the Bulldogs give him a release. Alot here depends on the Bulldogs giving up arguably their best player.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
With Barba, he stop has 2 years? to run on his contract, so technically under nrl rules we can't even talk to him unless the a Bulldogs give us permission and can't sign him unless the Bulldogs give him a release. Alot here depends on the Bulldogs giving up arguably their best player.
Money talks. Tell Barba we'll pay him closer to what he wants and watch the personal issues come to the forefront.

It's a game of chess, we just need to be aggressive rather than waiting for the other persons move.

I don't think it's 100% that simple but on the same token, I think these negotiations aren't that complicated, it's usually just one party sticking to their guns and eventually getting what they want/reaching an amicable compromise.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
I dunno. New owners, who seemed to be hesitant to buy unless Bellamy remained. They know that the only way the club will maintain public interest is if they're right at the top of the ladder, year in, year out (as has been pointed out previously by another poster). There is little doubt that the club is likely to tank when the big 3 retire, the only possible way of arresting the slide would be if someone like Smith remained there in a transitional phase to coach / mentor.
You make a good point however if Smith asks for a release, I'm sure they'll try convince him to stay but if he's unhappy about staying they'll let him loose. That being said I think all this down to Brisbane talk is a ploy to increase his retirement cheque and he'll just stay at the Storm.

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