Pangai Shopping himself around?

There are hundreds of real journalists furloughed or fired and are desperate for a job. Fire these fake journalists jerks and give someone else like those desperate for work a go.

It’s the same BS, the same people who bring the game down for clicks when the real journos could develop a decent relationship with the players and Actually grow the game.

PvL could go one better and refuse to talk to them also.

Novel concepts but hey maybe Mr Red Bandana is right. We are just an east coast game scrapping for food.

Time for the game to grow up
Lol, this is News LTD, they hire people because they're scums, not the other way around. PVL is right up their arses, there's a reason the media circle jerk him.
How many contracts have been signed post this disaster of a season and prior? I’m not sure comparing unders contracts from 2019 remotely the same as now
Why? Because the same players who signed those contracts are have lost 10 games? So either, these players have so little passion and desire that they expect the results to happen FOR THEM, or they are not even worth the smaller valued contract they got....
So he’s had a phone call with Politis who has gone to the media to let them know? There’s something shady going on here.

Also Lockyer is the fall guy. There’s no way he’s had any real say in anything at all.
Also Lockyer is the fall guy. There’s no way he’s had any real say in anything at all.

not only is he on the board, but he was on the coaching selection panel ... he had just as big of a say in Seibs getting the job as White or Morris ... whether you want to believe it or not.
not only is he on the board, but he was on the coaching selection panel ... he had just as big of a say in Seibs getting the job as White or Morris ... whether you want to believe it or not.
He’s not even qualified to have a say. The majority of the blame falls on the other two who are responsible because they are qualified to make those decisions. I’m sure he wasn’t just following directions given by those he thought were smart enough to make correct decisions
Perese says hi
You've just given badel his stroy for tomorrow...

"Perese was a small link in the drug trafficking chain. Paul white has direct links to a Columbian cartel and has been supplying perese for months. Word from a reliable source is fifita is leaving the Broncos because seibold, another high up drug king pin, undercut fifita. Nius dad is also annoyed because he got sold drugs by seibold and is stuck in a trip. Tallis hates the club as he truly believes years of drug use supplied by darren Lockyer has caused him brain damage"
Stab in the dark here.. but pretty sure the Roosters have better things to do than leak a story like this to a journo.. TPJ doesn't appear like he is the intellect behind a machievellian scheme to further unrest at the Broncs and engineer his exit and maybe.. just maybe.... a pay increase in the bargain.. Wonder if TPJ has someone advising him.. say a player manager whom you might possibly think may benefit from such mischief being aired.. just a conspiracy theory of course :)
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Not sure why people are surprised. Pangai arrived at the Broncos by walking out on the Raiders.

He’s not really a stick solid sort of guy.
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He’s not even qualified to have a say. The majority of the blame falls on the other two who are responsible because they are qualified to make those decisions. I’m sure he wasn’t just following directions given by those he thought were smart enough to make correct decisions

Darren Lockyer was a player at the highest levels of the game for 15 years ... that qualifies him to have a say on the coach ... probably more so than the two businessmen you are blaming.

I get it ... you don't want to blame Lockyer because he was a great player for us ... maybe our greatest. but you can't blame White/Morris and the rest of the board and absolve Lockyer. it doesn't fucking work like that.
Darren Lockyer was a player at the highest levels of the game for 15 years ... that qualifies him to have a say on the coach ... probably more so than the two businessmen you are blaming.

I get it ... you don't want to blame Lockyer because he was a great player for us ... maybe our greatest. but you can't blame White/Morris and the rest of the board and absolve Lockyer. it doesn't fucking work like that.
He’s obviously to blame. But it’s not black and white. Lockyer would have barely any say in the business side. He’s there because they wanted someone involved in the club on the board. He gets a say but he also has no fucking clue what he’s doing. Nobody is absolving him, but he’s less to blame than the other two because he’s an unqualified bozo who shouldn’t have the job in the fucking first place.

Fucking weird that you’ll absolve blame from a Seibold for months on end and this is the weird hill you’re choosing to die on by the way.
Darren Lockyer was a player at the highest levels of the game for 15 years ... that qualifies him to have a say on the coach ... probably more so than the two businessmen you are blaming.

I get it ... you don't want to blame Lockyer because he was a great player for us ... maybe our greatest. but you can't blame White/Morris and the rest of the board and absolve Lockyer. it doesn't fucking work like that.
From the little snippets that work there way out it appears to me that Lockyer was important in the decision to hire Siebold over other options but otherwise could be the proverbial 3rd wheel on that board when it comes to the nitty gritty of the negotiations and contracts.

Hiring Siebold was an understandable decision at the time I would say, what was reckless was the length of the contract with what appears to be little recourse for the club to easily change direction if required. Details matter greatly.

I wonder about the business savvy of Darren Locker, is it possible that he doesn't have the experience to know that just because a candidate "interviews very well' (As DL mentioned about Siebold) it means little compared to how they actually may perform once hired, which is why the employer needs protection when offering an employment contract. Any experienced hirer knows this, it's one of the critical skills you need in business.
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As much as we hate the media, where there’s smoke their is normally fire.
TPJ’s insta response gives me zero confidence he wants to stick around.
A phone call between TPJ and Politis, so which leaked it?
It doesn’t look good either way.
This club is so f’d at the moment, it’s unbelievable and laughable.
The ENTIRE management needs an overhaul.
White, Morris, Nolan, Locky, Seibold. Get rid of them all and get some pride back in the joint.
The clubs gone to shit, no if’s, no buts.

Murdoch get something done.