Pangai Shopping himself around?

He was right about Bateman...
And a broken clock is right twice a day... if I throw enough darts at a dart board I'll hit the bullseye at least once too...
he has a new rumour from a reliable source 2-3 x per week. I could count on 1 hand the amount of times it's proven to be true, not a great strike rate after 10+ years.
A guy was tallying up rumours that NRL journos did and whether they became true on Twitter. Hooper had the worst strike rate if memory serves me correctly.

Ps: anyone know what happened to that bloke? Mysteriously disappeared....
he throws so many darts are the board, he's bound to hit the bullseye eventually.
He was also right about the phone call to ‘The Roosters’ as confirmed by TPJ himself.

The only thing he can be ‘wrong’ about is the content of the conversation.

Maybe 24 year old TPJ met 78 year old Politis ‘2 years ago’ and became close buds and rang this near billionaire to ‘give him shit’ about selling a few BBL shares.

Or maybe TPJ rang him to sound out a gig at the Roosters...

Or maybe he did both...
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He was also right about the phone call to ‘The Roosters’ as confirmed by TPJ himself.

The only thing he can be ‘wrong’ about is the content of the conversation.

Maybe 24 year old TPJ met 78 year old Politis ‘2 years ago’ and became close buds and rang this near billionaire to ‘give him shit’ about selling a few BBL or shares.

Or maybe TPJ rang him to sound out a gig at the Roosters...

Or maybe he did both...

Or Pangai did just call him for a catch up/about the shares and Nick checked in with him about how he was going up here.

That then becomes ‘I was on the phone to Tevita the other day, asked him how he was going, said he was happy’

which then becomes

“Tevita called Politis enquiring about a possible move from Brisbane”
So if Tevita ever did want to move to the Roosters he has a direct line to ol Nick. What a great assett he is to the Roosters club. His communication skills must be pretty good to keep Tevita ringing. Of course we have the same type of figurehead at the Broncos who is able to befriend and charm potential signings don't we. Don't we?
He was also right about the phone call to ‘The Roosters’ as confirmed by TPJ himself.

The only thing he can be ‘wrong’ about is the content of the conversation.

Maybe 24 year old TPJ met 78 year old Politis ‘2 years ago’ and became close buds and rang this near billionaire to ‘give him shit’ about selling a few BBL shares.

Or maybe TPJ rang him to sound out a gig at the Roosters...

Or maybe he did both...
Exactly how I read his excuse.
Or Pangai did just call him for a catch up/about the shares and Nick checked in with him about how he was going up here.

That then becomes ‘I was on the phone to Tevita the other day, asked him how he was going, said he was happy’

which then becomes

“Tevita called Politis enquiring about a possible move from Brisbane”

Hoops could easily be wrong. But he has had a much better strike rate lately, when players are denying it initially.

I’m waiting to see if Hoops pulls him on as he did Bateman...
There are hundreds of real journalists furloughed or fired and are desperate for a job. Fire these fake journalists jerks and give someone else like those desperate for work a go.

It’s the same BS, the same people who bring the game down for clicks when the real journos could develop a decent relationship with the players and Actually grow the game.

PvL could go one better and refuse to talk to them also.

Novel concepts but hey maybe Mr Red Bandana is right. We are just an east coast game scrapping for food.

Time for the game to grow up

I'm not defending the journalists, but I also don't buy this 'talk up the game' crap either. This was pushed by Todd Greenberg and some at NRL headquaters who wanted to deflect from their poor performances.

I must say Tevita Pangai jnr explanation seems very shakey. As some have noted he did walk away from the Canberra Raiders so it should not be any surprise if its true that he is shopping himself around to other clubs.
The club should grow a pair & stop grovelling to these entitled morons who haven’t achieved anything in the game. Tell him to go! He deserves as much respect as he’s shown the club.
I like TPJ as a Bronco, but shit like this needs to stop, and get rid of anyone who doesn't comply.
No more fucking dodgy phone calls with uncle nick, no more dodgy facebook posts from Tesi's dad, no more inside info leaked out of the Broncos, no more leaked sex tapes.

This club has become a fucking joke.
I like TPJ as a Bronco, but shit like this needs to stop, and get rid of anyone who doesn't comply.
No more fucking dodgy phone calls with uncle nick, no more dodgy facebook posts from Tesi's dad, no more inside info leaked out of the Broncos, no more leaked sex tapes.

This club has become a fucking joke.
The dodgy **** at the Roosters also needs to stop. There’s no way he’s not doing shady shit to aid the Roosters.
Like everyone else has pointed out. Why is TPJ calling the billionaire owner of another club? Which of the two told a third party and why was it worth mentioning?

if TPJ was your misses and Politis was the guy she told you not to worry about, you wouldnt buy this story for a second.
The only thing to look forward about this club is the end of the year and White fucking off, hopefully Seibold too. **** I can’t stand either of them. I just want some **** to scream in White’s face, thanks for the balance sheet dickhead.
I'm not defending the journalists, but I also don't buy this 'talk up the game' crap either. This was pushed by Todd Greenberg and some at NRL headquaters who wanted to deflect from their poor performances.

I must say Tevita Pangai jnr explanation seems very shakey. As some have noted he did walk away from the Canberra Raiders so it should not be any surprise if its true that he is shopping himself around to other clubs.
TPJ got on the phone to WB to ask the Broncos to take him. The blokes got history so I reckon the rumour has legs. If so let him go.