Pathetic Sydney Roosters Crowds

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Well, if they don't provide adequate bus services on game days, then that's just poor planning. If the fans are their priority, SURELY they would provide more buses seeing as they are over-capacity. That's just a big epic fail.

Twiztid, well said!
guppy said:
Nashy said:
I would also love for someone to tell me what is so different about Sydney's nightlife, and Brisbane's nightlife, that makes it so darn special to go out in Sydney.
You have more clubs, and more people. We have clubs, we have people. Everyone in both cities are doing the same thing when they go out. So using the nightlife argument is crap.


Not discounting anything else you've typed, but this is funny. Imagine using a comparison of Brisbane vs. New York. Everyone in both cities are doing the same thing when they go out!!!
Sydney obviously isn't quite on that scale, but Brisbane is probably one of the more boring "cities" I've been to. It is what it is. It's not trying to be anything bigger so there's no need to talk it up.

Do I need to provide my "I'm a Queenslander, I've lived in Brisbane, my Mum still lives there" disclaimer?

But what makes it "boring"? There are clubs. A club is a club is a club.
There are pubs. A pub is a pub is a pub.
There is a casino. A casino is a casino is a casino.
There are restaurants.
There are movie theatres.

The argument that Sydney's exciting nightlife is the reason people don't go to the football is still utterly laughable.

You have, however, raised an interesting point about a group of mates who support different teams, and thus if more than one is playing at the same time, better to go to a pub/someone's house and watch it on TV.

To me that's an issue the NRL needs to look at, to prevent more than 1 game being in the same city on the same day as much as is possible.
Coxy said:
But what makes it "boring"? There are clubs. A club is a club is a club.
There are pubs. A pub is a pub is a pub.
There is a casino. A casino is a casino is a casino.
There are restaurants.
There are movie theatres.

I'm sidetracking here and this is the last post I'll contribute in this thread.

I'm sure you have a preference over which pub you go out to. Why do you prefer that pub over another pub? Could location be a part of it? The view? The atmosphere?

I'm not going to compare each club/bar/casino individually, but there's a reason people to go to Vegas rather than Brisbane for casinos. I think most casinos look the same inside, but there's an atmosphere in Vegas that Brisbane will never capture. A certain buzz. The same applies for any truly big city.
That's not to say that you can't have as much fun in a smaller city, but it's just not as accessible. Which is fine, but are you seriously comparing Brisbane to the big boys? C'mon.

Why did you climb Mt Kilimanjaro? Surely a mountain is a mountain is a mountain...

Coxy said:
The argument that Sydney's exciting nightlife is the reason people don't go to the football is still utterly laughable.

It's a bit laughable. Not quite utterly, but a bit. I don't think Sydney's nightlife is THAT exciting, but can see why some people do.
I honestly think that reason I stated would apply to a lot of people living in NSW. You go to the footy when you can get decent numbers. Otherwise, you all go and enjoy it at the pub or at someone's house with a few pizzas.
I don't call it soft. I call it lack of passion for the game of rugby league. And any city that has a general lack of passion for the game can't be its heart.
Well Sydney. Make the choice. Football or going out.

Don't whinge when it bites you on the arse, and you lose teams.
Nashy said:
Well Sydney. Make the choice. Football or going out.

Don't whinge when it bites you on the arse, and you lose teams.

Exactly. If there's "Better things to do than going to rugby league matches" then don't have the hide to call yourself "the heart of rugby league".
The reason they give the Broncos Friday and Sunday games is because they RATE better on TV. Yet, strangely, also draw more people to the games than any other team.

Funny that. It's because Brisbane is the heart and soul of rugby league. Hell, every Broncos game there are literally HUNDREDS of people who aren't Broncos fans and in fact wear jerseys of teams not even taking part. They go because they live in Brisbane and breathe Rugby League.

Brisbane, or rather, SE QLD, is the heart of rugby league in Australia.
The Rock said:
Is that the best you got? Because you have people wearing other jersey's going to games? They do that here to so what's the point? Also, did you ever think that there is only ONE team in Brisbane, so St George, Bulldogs, Manly, Tigers fans etc will need to get their football hit somehow, no wonder they turn up to Broncos games because they have no other NRL games to go to!

Go to a game in Sydney one day Coxy where they have to over-sell the stadium to just get everyone in the ground (like a C'town the other week), where the place is full 1 hour before kick off, where you have people sitting illegally on the bricks at the back of the hill but the cops and security say nothing because the stadium is as full as it is that there would be no where else to go, and then come back and tell me that Sydney is no longer the heart of rugby league.

OK so far in this thread:
- guppy has highlighted that there is no public transport infrastructure at Brookvale Oval, hence poor crowds
- Rock has highlighted that stadiums used are inadequate to cater for large crowds

Seems to me it's time Sydney gave up these quaint little suburban grounds and went to bigger stadiums like the SFS and ANZ Stadium - and better yet, built another one in between, a Suncorp Stadium style venue.

Have all teams play out of one of those 3 venues. Maybe then crowds and support would get up to acceptable levels. Then at least Sydney could call itself the aorta of rugby league, distributing the blood pumped from the heart up here in Queensland.
SFS will need to be updated though.

Still can't believe how bush league it was for a big stadium.
Rocky, if people love suburban grounds, how come they're not full (or close to being full) all the time? I mean, they don't have larger capacity in comparison to purpose-built stadiums, so SURELY it would be pretty easy to fill them up.
i honestly cannot believe that you guys are still playing up the 'nightlife' card. there are dozens of clubs, catering to every different crowd, in brisbane/the valley and then the gold coast is only 45 mins down the road. like coxy said, a club is a club, a pub is a pub. sydney has them, brisbane has them.

its a ridiculously poor excuse for sydney people being lame and not getting to games.
And even then if Sydney have better things to do, surely they should retire some teams?
So Rock, you still haven't justified why Sydney is the heart of rugby league if people would rather go out on the town instead of going to a match?
The Rock said:
Hey Fltteryby Thanks for proving my point, you seemto think going to the footy on a Saturday night is way more fun and important than going out and enjoying Sydneys attractions, well maybe for you and any other boring person buy seriously, footy on a Saturday night totally sucks.

Tell me again how I proved your point? What I said was that if you are a supporter of RL and your team you do find it an attractive option to watch them play whenever they play. PLUS you can still go out and do something afterwards. When I was younger into going out in the city (either Brisbane or Sydney) we would go to the footy first and then hit the town/other attractions afterwards - best of both worlds. However if you don't REALLY support the
game or your team, then yeah you probably don't see going along to watch them as an attractive option.

The Rock said:
Maybe people like me and you can't find anything better to do than go to the game and watch our team play but we are diehard fans who will put a game first before most other plans. I'm not talking about the diehard fans that go to games, I'm talking about your everyday Manly, Bulldogs or Penrith fan who COULD find something better to do. Not all league fans are diehard fans, and that's fine.

But thank you for proving our point - most people in Sydney are not diehard fans ergo Sydney not the heartland of RL.
Maybe Sydney just need more double headers.
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