Peter Wallace officially released to join Panthers



International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

can you please stop just name dropping players from 20+ years ago to try and give yourself some sort of credibility when those players have absolutely no relation to what you're even talking about? Getting annoying seeing this every other day.

the eels problem has absolutely nothing to do with having not done something in 20+ years lol. Its everything to do with just having invested poorly in players and buying the wrong people way to much money. Kinda like where the broncos problems are starting to show from. You probably didn't know this, since you seem to try and only read old footy stuff from 20+ years ago, but parramatta were one of the top teams for a few years in the early 2000s. Not just good, they completely dominated then would fall short when it counted. They haven't just lacked one thing since Kenny and sterlo retired lol.

didn't someone mention a book about parramatta recently? Guess that's where your new found wisdom on the topic comes from.

I actually don't find broncoman annoying at all. For someone his age he knows an impressive amount about league. He wasn't name dropping in his post he was providing an opinion and backing it up with clear examples.

What is annoying is your constant belittling of other posters opinions. You seem to think that your opinion is the only one that matters and how dare anyone have an opposing view. It's getting very tiresome
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I dunno, he fucked one of Ben Hunt's line breaks the other night...if we scored then, we'd really have had them in strife at half time...

and it wasn't just the red headed nuff dropping the ball and knocking on from Hunt's break........but earlier in the movement, Hunt actually looked inside to pass when he realised he was in some space. He looked inside only to find our "dummy half" Peter Wallace, languishing 2-3 m behind instead of following through the player he just passed to from the a dummy half, Wallace is a great halfback :001_rolleyes:

He's a useless dim witted turd, who has no idea what's happening in front of him.
Last edited:


QCup Player
Aug 4, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I will not be sad to see Peter leave. I'm tired of him putting in poor performances and then listening to people defend him by pointing out how hard he works; he does put in a tonne of effort but I want a halfback who is creative and exciting and who intimidates the opposition. Leave the hard work to Corey Parker.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I will not be sad to see Peter leave. I'm tired of him putting in poor performances and then listening to people defend him by pointing out how hard he works; he does put in a tonne of effort but I want a halfback who is creative and exciting and who intimidates the opposition. Leave the hard work to Corey Parker.
Great username, Webcke rocks.


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

can you please stop just name dropping players from 20+ years ago to try and give yourself some sort of credibility when those players have absolutely no relation to what you're even talking about? Getting annoying seeing this every other day.

the eels problem has absolutely nothing to do with having not done something in 20+ years lol. Its everything to do with just having invested poorly in players and buying the wrong people way to much money. Kinda like where the broncos problems are starting to show from. You probably didn't know this, since you seem to try and only read old footy stuff from 20+ years ago, but parramatta were one of the top teams for a few years in the early 2000s. Not just good, they completely dominated then would fall short when it counted. They haven't just lacked one thing since Kenny and sterlo retired lol.

didn't someone mention a book about parramatta recently? Guess that's where your new found wisdom on the topic comes from.

Just providing an opinion that's all, I agree with you saying that their investment in players is poor and that they are signing duds for absurd amounts. I personally saw a few of those Parramatta teams from the early 2000's and they did have a pretty good team, 2001 they did everything except win the premiership, they had some really good underrated players in that team.
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Didn't they even lead by 20 or something at half time in that GF?


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Didn't they even lead by 20 or something at half time in that GF?

Newcastle lead 24-0 at halftime they used an effective game plan that targeted the defence of Brad Drew and Jason Taylor which gave Newcastle complete domination through the middle. Parra to their credit came back and got to 30-24 with a minute to play.


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I actually don't think dal dropped the ball anyway. I think he juggled and caught it falling over in the attempt. But either way. He isn't a first grade quality hooker whereas we have two options in q cup that are. In saying that, he did much better against the knights than the cows. Didn't totally destroy any forward momentum this time. Although the refs made up for that.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I actually don't think dal dropped the ball anyway. I think he juggled and caught it falling over in the attempt.

He knocked it on into a Newcastle player .......
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

It was a silly offload from Hunt to start with.

agreed mate. He needed to hold onto the ball at that point. I really wonder where the support was. That is where someone had to be charging through ready to take a pass before Hunt got tackled.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Fourex suffers from tunnel vision. He only saw the ranga knocking on...

He knocked it on ....yes or no?

I agree that Hunt should have hung onto it as I think it was only the 3rd or 4th tackle. It's a patience that I hope he learns fast.

I was simply correcting someone who thought that ole petey boy didn't drop the ball, which as we all know

he did.

There was no reason to get all pissy with me ......
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

It looked like Wallace was there but only to be ready at Dummy Half and wasn't expecting the offload. Another example of what happens when playing out of position.

More like an example of a player who has the reactions and motor skills of an 80 yr old man.......:laugh:


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

So... Apparently Wallace will be signing with the Tigers tomorrow.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Well looks like Tigers CEO has denied it... So maybe not.

C'mon Parra, take him please. I want to see Wallace and Norman as a halves combo again, just not for us.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Well looks like Tigers CEO has denied it... So maybe not.

C'mon Parra, take him please. I want to see Wallace and Norman as a halves combo again, just not for us.

Haha hell yes

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