Peter Wallace officially released to join Panthers



International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Hmmmm's everybody's fault except Peter's. :001_rolleyes:
No, most people seem to be able to recognise Wallace's flaws, but also his strengths.
You're just spiteful...

Raw Boned Youngster

QCup Player
Mar 9, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

No need for the overly dramatic response there old leg, merely pointing out that in the poorly thought and simplistic out game plan we have, especially considering the players we have, Wallace's doesn't have the skill set to make a significant difference in attack. without the ball, he continues to be excellent.
The current approach seems to rely on individual opportunism, rather than a constructed approach.
Interesting that we are allegedly targeting the 'off the cuff' types as recruitments.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

but right now things don't look so good for Wal. they don't.

I just hope now that if he continues to nuff it up, we call it much earlier than we have done.

I hate to think he was holding back more young Brisbane talent like he has been doing.

Let's hope it isn't too late for Ben Hunt and he can start to put together his own game that he isn't languishing behind the likes of Peter Wallace.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

No Cookies | The Courier-Mail

THE manager of ex-NSW halfback Peter Wallace has revealed his client's frustration over becoming one of the big-name casualties of the tug-of-war over NRL superstar Ben Barba.

Allan Gainey says Wallace is "prepared to go anywhere" after claiming an about-face from his NRL club the Broncos cost him a Penrith contract believed to be worth $1.5 million.

Despite denials from Brisbane coach Anthony Griffin, Gainey said Wallace sought a release almost two months ago when the Penrith offer lobbed but was knocked back by the Broncos.

However, Gainey said weeks later the Broncos told Wallace he could seek a release as they joined the hunt for Barba but by then the Penrith offer was off the table.

Wallace - once the Blues' Origin No.7 - has since been demoted from the Brisbane starting side and comes off the bench as the back-up hooker.

"A release was sought seven weeks ago but the coach refused to consider it," Gainey said.

"But now they are chasing Barba they want to create room (under the salary cap).

"I asked at St George but they got Sam Williams from Canberra.

"Newcastle didn't have much money to spend at all after signing Michael Dobson from (English) Super League and Penrith have re-signed Isaac John.

"He is prepared to go anywhere in the NRL if something came up but at the moment there's no options."

Parramatta looms as the only option left for Wallace while cashed-up halfback Chris Sandow remains on the outer.

But Gainey said at this stage Wallace was prepared to see out his Broncos contract which expires at the end of next season even if it meant languishing in the second-tier Queensland Cup.

"It's a shame when coaches chop and change but he's not going to do his bum - he will stay at the Broncos so he can get paid," Gainey said.

"He could go to Super League but he's not ready to go for family reasons.

"He believes he has two or three good years of NRL still left in him."

The Broncos are desperate for a marquee signing but may be sweating on Barba's availability for some time.

Barba was set to ask the Bulldogs for a release once his former partner took up an option to move to the Gold Coast with their two young children.

But Barba's manager Gavin Orr said there was still a chance the livewire fullback would stay in Sydney and see out his Bulldogs contract until the end of 2015.

"It will be hard for Ben to stay here if that does happen (family leaves for Queensland) but it's a week to week thing with his partner during their reconciliation," Orr said.

"Things might change again but at the moment it is a personal thing between them."

Orr said at the moment Barba was just concentrating on an early return from an ankle syndesmosis injury suffered in last Friday night's 40-12 win over the Eels.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Nice job Griffin ya fucken idiot, now we're stuck with him :witchhunt:
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I'm sure you meant, than sign McCrone, not then sign McCrone, lol.

Yeah I needed to go to The Derek Zoolander School for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Want to Do Other Stuff Good Too

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Harry Sack

Harry Sack

International Rep
Forum Staff
Jun 12, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Steve Renouf

Steve Renouf

NYC Player
Aug 31, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Fourex, for the insightful things you sometimes come out with, you then nullify this with your spiteful, self-serving negativity about one of the only guys that has tried his heart out for the club. You got what you wanted in Wallace leaving, why not give it up? mod edited: original post edited
So personal attacks are allowed here?
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State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

anyway, it seems Wallace has given up on the Broncs after last night.

But he tries hard..
But he leaves nothing in the tank..

Spew all the superlatives you want, I can't wait for the day he is permanently off our books.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

But he tries hard..
But he leaves nothing in the tank..

Spew all the superlatives you want, I can't wait for the day he is permanently off our books.

Yes we know and nearly everyone agrees, but can't we just give it a fucking rest. The guy will be gone sooner rather than later so who gives a ****. Every fucking post at the moment in nearly every thread is the same fucking thing, Christ!

P.s. I am aware this is the Wallace thread its just happening in every thread so this is the only thread I could rant in while staying on topic


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Won't lose the game for us but will never ever win it for us either


NRL Captain
Mar 25, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Won't lose the game for us but will never ever win it for us either

I dunno, he fucked one of Ben Hunt's line breaks the other night...if we scored then, we'd really have had them in strife at half time...
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

He mightn't be a bad pickup for Parramatta they need a half that can organise the team and that's been their problem ever since Kenny and Sterling retired. Wallace isn't the best but he is solid and gives his all which is something Sandow doesn't do.
can you please stop just name dropping players from 20+ years ago to try and give yourself some sort of credibility when those players have absolutely no relation to what you're even talking about? Getting annoying seeing this every other day.

the eels problem has absolutely nothing to do with having not done something in 20+ years lol. Its everything to do with just having invested poorly in players and buying the wrong people way to much money. Kinda like where the broncos problems are starting to show from. You probably didn't know this, since you seem to try and only read old footy stuff from 20+ years ago, but parramatta were one of the top teams for a few years in the early 2000s. Not just good, they completely dominated then would fall short when it counted. They haven't just lacked one thing since Kenny and sterlo retired lol.

didn't someone mention a book about parramatta recently? Guess that's where your new found wisdom on the topic comes from.
Old Mate

Old Mate

NRL Player
Jul 5, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

After receiving a new eels jersey his passion exploded, feel the passion.

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