Peter Wallace officially released to join Panthers



Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I'd say more his attack wasn't relied on so his strength being his defense was able to shine more.
Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

To be fair though, with the spine that Melbourne's got I'd probably go alright at 5/8. Don't forget that Wallace was a very good player when playing alongside Senor Lockyer.

The correct wording should be "was made to look a very good player". Not at all the same as being one.

It's like when Jason Gillespie got 200 in a test. He wasn't a great batsman, but Bangladesh made him look like one.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Yeah origin selection was just for having red hair.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Yeah origin selection was just for having red hair.
his origin selection was based on 2 things.

1. nsw have no standout halves.
2. he played for the broncos.

point 2 is generally enough for complete numpties to get selected in origin despite not deserving it.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Don't forget that Wallace was a very good player when playing alongside Senor Lockyer.

LOLZ he wasn't.


NRL Player
Apr 23, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

LOLZ he wasn't.

Maybe not but he certainly wasn't as shit as he is now playing alongside Prince/Norman. It probably was just Lockyer all along ;)


Banned User
Jul 4, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I'd hazard a guess posters were saying something different about Wallace in '08/'09 regardless of what they are saying now.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
I'd hazard a guess posters were saying something different about Wallace in '08/'09 regardless of what they are saying now.

I wasn't here at the time, but when Wallace went down late in the Dragons semi in '09, everyone knew we'd lost any chance of beating the Storm the next week. An 'ordinary' player wouldn't carry that level of expectation.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I'd hazard a guess posters were saying something different about Wallace in '08/'09 regardless of what they are saying now.
not me. said he was rubbish then and didnt want him, nothings changed in 6 years.
Steve Renouf

Steve Renouf

NYC Player
Aug 31, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

There are enough threads already for Fourex and cohorts to wank about. Merged...

This relentless crap on a player that regardless of talent, has always left everything he has on the field for the Broncos jersey, seriously makes me wanna puke.
He may lack talent, he may not be what we need, and he will probably move on at the end of the season, but he certainly doesn't deserve this treatment!

Footy fans can be real pricks sometimes, and there are plenty of those in this thread. So please, keep your bile here!

Isn't there a Steve Michaels award thread that basically takes the piss out of him? He is a former Bronco and that is really poor treatment of him, yet it is allowed to ride?
For the record, I always liked Wal, but he really has seemed like he has NFI out there when it comes to attack.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Whatever he is or isn't, our game plan since Lockyer is completely unsuitable for him. He needs much more depth in structures to compensate for his lack of pace.

Wallace has in any case always frustrated me. I've seen him play some terrific football, then crap for ages.

I think a different game plan and style will bring more out of him


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Wallace has never really had a good attacking game. His running game is horrible and he seems to go with pre-meditated options each time instead of playing what's in front of him. So the most you can hope from him is just providing structure, which he should be suited for.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Wallace is best suited next to a creative halve such as Lockyer. He'll take care of the structured "boring" work, leaving the creative stuff to the other guy. That's why I was hopeful about Prince's arrival, but unfortunately Scott's past his best, or at least no longer good enough to camouflage Wally's shortcomings.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Isn't there a Steve Michaels award thread that basically takes the piss out of him? He is a former Bronco and that is really poor treatment of him, yet it is allowed to ride?
For the record, I always liked Wal, but he really has seemed like he has NFI out there when it comes to attack.
I didn't shut down the thread, I just merged it with another one.

There will always be players whom are disliked by fans, and everyone is entitled to their opinion, but there needn't be multiple threads about it. This is BroncosHQ, not Fourex's obsession playground.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Knights coach Wayne Bennett rules out raid for Brisbane Broncos playmaker Peter Wallace |

PETER Wallace is fighting to save his career in the NRL with Wayne Bennett's Knights ruling out a lifeline for the out-of-favour Broncos playmaker.

While contracted to the Broncos next season, a gutted Wallace is scrambling to find a new home after learning a fortnight ago he is not an integral part of Brisbane's plans for 2014.

The Knights had shaped as one contingency, with Wallace hoping to reunite with Bennett, who lured the former NSW Origin halfback to the Broncos from Penrith in 2008.

But ahead of the Broncos' Friday night clash with Newcastle, Knights boss Matt Gidley closed the door on the prospect of Wallace playing under Bennett at Hunter Stadium next season.

That leaves Wallace facing the possibility of being a $350,000 NRL star languishing in the second-tier Intrust Super Cup next season if he fails to secure a regular berth at the Broncos.

"Peter Wallace is an experienced guy but we are comfortable with our halves at the moment," Gidley said.

"I'd imagine most clubs are getting relatively settled in terms of their (salary) cap for 2014 and we are happy with our halves.

"Tyrone (Roberts) and Jarrod (Mullen) are doing a good job for us at the moment and are local boys so we're going forward with them.

"We've invested heavily in our current halves. We also have Kurt Gidley coming back from injury in the short-term. He's another local boy, so we've got no reason to look outside for halves for 2014 at this stage."
Peter Wallace

Wallace, who will play off the bench Friday night, is understood to be privately fuming over his treatment at the Broncos.

The Panthers tabled a $1.5 million deal in May, at a time when Wallace seemed secure at Red Hill, but that offer has since evaporated following Penrith's decision to re-sign five-eighth Isaac John.

Wallace, who turns 28 in October, could secure a UK Super League deal, but is reluctant to head abroad given his mum's recent battle with cancer and the birth of his first child.

Parramatta has emerged as one option for Wallace, with highly paid halfback Chris Sandow currently battling off-field issues, but Eels coach Ricky Stuart was non-committal.

"He's a terrific player and I have a lot of respect for Pete, but I honestly don't know what his position is at Brisbane," Stuart said.

Broncos coach Anthony Griffin lauded Wallace's attitude.

Speaking for the first time about axing Wallace to the bench against the Cowboys last Friday night, Griffin said it was a gut-wrenching call.

"I'm pleased with the way Pete has responded to the selection," he said.

"You can write about the other stuff (his future), but it was always going to be a tough week for Pete with Ben Hunt taking his spot.

"It pleased me the most the way they both played (against the Cowboys). Pete did a great job at hooker and Ben needs to back up that performance this week.

"They are tough decisions and not ones anyone enjoys making but they did a good job and hopefully that continues."


State of Origin Rep
Mar 2, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Pretty piss poor IMO, telling him he's going nowhere when a deal is on the table then jerk him around when they realise you can actually sign players from other clubs.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I can see how it comes across that way but I'd say Wallace's form in that time would have changed their minds.

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