Peter Wallace officially released to join Panthers



Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

He's still contracted for another year. I've been laid of with a lot less notice than that before. He's even been told if something comes up before then he should take it and they will be happy to let him break his side of the contract. Not sure what more they could have done. If he was actually playing well he wouldn't have to worry about playing in super cup.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

He's still contracted for another year. I've been laid of with a lot less notice than that before. He's even been told if something comes up before then he should take it and they will be happy to let him break his side of the contract. Not sure what more they could have done. If he was actually playing well he wouldn't have to worry about playing in super cup.

They could have told him to take the money on offer from Penrith.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Thats business.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

That's right....!


NRL Player
Feb 16, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

If he had performed then there would be no problem


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

They'll have to pay out the rest of his contract if they force him out anyway, won't they?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Peter Wallace will be making exactly the same money next year whether it is at the Broncos or not ... if we are actively looking to offload him the we will need to make up the difference between his his new clubs money for next year (similar to how we got Prince so cheap, because the Titans are paying a portion of his salary). of course if his new club pays him more than we are, then thats not an issue for the club

his other option is to stay with us and collect his 350k, but it would mean likely playing plenty of QLD cup


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Will that still be the case here though? We aren't forcing him out. He is welcome to see out his contract but he has been told it will most likely not be in first grade. So if he signs some where else, isn;t it him chosing to break his contract?

For example, if Barba comes to us for less (hypothetically) surely the dogs aren't expected to pay the difference.

It will be hilarious if the Eels sign Wal and he and Norms lead to Eels to the top of the ladder.


State of Origin Rep
Oct 9, 2011
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

He mightn't be a bad pickup for Parramatta they need a half that can organise the team and that's been their problem ever since Kenny and Sterling retired. Wallace isn't the best but he is solid and gives his all which is something Sandow doesn't do.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Wallace will be in exactly the same situation as Prince was last season, and the Broncos will have to top the value up if a club signs him for less than he is on now.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Which team will be unlucky enough to have Wallace nuffing it up for them in the Qcup next year .....?

Better not be the Dolphins. I'll lose my shit if it is .....


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Which team will be unlucky enough to have Wallace nuffing it up for them in the Qcup next year .....?

Better not be the Dolphins. I'll lose my **** if it is .....

I don't know what's worse. You losing your shit, or the rest of us having to read it here ;)
animal eater

animal eater

QCup Player
Jul 27, 2013
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I wish someone would guarantee me 350K for next year regardless of grade. I like Wallace as a person and the effort he puts in but in today's era you need both pace and vision from the 7 and unfortunately Pete is lacking in these departments.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

I wish someone would guarantee me 350K for next year regardless of grade. I like Wallace as a person and the effort he puts in but in today's era you need both pace and vision from the 7 and unfortunately Pete is lacking in these departments.
I agree he lacks both things, but it does depend who he partners. Wallace would be a good "crutch" to guys like SJ, Benji, Milford, etc...
It is always good to have a player capable of maintaining a structure and organisation mixed with a more direct, explosive half with a good running game. Most successful clubs have this combination at the moment.

Hunt has more vision and a bit more pace (not much) than Wallace, and could potentially become as good as Cronk, but he definitely needs to improve his consistency and organisation skills if he's going to be partnered with someone like Milford or even Barba.

Raw Boned Youngster

QCup Player
Mar 9, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

In a team where there is a creative and well rehearsed plan and structure in place, he would be ideal. take Cronk away from Bellamy's chess-like precision and see the difference. Smith is an incredible dummy half largely due to the brilliant precision decoys/ rehearsed plays the Storm have at the ruck. In an ad hoc rabble, they would struggle.
I like and respect Peter Wallace- it is a shame his recent years have been served under simpletons.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Fourex, for the insightful things you sometimes come out with, you then nullify this with your spiteful, self-serving negativity about one of the only guys that has tried his heart out for the club. You got what you wanted in Wallace leaving, why not give it up? Or are you just a complete wanker all the time?

Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

In a team where there is a creative and well rehearsed plan and structure in place, he would be ideal. take Cronk away from Bellamy's chess-like precision and see the difference. Smith is an incredible dummy half largely due to the brilliant precision decoys/ rehearsed plays the Storm have at the ruck. In an ad hoc rabble, they would struggle.
I like and respect Peter Wallace- it is a shame his recent years have been served under simpletons.

Hmmmm's everybody's fault except Peter's. :001_rolleyes:
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Rumour - Peter Wallace on the outer

Organisation is not Wallace's best asset. He can organise three plays, two of them any halfback in the game should be able to organise (second man play, cross kick/bomb to the corner) while the third is a low percentage 'out-in ball' which rarely paid off for us in the three years he tried it.

Wallace was just a very well rounded halfback. If you compared his abilities to his other NSW contemporaries, I believe he'd be the only half to be reasonably good in all facets. That's how he Steve Bradbury'd his way into a Sky Blue, while everyone lost their heads in the big games, Wallace kept his and proved he could do a job.

The problem in recent times is that he's lost that consistensy. There have been times where Wallace has been absolutely dreadful - barely even FOG Cup standard and I believe it was time for the club and him to make a fresh start. Now, I'm not sure what's going on behind the scenes and I'm pretty sure 99% of the population doesn't know either. However, the fact Wallace is being kept on in the dummy half role leads me to believe the club is showing him plenty of respect for a player who is out the door next season, especially when we have two of the best hookers in reserve grade who are well and truly deserving of a chance. Wallace has the opportunity to prove his worth not just to rival opposition clubs, but our own and he needs to make the most of it. Going on last week, I don't know if his head is in it anymore. We'll know for sure tonight because it may have just been a teething problem but right now things don't look so good for Wal.


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