POST GAME PSC - Broncos vs Cowboys

Well yes it is farcical. There's an assumption here the referees are crooked and rig games against the Broncos. If you challenge that completely obnoxious and idiotic sentiment, you're gaslit for not getting it.

If you really believe a referee is getting away with a crime, despite being forensically examined by slow motion replays, an oversight committee and not least of all thousands of fans, then collate the evidence and report them to the police.

Hence why all the evidence is pointing towards the NRL having the bias, not any individual refs. The refs are just doing what they are told, not just by the tip sheet but by the bunker during the game.
Hence why all the evidence is pointing towards the NRL having the bias, not any individual refs. The refs are just doing what they are told, not just by the tip sheet but by the bunker during the game.
Exactly, it's a silly accusation that falls apart as soon as you examine it.
The refs are fans of the game just like us….probably even bigger fans than us. They all probably have a favourite team/s or player/s. There would be an amount of subconscious bias going on, however small.
The refs are fans of the game just like us….probably even bigger fans than us. They all probably have a favourite team/s or player/s. There would be an amount of subconscious bias going on, however small.
The entire legitimacy of their profession relies on them not being biased. It's an absolute prerequisite of the job.
The entire legitimacy of their profession relies on them not being biased. It's an absolute prerequisite of the job.
I know, but as I said, subconscious. Something you do subconsciously can’t be helped. Like you say, they are human after all.
I know, but as I said, subconscious. Something you do subconsciously can’t be helped. Like you say, they are human after all.
Maybe, but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to detect it.
Well yes it is farcical. There's an assumption here the referees are crooked and rig games against the Broncos. If you challenge that completely obnoxious and idiotic sentiment, you're gaslit for not getting it.

If you really believe a referee is getting away with a crime, despite being forensically examined by slow motion replays, an oversight committee and not least of all thousands of fans, then collate the evidence and report them to the police.
I like you don't believe the refs are crooked......

I do however,
believe they are truly incompetent.
It's a criminal act to rig or bias a game. No ifs or buts.

In my opinion, refereeing is a tough job under intense scrutiny. NRL referees are pretty damn good, but are prone to make errors. Some more than others. Just like players. Bagging them for their errors is understandable. But accusing them of bias is something else, and frankly, it's beyond the pale.

Apart from being a bad sport, it's offensive to them as professionals. Try to have some respect, and not let your own biases cloud your judgement.

I know I'm the only person who sticks up for them in here, and I'd make life easier for myself to go along with the herd, but I won't stoop to it.

I've only refereed a few sporting games myself (though tons of touch judging) - and I was pretty shit at it - but even from the small amount of experience I've had I can tell you being unbiased is more important to refs than getting every decision right.

Well yes it is farcical. There's an assumption here the referees are crooked and rig games against the Broncos. If you challenge that completely obnoxious and idiotic sentiment, you're gaslit for not getting it.

If you really believe a referee is getting away with a crime, despite being forensically examined by slow motion replays, an oversight committee and not least of all thousands of fans, then collate the evidence and report them to the police.
Oh, Sweet summer child. Biases exist in all of us, conscious or not, and we are all a product of our upbringing. Refs are coached, and if that coaching is biased, they may not even realise their inherent bias.

You seek to hold our own bias against us. Please be consistent.
The entire legitimacy of their profession relies on them not being biased. It's an absolute prerequisite of the job.
Would the same not also apply to refs in all sports? There is documented evidence of Refs involved in match-fixing in almost every sport. Why not the NRL? Do you know what the common factor in most cases is? Gambling/Money... Do you know what our current NRL Chairman is trained in? A gambling-based industry.

Also, does this statement not also apply to clubs and their employees?

Seems to me that their employment and their legitimacy are determined solely by their employers.

The fans have proven that regardless of definitive proof of scandal, cheating, etc. there is still a demand for the sport. The Storm were shown to have cheated MULTIPLE times and yet they are still in the competition. Is the entire legitimacy of a professional club not also reliant on not cheating?

If we are supposed to sit quietly and accept their inherent innocence, then there would be no investigations made in the first place. That is circular logic. Coaches are ordered to do this, and when incidents occur they are always attributed to error. What if it is a pattern?

Professional NRL members
Darcy Lawler - suspected
Benny Elias -
Stupid time limits and typing on phones that make me leave dumb endings to long posts...
I'm not arguing the NRL is corruption free, but the notion referees rig games openly on live TV, and officials favour clubs in an obvious way, is farcical to put it mildly. Here is the criminal statute in QLD:

Further reading:

Guys he has a good point, laws existing against something means that people never do it. I mean why do you think all our jails are empty?
Guys he has a good point, laws existing against something means that people never do it. I mean why do you think all our jails are empty?
No, I'm saying blithely accusing someone of committing a crime because you're angry isn't evidence such a crime occurred. The one who's biased is undoubtedly you.
No, I'm saying blithely accusing someone of committing a crime because you're angry isn't evidence such a crime occurred. The one who's biased is undoubtedly you.

As a case study we could look to John the Bookmaker and how the ACB handled that with regards to high profile Australian sportsmen. The interests of the sporting body resulted in the matter being handled privately and secretly, and it was years later that the matter became public knowledge. The players involved are still highly respected and one might say that their professional integrity was entirely dependent on it.

Maybe all the NRL issues have simply been handled privately by the NRL...

Betting scandals aside, V'landys has already made it clear that this sport is an entertainment product, and fan reactions to blow-out games was a bust for the NRL. The NRL loves to promote the "closest competition ever", so why would they not aim for that?

No, I'm saying blithely accusing someone of committing a crime because you're angry isn't evidence such a crime occurred. The one who's biased is undoubtedly you.
No you’re not.

You are saying refs wouldn’t rig games because it is illegal and backing up your statement saying ‘check out this law and punishment’

Others are saying that doesn’t mean it’s not happening based on the fact that it is human nature to think ‘it won’t happen to you’ and the whole risk/reward paradigm. People have even given examples of refs that have been caught doing it that dispels your no one would go against the law theory.
Well yes it is farcical. There's an assumption here the referees are crooked and rig games against the Broncos. If you challenge that completely obnoxious and idiotic sentiment, you're gaslit for not getting it.

If you really believe a referee is getting away with a crime, despite being forensically examined by slow motion replays, an oversight committee and not least of all thousands of fans, then collate the evidence and report them to the police.
I guess the other option is that despite having someone in their ear going through everything with a fine tooth comb they still get very obvious things wildly wrong and are massively inconsistent within minutes of each other for absolutely no reason other than the fact that they are just not very good at their job?
The entire legitimacy of their profession relies on them not being biased. It's an absolute prerequisite of the job.
And yet it's public knowledge that they use cheat sheets that target specific players, therefore walking into the game with an already created bias. "When reffing the game, make sure you look for any contact Thomas Flegler might make with the head. He does it more than everyone else". So he's going to get done every single time, when players on the other team get away with it.

Bias- prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.

Therefore coming into the game believing one player does something more is bias.
No you’re not.

You are saying refs wouldn’t rig games because it is illegal and backing up your statement saying ‘check out this law and punishment’

Others are saying that doesn’t mean it’s not happening based on the fact that it is human nature to think ‘it won’t happen to you’ and the whole risk/reward paradigm. People have even given examples of refs that have been caught doing it that dispels your no one would go against the law theory.
No, I didn't. I'm saying the refs don't rig games AND it's illegal. I'm saying fans accusing the refs of cheating because think they made an error (regardless of whether they did) is just fans being complete pillocks.

And let's say a rogue ref is actually trying to rig a game, do you think they'd do it so blatantly you could tell? Everything they do is analysed to death. It's a stupid premise, and you have to be stupid to go along with it.
