PRE-GAME Round 11 - Broncos vs Storm


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International Rep
May 21, 2013
On the "making no metres or impact", I don't agree.

For reference, I never said that. I said he was struggling to make an impact (comparatively to the impact he was having last season and the first few games of this season).

I don't think it's a particularly controversial opinion that Haas has been significantly less effective and less impactful over the last 5-6 weeks. But, as you know, Huge loves to make things sound more dramatic than they actually are by leaving out context. :P
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
Broncos get smashed by the Storm when they are having a good season. So they should win when having a poor one right?


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
For reference, I never said that. I said he was struggling to make an impact (comparatively to the impact he was having last season and the first few games of this season).

I don't think it's a particularly controversial opinion that Haas has been significantly less effective and less impactful over the last 5-6 weeks. But, as you know, Huge loves to make things sound more dramatic than they actually are by leaving out context. :P
How about exactly what you said? Also, you choose to attribute the statement "making no metres or impact" to me and again attack my credibility for reasons I can't understand.

Your statement was:

"Haas has gone from the greatest prop in the NRL and a future immortal to a defensive liability that struggles to make any impact with or without the ball"

Struggles to make an impact WITH or WITHOUT the ball. What context is required here? The claims ridiculous. Sure, other points you made have some validity but the quote, bullshit. Missing just 11 tackles in ten matches is hardly a defensive liability and claims that the one per game is the costly one are so laughable it's painful!!

For ***** sake, we're getting beaten by 40 and 50, not by 4 points. It's not Haas's fault 8-10 tries a game are being conceded and he's laying a platform every week and that's evident in the post contact metres AND being 5th in offloads, again that's having a impact.

So, an exhausted prop who is also one of the absolute best in many areas (when averaged) misses a tackle on the tryline we conclude he's a 'defensive liability'????
Fucking rubbish.

He's still having an impact with or without the ball and I wish we had 9 more like him. He's the very last player who should be asked to explain "why are we losing by 50"?


NYC Player
Sep 20, 2019
Haas is a great Prop. Huge metres, big minutes. But he tackles like a teddy bear. When have you seen him really drive someone back or force a knock on with a big hit? Sure he has the number and the efficiency but not the fear from the opposition that JWH or Taupau (or even Packer and Aloiai) demand.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Haas is young, still very much a rookie.

He wouldn’t quite know how to use his size the most effective way. Give him time. He’ll learn.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
How about exactly what you said? Also, you choose to attribute the statement "making no metres or impact" to me and again attack my credibility for reasons I can't understand.

Your statement was:

"Haas has gone from the greatest prop in the NRL and a future immortal to a defensive liability that struggles to make any impact with or without the ball"

Struggles to make an impact WITH or WITHOUT the ball. What context is required here? The claims ridiculous. Sure, other points you made have some validity but the quote, bullshit. Missing just 11 tackles in ten matches is hardly a defensive liability and claims that the one per game is the costly one are so laughable it's painful!!

For ***** sake, we're getting beaten by 40 and 50, not by 4 points. It's not Haas's fault 8-10 tries a game are being conceded and he's laying a platform every week and that's evident in the post contact metres AND being 5th in offloads, again that's having a impact.

So, an exhausted prop who is also one of the absolute best in many areas (when averaged) misses a tackle on the tryline we conclude he's a 'defensive liability'????
Fucking rubbish.

He's still having an impact with or without the ball and I wish we had 9 more like him. He's the very last player who should be asked to explain "why are we losing by 50"?

This week on 'Huge thinks tackle efficiency is the only statistic that matters as it pertains to someone being good defensively'!

Tune in next week to find out the next defensive liability he makes a fool of himself defending with arbitrary numbers!


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Haas is a great Prop. Huge metres, big minutes. But he tackles like a teddy bear. When have you seen him really drive someone back or force a knock on with a big hit? Sure he has the number and the efficiency but not the fear from the opposition that JWH or Taupau (or even Packer and Aloiai) demand.
What's that got to do with it? Tackle efficiency is what matters, not big hits highlight reels. Pretty sure I know what coaches prefer.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
This week on 'Huge thinks tackle efficiency is the only statistic that matters as it pertains to someone being good defensively'!

Tune in next week to find out the next defensive liability he makes a fool of himself defending with arbitrary numbers!
Yes, it is the only thing that matters. Only a dope would think otherwise. It's what makes a good defensive player, you know hit and stick, stop the momentum. Shutdown the play. Besides, that's only half of your claim. Watch next week when Unbreakable finds fault with his next undeserving victim. I notice you aren't defending your claim that Haas is having no impact offensively.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
I notice you aren't defending your claim that Haas is having no impact offensively.

Never claimed that once.

Surely you're not resorting to fake news now Huge... C'mon mate, you're better than that.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
Yes, it is the only thing that matters. Only a dope would think otherwise. It's what makes a good defensive player.

Exhibit A) Darius Boyd.

You really can't stop shooting yourself in the foot can you? It's time to stop sir.

I will once again refrain from responding to any more of your posts on this matter, it's getting quite boring and repetitive. I think its quite evident which of us isn't paying enough attention to the footy.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Never claimed that once.

Surely you're not resorting to fake news now Huge... C'mon mate, you're better than that.
****, you're unbelievable not unbreakable.
Haas has gone from the greatest prop in the NRL and a future immortal to a defensive liability that struggles to make any impact with or without the ball.
You clearly state he's having no impact WITH the ball. That's EXACTLY the same as he's having no impact offensively because you see, when he has the ball, he's an offensive player.


What, me worry?
Jul 7, 2013
A lot has been said of our shit defence but just as worrying is our inability in coming off our own line and out of trouble. We are fucking horrendous in that zone at the moment. We barely make a dent in the opposition.

Our back three have been terrible in getting our sets off to a good start which allows teams to smash our forwards. One thing I've noticed is we don't do many dummy half scoots anymore, just throw it one out into the teeth of the defence. We need to get some quick scoots happening with some fast play the balls. Hopefully that will give us some sort of momentum to work with.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
****, you're unbelievable not unbreakable.
Haas has gone from the greatest prop in the NRL and a future immortal to a defensive liability that struggles to make any impact with or without the ball.
You clearly state he's having no impact WITH the ball. That's EXACTLY the same as he's having no impact offensively because you see, when he has the ball, he's an offensive player.

Fake news sir.

Struggling to make an impact (in the context of comparing it to his prior impact) is not claiming he's having no impact. Surely a scholar of the English language such as yourself understands the importance of context. Even if you remove the context 'Struggling to have' =/= 'Having no'. Rudimentary reading comprehension here Huge, keep up.
Could you lads just PM each other your quasi-spousal spats?

Haha, sorry. I won't comment again on the matter, I think I've made my point.
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PNG Broncos fan88

PNG Broncos fan88

NRL Player
Aug 27, 2018
What is it with this jink, stop start run from our forwards?
Every single run that Carrigan or Haas ever do is off the fucking back fence for god-sake!
We need Nathan Brown type forwards asap, so over this cutesy dainty runs that our so called 'super-star' forwards are dishing up.
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