PRE-GAME Round 11 - Broncos vs Storm


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What, me worry?
Jul 7, 2013
You know the funny thing about that is, I would have actually respected Seibold if he tried that earlier somewhat for at least trying but it's taken way too long and too much damage caused to force his hand if that is even true.
I've been wanting this to happen for over a month. I think it's the best call he can make given the circumstances.


State of Origin Captain
Apr 4, 2014
Is Boyd still anywhere near the side?


NRL Player
May 1, 2016
Do we have enough troops to jettison Isaako and Boyd?


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
I agree with this move too. He's not a centre for starters, and he is the only one capable of organising the defensive line. With limited assets, you have to deploy them to maximise their benefits. He does nothing at centre 'cos he is not a centre. And I bet that's what he wants too - to play FB, which would leave him with no excuses, like being the 2nd best defensive centre. Big fucking deal. Made a big difference to the result last Saturday. You never know, this might be just what Boyd needs to put in a bit more in the current situation, and help our defence where it matters, at the back, organising, and not being the 2nd best defensive centre in the comp. And possibly the worst attacking centre in the comp, He's not a bloody centre.

Put Tesi in the centres maybe. Didn't he play there a bit? That's where I'd put him with Herbie, unless Staggs is back, in which case Herbie to the wing. Keep Herbie away from Coates. They're miserable together in defence.

Isaako gets dropped. He was absolutely awful on Saturday. I'd put Dearden in for Croft and keep Milford. Milford and Dearden did ok last year when they played together. The forwards, who can you drop? I give up.
People have short me memories. Our defence was almost just as bad with Boyd at fullback but with the added bonus of a fullback that literally did nothing. The best thing to do would be to sit Boyd behind the deadball line in a trainers shirt and a walk talkie, and put a head gear with an inbuilt earpiece on Niu.
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NRL Captain
Mar 28, 2008
The thing is whoever gets dropped can sit back and smirk after the game and the 60 odd points thrashing and say "that's what happens when you drop me'. The media will also rip into Pies demanding why he so stupidly dropped the only experienced players available to him.

'When I was in the team, we only lost by forty-odd.'

James Hooper:

“Anthony Seibold is an intelligent bloke, I do feel for him for the amount of blowtorch he’s copping at the moment. But the damning indictment is Brodie Croft. He went out and signed Brodie Croft, superstar signing from a club that no longer wanted him, backed his own coaching ability to be able to turn Brodie around, it’s an epic fail on every level. End it. The experiment is done, I’m not sure (Croft) is going to make it as an NRL player. If he didn’t make it at the Melbourne Storm he’s not going make it in the team he’s in at the moment.”

Bit rough calling Croft's career done at this point. Journalistic sensationalism gone way too far.
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International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
'When I was in the team, we only lost by forty-odd.'

Bit rough calling Croft's career done at this point. Journalistic sensationalism gone way too far.

You stole that from Hooper's CV didn't you?


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Let me spell it out for you Pies Y - o -u d-o-n-'t h-a-v-e a c-l-u-e w-h-a-t y-o-u a-r-e d-o-i-n-g n-o-w.

Show some integrity man and resign. It's not about showing courage and battling on, we've seen that from you. It has now gone beyond fixable. All you're doing is causing yourself and your family needless grief man.

Some of the players that you showed loyalty to have let you down badly. The time for dropping non-performers was after the Parra debacle in last year's semi. You stuck by them and they sold you down the river mate.

I can only feel pity for Pies now. He was undone by the naive thought that loyalty meant something to these guys. After that disgusting capitulation on Friday night it's obvious they don't give a Tinker's cuss about the coach, the jersey they're wearing, or the club they are supposed to be representing.

The patient is dead! Stop trying to revive it FFS!

The next coach in should make sure their first pre-season is rigid. The slackers need to be weeded out and the fitness levels need to be increased ten-fold. I know big Hass is fit, but when he won the club endurance race during the pre-season I thought either he is a supreme athlete or some of our backs are tacking the piss. Unfortunately, it seems it was the latter.

The patient is dead FFS. Stop trying to revive it.
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Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010


A few of us have been calling for this for a while. I think it’s the best we can do all things considered. That being said, I don’t see how it improves our defence in any significant way, but we might at least score some tries against the lesser teams.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
A few of us have been calling for this for a while. I think it’s the best we can do all things considered. That being said, I don’t see how it improves our defence in any significant way, but we might at least score some tries against the lesser teams.

I would be happy with that tbh. It gets Dearden into the side at least. Obviously I would prefer Milford and Croft not there but that just isn't feasible atm.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Well, in 2017 under Madge, the Bunnies lost to the Storm 64 - 6

With .. Sam Burgess, George Burgess, Cameron Murray, Angus Crichton, Reynolds, Walker, Sutton, Alex Johnston.

Didn’t the eels get hammered by the storm in magic round? Seibold must be so inspired by brad Arthur.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
A few of us have been calling for this for a while. I think it’s the best we can do all things considered. That being said, I don’t see how it improves our defence in any significant way, but we might at least score some tries against the lesser teams.

Can we just run the sweep play again?


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
James Hooper:

“Anthony Seibold is an intelligent bloke, I do feel for him for the amount of blowtorch he’s copping at the moment. But the damning indictment is Brodie Croft. He went out and signed Brodie Croft, superstar signing from a club that no longer wanted him, backed his own coaching ability to be able to turn Brodie around, it’s an epic fail on every level. End it. The experiment is done, I’m not sure (Croft) is going to make it as an NRL player. If he didn’t make it at the Melbourne Storm he’s not going make it in the team he’s in at the moment.”

Michael Ennis:

“Anthony Milford, given his performance, I know he’s been under the blowtorch but he simply cannot be picked this weekend. His form is just not up to it. At what point do we start asking more of the players?”
For **** sake... will the NSWRL at least make up their mind on which player they want kept and which one they want moved on.

The conduit to the people are telling me mixed messages so now I dont know what to believe anymore


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Phil Gould says Seibold should move Boyd back to fullback. I'm inclined to agree with him, and if he's as useless there as we know he will be, it has to be his final game:

"I will make one exception, ever since Darius Boys has moved to the centres, their whole defensive resolve has fallen apart. Darius Boyd in his day, and I'm not saying he's playing as well as used to, but he was the best defensive fullback and organiser in the game. In a young team that's lacking communication, lacking conviction and lacking confidence, it may be the voice they need at the back."

"Maybe he can't compete with the fullbacks of today, but he certainly can get behind the line there, organise the defensive line and get some communication going. I would be saying to Darius Boyd, 'you've got one week. I'm going to put you back to fullback, please help these blokes get their defensive line in order. If you don't want to do that then go and take an early shower and get with the rest of them."

"But I would try for one week, to put Darius Boyd back at the back and see if he can help these young fellas regroup and show a little bit of steel in defence because that's what he's really good at. He's useless to them in the centres at the moment."

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