POST GAME Round 11 - Broncos vs Tigers

Checked on McCullough last night, no damage, really bad head knock and cut but he's ok.

The 0 is the impressive part, it was good scrambling defence and getting in there when they had to. Joe has really good off the bench. There was s period where he was gassed and Alf got sent out with a message and Joe went again for an effort that's good to see. He used his body well and moved well in defence.

Kodi was very vocal out there I would say more so than the last month.

That's jus the sort of win you need, it's a big improvement from the Dogs' game which was similar.
In the last 15 minutes we knew we had the win so we just went through the motions and I'm ok with that our forwards still put in 100%.
Just on Joe, one year ago he doesn't hit that hole down the left hand side- beautiful pass too from Niko. Joe hit the hole and drew and passed for a try.

That's skill development. Joe owes Minto a beer for that. He's been scoring and doing that all year for Souths.
wonder how milf feels about that. love bennett but i feel he might have this wrong by all reports being extra man and goin into caomp is an amazing experience for young players.
Don't always, but I agree with Benny on this one. Walters needs to grow a pair of balls and get off the fence. Bennys probably still pissed when hunt spent the week in camp when Cherry had his bung whatever it was, only to make a call to play on the day before the game. Kevvie could be smart and name his half, and then name Thurston as 18th man and come into the team late.
Anyone in the know able to tell us what's going on between Bennett and Walters? Seems like a rather cold relationship they have these days. Kevvie wanted to come back to Broncs and help us out but got the cold shoulder from Wayne and now Wayne is using the media to tell him this. Don't they have each others' ph number?
Don't always, but I agree with Benny on this one. Walters needs to grow a pair of balls and get off the fence. Bennys probably still pissed when hunt spent the week in camp when Cherry had his bung whatever it was, only to make a call to play on the day before the game. Kevvie could be smart and name his half, and then name Thurston as 18th man and come into the team late.

What coach wouldn't give Jono til the last minute? I remember the Qld coach in '88 giving Wally til the last minute and then ruling him out- now who was that again?

He should have ruled Wally out a week before hand.
Don't always, but I agree with Benny on this one. Walters needs to grow a pair of balls and get off the fence. Bennys probably still pissed when hunt spent the week in camp when Cherry had his bung whatever it was, only to make a call to play on the day before the game. Kevvie could be smart and name his half, and then name Thurston as 18th man and come into the team late.

And then DCE played like a busted and cost us an origin series. Shoulda played Hunt
Good news - no serious damage seen in Andrew McCullough's scans last night. A concussion process will take place this week.

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Anyone in the know able to tell us what's going on between Bennett and Walters? Seems like a rather cold relationship they have these days. Kevvie wanted to come back to Broncs and help us out but got the cold shoulder from Wayne and now Wayne is using the media to tell him this. Don't they have each others' ph number?
Bennett didn't let Walters come back because the qld is full time nowadays and he didn't want to interrupt that.

The call on milf is fine in my books. We're going to NZ FFS can't be in origin camp then fly into town the day before to play. Someone also told me that Bennett is happy for milf to go into camp but not until broncos have played which seem fine to me. Kevvie has also said he'll take extra squad players when they're on their byes.

Sounds like a media beat up to me. FWIW I think Munster will be named 18th man and would come in as utility with Morgan moving into the 6
Hunt coming back will get the right side more involved, it's basically non existent atm.
True story bros, the right side has been under utilised all yr but it's gone next level in recent weeks.

It's probably Hunts stronger running game that has given me that appearance but the right side seems more activated with him over Niko