PRE-GAME [Round 12, 2023] Broncos vs Panthers

Broncos vs Panthers


Kickoff In:

Suncorp Stadium



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Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
other than Arey and Oates

thats us full strength....yeah?

Mtv Vintage GIF


State of Origin Rep
Jun 30, 2020
other than Arey and Oates

thats us full strength....yeah?

Mtv Vintage GIF
Yea, and hopefully they will both be back soon. Although with origin, we won't likely get a chance for everyone to play together for a while.


NRL Captain
Mar 28, 2008
It’s been his only good game and it was against a side that was just beginning to fall off a cliff

You could also say it was for a team that had been dudded by terrible refereeing the week before and had a chip on their shoulder....


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016

Brisbane Broncos vs Penrith Panthers​

Referee: Adam Gee
Touch judges: Wyatt Raymond and Chris Sutton
Bunker official: Ashley Klein

Enough said.
Fucking hell... they have to be the worst two officials currently going around.

Klein is completely fucking hopeless and incompetent and Adam Gee is not far off... going to be an absolute shit show again on Thursday.

You may remember Gee from the classic storm game last year where he missed Munster incorrectly catching the ball dead off a kick off and giving them a penalty on the 50m instead of a drop out to us... we also lost the penalties and six agains in that game as well... against the team that conceded the most penalties last year.


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
We can win this without Reynolds, we won in round 1 without Walsh who alot of our points have come through this season.
Walsh could be in for a big game he will be out to convince Slater to pick him over Ponga and the added responsibility with Reynolds out I think he'll thrive on, just aslong as he doesn't over cook things.
Madden needs to play his role and make his tackles and he'll be right.
Our kicking needs to improve from last week and get Riki shutting down Penriths back 3 with his kick chase like he's been doing.

We seem to go well against Penrith over the last few years even though the score doesn't reflect that in some games.
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
We’ll need some deeper kicks in general play than what Mam served up against the Storm. Is that Walsh, Madden or Walters?
Walsh has the biggest boot .
But that means he can`t get tackled on the 5th or there`s no kicker ...
And the boys panic and start playing hot potato .
Big Del

Big Del

NRL Captain
Apr 22, 2017
Well one decent long kicker is better than none. With Reynolds out, it looked like Mam was kicking a football-shaped balloon, it seemed to come off the boot fine but then was flat out going 30 metres.

His ball drop looked off . Looked nervous . I know he can kick a lot better . Seemed he was rushing it .
He was dropping it and the ball was tumbling ,and his boot not hitting the sweet spot . AFL guys practice the drop onto their boot relentlessly .


NRL Player
May 22, 2022
We aren't beating Penrith without reyno. Looking to next week already
Volvo Driver

Volvo Driver

QCup Player
Jul 9, 2020
We can win this without Reynolds, we won in round 1 without Walsh who alot of our points have come through this season.
Walsh could be in for a big game he will be out to convince Slater to pick him over Ponga and the added responsibility with Reynolds out I think he'll thrive on, just aslong as he doesn't over cook things.
Madden needs to play his role and make his tackles and he'll be right.
Our kicking needs to improve from last week and get Riki shutting down Penriths back 3 with his kick chase like he's been doing.

We seem to go well against Penrith over the last few years even though the score doesn't reflect that in some games.
Walsh is not Reynolds. Cobbo had a pretty solid game at FB in that first round match. If we win it'll be because Mam and Madden steps up but in order to do that our forwards NEED to be dominate. If the Panthers start rolling down the field then Cleary and Yeo will crucify us. Yeo's runs will be targeting our halves.
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