All moments are vital. It was a wet night, a bench forward asked to do a second unexpected stint and on top of all that, what the **** do people expect?
I mean seriously?
What was Flegler or Haas , the front rowers on 1.5 million bucks doing? Why weren't they there? No, instead you have a guy on minimum wage putting his hand up. I am totally bewildered by the posters on this forum at times.
This mentality applied to a vehicle purchase highlights it for me.
You consider a car because you want reliable performance. Fair enough. You want a car with that reliability AND performance so choose the high priced model. However the high priced model is just that, high. You reconsider. You leave but see a similar car for sale at one sixth the price!!
Great, you drive off and after a while it breaks down and had sluggish prior performance.
So, what did you expect? When you get what you pay for why are you surprised?
We pay Kennedy a pittance yet expect Haas like performance? No one can say Kennedy doesn't give value for money. It's fucking ludicrous to expect him to be a world class prop on basically McDonalds wages. He made one mistake that led to nothing.