POST GAME [Round 23, 2024] Broncos vs Cowboys

I didn't find it very fun when he decided to let a ball bounce about a metre out from our try line.
Neither. But how fun was it when he caught the ball with one hand and then ran past Drinkwater.

Sometimes you just gotta enjoy the brilliance. Obviously has a lot to work on in the off season though.
Can someone please teach Walshy what soft hands means when it comes to passing the ball to a player no more than a metre away. Three times tonight he fired bullets to players that were practically within hand-off distance.

I think he should just about put that hospital pass short ball at the line away for now.......whoever gets it has copped a smashing.
Carrigan is hands down our best player this year, Payne will be dethroned but I have said it all season I am so impressed with staggs this year. He has brought mongrel and intensity to his defence and the last few weeks his attack has begun to benefit from that
I'm a big believer in karma in general life. It comes back to ya I reckon. Hit me right in the face tonight.

Shitbagged Kotoni Staggs defence in the live thread about 45mins in. From that moment on he played like prime mal meninga with the ball and Josh Morris defensively and everything he touched turned to gold

Life comes at ya fast... back to watching raygun reels and memes