Guys, I just can't agree with you about Tom. If we were short of back rowers that's where he'd fit for mine. But centre, yes of course we need a good defence on the edge and wider, however our problem is just as much scoring points as leaking them and I actually prefer Boyd out there than full back where he just doesn't cut it anymore IMO. Boyd's the centre we need and the FB we don't. I'd rather Isaako at the back.
As for Jack Reed, I was one of his best fans, unlike a lot of people on this forum. He was a lot quicker than people gave him credit, a great defender and yes, he could set up his winger really well, and scored some very classy tries. Compared to Opacic ... well for mine there is none. Reed was a class above Tom in my book. Opacic just doesn't make things happen unlike say Staggs once he is given a decent amount of time on the field, preferably in the centres which is where he belongs. We have enough forwards and a dearth of classy backs.
And as for the game v the Bunnies, they are just so beatable provided the defence is up to scratch 2015 standard (it's all about attitude), Knikorima and Milf play as a pair of halves and not distant relatives, and Roberts gets plenty of ball with Staggs getting good game time.
Having said that, if GI returns for this game, things get a lot harder for us ...