You've gotta give them credit for coming back from what could possibly be the worst 15 minutes of footy ever played. But we're still so far off the pace it isn't funny.
Some positives for me include Staggs really starting to show some leadership qualities. Taking hard carries, playing very aggressive and doing alot of talking. Despite being a million years old, reyno showing he may possibly still be first grade quality next year. And big Marty continues to do his job. I think its important we give him an extra year. Unless the club has a genuine value for money replacement lined up i don't think it sends a good message when someone is doing a good job like Marty but not offered a (basically at minimum wage) extension.
I'm still hopeful this year has simply been a big hangover from making last years grand final and a result of simply thinking they'd repeat it without the hard work. The sooner season ends the better, give them a nice long off season then back and flog the living shit out of them all preason. Big attitude adjustment and get ultra fit.
Make it clear to guys like Piakura, Riki, Mam and others who have underperformed that their positions are up for grabs and if they want to keep them they need to earn it. Unless you're hass, patty, walsh or reyno then you're not guaranteed a start next year.
I really fear these junk time wins at the end of season will cover over some of the cracks on how bad we've been.