PRE-GAME [Round 5, 2022] Broncos vs Roosters


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State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
Looks like preseason Haas given he doesn’t have his bulk on and was recovering from injury. I rate this no different to when Flegs and Riki went for it.

Timing couldn’t have been better. Whoever leaked it was waiting for Brisbane to struggle and after weeks of rumours, boom. Wonder how much someone paid for it to leak.

Oh well. Hopefully it’s swept away quickly this week but Ikin has confirmed it’s with the integrity unit so probably a three year ban coming up for both players..:
The fact we have multiple instancing of in-house fighting is not great -_-


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Kev gets a free pass in the media. Deserved cause he’s a good bloke and theyre vultures but imagine the treatment Seibold would have got.
100%, Seibold was absolutely destroyed by the media, don't get me wrong he was a dud but the amount of BS he got by journos was disgraceful just because he wasn't mates.

Kev is mates with key NRL media personalities so gets a free pass.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
100%, Seibold was absolutely destroyed by the media, don't get me wrong he was a dud but the amount of BS he got by journos was disgraceful just because he wasn't mates.

Kev is mates with key NRL media personalities so gets a free pass.
I also think Seibold had his hands full with this group. (and the previous lot that left)

As others have said, there is a rot at this club that runs a lot higher than the coach and players, as is evident with all this sort of shit.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Reports of Kev has lost the dressing room soon.

It kind of seems he might already have.

In terms of this round, we could have no Haas, Kelly, Flegler, Carrigan, Riki, Capewell, Piakura and really should be without Staggs, Cobbo, Niu and Turpin.

Good thing we loaned out Arthars and got rid of Isaako.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
It kind of seems he might already have.

In terms of this round, we could have no Haas, Kelly, Flegler, Carrigan, Riki, Capewell, Piakura and really should be without Staggs, Cobbo, Niu and Turpin.

Good thing we loaned out Arthars and got rid of Isaako.
This Is Fine GIF


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
So, worst case scenario team, we look like having:

1. Niu
2. Oates
3. Lee
4. Farnworth
5. Cobbo
6. Gamble
7. Reynolds (c)
8. Palasia
9. Turpin
10. James
11. Staggs
12. Robati
13. Hetherington

14. Walters
15. Hosking?
16. Bayliss-Brow?
17. Kennedy

Haha ... ah ... we're screwed.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
Lol, I don't mind if you have an opinion, but I'm just making it clear it's clearly based on badel speculation where you've made up your mind now based on the smoke and fire theory, then you just look for confirmation bias.

He might be a cancer, it might be Kelly, maybe it's Staggs.

First McGuire was the cancer, then it was Lodge, then TPJ, the team looked so much more cohesive and happy, they were holding back the young guys, until they weren't. Then Milford, then Glenn and Boyd, or was it Roberts, Kahu and Offa?

Maybe at some point you'll realise when you keep making the same excuses for years and years that the real cancer is the coaching staff and the board consistent of Lockyer, Morris and whichever other useless pricks are still there.

Is every player in the squad really a cancer or is the leadership of the club just incapable of managing a group of men.
This is it, hit the nail on the head.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
Of course he's not perfect, but he's the best prop in the game. I just find it hilarious how much BHQ wants to bag one of the only guys who actually puts in 100% on the field every week. I really don't care about rumours and innuendo, I rate rugby league players by how they play every week. I don't like Staggs because he's a lazy prick, or Niu because he shows no competitive drive or desperation, or Flegler because he's got rocks for brains.

But ultimately, it's all on the coach. No good coach would have our top 30 playing like this rabble.

Reynolds, Capewell, Riki, Herbie, Haas, these are all guys who try their guts out week in week out and our coach is utterly failing them and driving them into depression.

I don't blame any player for wanting to leave this mess, why would you stick around when the coach rewards mediocrity week after week and makes no changes? Paix is busting his balls in reserve grades stuck behind an absolute plodder like Turpin. Cobbo should have been dropped for Pereira after week 2, Staggs should have been at the very least benched to give Brenko a go.

Isaako should not have been dumped after week 1 for Niu. It's just absolute dumb decisions week after week with Kev.
And I keep harping about history repeating, this could be a post during Seibold's years just change the names to Milford, Boyd, TPJ, Lodge etc


NRL Captain
Mar 9, 2018
We should have good go forward for this one.
No Haas, Carrigan or Flegler. Potentially add to that Capewell & Riki.

2022 looking real good, can’t wait to finally make the 8 again this year..


NRL Captain
Dec 16, 2015
Team is cooked. We will lose by 50+ the next 2 weeks.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I actually wouldn't be surprised to see the team actually perform. Something has been off.

I am really hoping Donuts doesn't also prove a dud and this all gives him the ammunition he needs (not that I know why he needed more after the last few years) to blow everything up from the top down. Man I wish we could write a petition or something to move Lockyer and Morris on, preferably with a boot down the stairs.


International Captain
May 27, 2013
I actually wouldn't be surprised to see the team actually perform. Something has been off.

I am really hoping Donuts doesn't also prove a dud and this all gives him the ammunition he needs (not that I know why he needed more after the last few years) to blow everything up from the top down. Man I wish we could write a petition or something to move Lockyer and Morris on, preferably with a boot down the stairs.
The only way I’d keep Lockyer on is if he gets his boots on and gets down to training to finally do some specialist coaching. Other than that he’s out.
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