OFFICIAL Rugby League World Cup Discussion

Probably already been mentioned, but is it just me or is it deadset amateur hour at 7having to constantly change between 7 / 70 and 7mate all the time?
Poor call, Tommy Turbo got him on the bicep.
Did they not have New Zealand commentators to wank over him this time around?

Indeed. Richie Barnett on the panel here (don't know if you guys see it over there) constantly talking up SJ and the likes even after the Kiwis lost.

Put turbo at fullback mal
Holmes isn’t a fullback
He is the second coming of Josh Dugan at fullback
I have such a low regard for Mal as a coach though. Has piggy backed off the once in a generation Qld team into this position.

Add to the fact that he likes to give it to Bennett at every chance like he is jealous of him furthers my opinion on mal. Seems very envious of Bennett at the best of times