Sack Griffin/New Coach Discussion

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No, what we are saying is the club got lucky the way those players came to us, they didn't identify them and chase them.
Those same ppl are still in charge of our future recruitment, with a forward pack that needs attention in the next few years I have no confidence in their forward planning.
That remains to be seen of course, but hey we signed Stagg today until the end of 2015 so that's something

Except you don't know that your purely relying on calling it lucky and you certainly don't know the extent to which those in charge went to scouting players and if they are holding back on recruiting for coming seasons, you can scout and do your best to see whats available, doesn't necessarily mean your going to snag anything.

As far as forwards go we have some outstanding prospects coming through the ranks who are ready to be blooded, Kennedy, Lowie and Stagg all sure up our ranks for either the short or long term and I consider the centres and hooker position much more important in the scheme of things longterm. 5/8th and halfback depth is looking the strongest for years too, not just with the addition of Barba and Milford for the coming seasons, but the likes of Cullen, Strasser, Taylor coming through the ranks.
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I think it's fair to say that we didn't know Barba was going to fall out with the missus and he would follow her to Brissy.

Same with Milford, his family circumstances were the catalyst for his wanting to move.
That is pure speculation on your part ... unless you are behind the scenes then you can't know.

Our club never talks publicly about players we have targeted and/or are chasing. For all we know we have previously chased these players or expressed an interest in signing them to their managers.

and it is frustrating as fans to be left in the dark about our players we are chasing ... but thats the way the Broncos like to do their business.

Well i don't think its speculation, technically you're not allowed chase or talk to players who are under contract, or am i wrong?
I think it's fair to say that we didn't know Barba was going to fall out with the missus and he would follow her to Brissy.

Same with Milford, his family circumstances were the catalyst for his wanting to move.

And the Titans had shown interest in both players, in the modern era of the game since super league, when it comes to contracts nothing is a certainty.
Well i don't think its speculation, technically you're not allowed chase or talk to players who are under contract, or am i wrong?

or allowed to express an interest with their managers you just can't talk money or offer them contracts
Hmm ?? If the Titans had have signed them then they would have been lucky because they wouldn't have scouted them any more than we did.
I don't know how much barba was on their radar as they were clearly pretty keen on dugan when he was up for grabs.
I don't know how much barba was on their radar as they were clearly pretty keen on dugan when he was up for grabs.

Which shows that they were actively looking at the market as were other clubs at the time, clearly they were planning their options for the spine in the long term. Opportunities present themselves, if your not looking to sign the likes of Dugan, Barba and Milford regardless of the circumstances your not doing your job are you?
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Whatyoutalkinaboutwillis? The market came to them
Which shows that they were actively looking at the market as were other clubs at the time, clearly they were planning their options for the spine in the long term.

No it doesn't it means they were up shit creek and were going to take the first star they could.
Sermantics FMD it's like conversing with Ap, you know exactly where I'm coming from but in future I will be careful to choose my words more precisely so we don't get bogged down discussing the wording instead of our different points of view.

I wasn't trying to get bogged down in semantics, I was trying to have a discussion.

I believe in credit where it's due. Griffin and the broncos have many faults but I believe they have done very well with recruitment considering the circumstances. Once they had identified we needed new talent in key areas the made some very astute signings. Sure we can say they were sacked, or fell into our laps, but the fact is the ended up at our club and not one of the other 15; so griffin has at least done something right
No it doesn't it means they were up **** creek and were going to take the first star they could.

Not really, Norman was leaving, they felt Hoffman wasn't going to handle the job there and they have shown that after Dugan they were looking for other options there and signed Barba, hardly coincidence.
At the time those guys were potentially available we were sticking to the she'll be right with the current mob mantra, so yes in a way, if Griffin and co had have seen we were going nowhere with Wal and Hoffman couldn't produce points at fullback etc etc we at least could have had a crack at those guys.

The key position stars are few and far between, all the more reason to plan ahead and at least have a go.

We did have a 'crack' at those guys. It was fairly well reported that we had discussions with both Cronk and thurston but it progressed no further. In other words after talking to them it became very apparent that they had no intention on leaving their clubs and were simply making sure their clubs paid them top dollar because 'they were talking to the broncos'.
Not really, Norman was leaving, they felt Hoffman wasn't going to handle the job there and they have shown that after Dugan they were looking for other options there and signed Barba, hardly coincidence.

We are going to have to agree to disagree.
I think it's fair to say that we didn't know Barba was going to fall out with the missus and he would follow her to Brissy.

Same with Milford, his family circumstances were the catalyst for his wanting to move.

But they signed with us and not the titans who had expressed interest in both, so the recruitment department obviously did something right.
IMO, if we got lucky at all ... it was Dugan stuffing up during negotiations with us ... because if we had signed him we wouldn't have signed Barba.
I wasn't trying to get bogged down in semantics, I was trying to have a discussion.

I believe in credit where it's due. Griffin and the broncos have many faults but I believe they have done very well with recruitment considering the circumstances. Once they had identified we needed new talent in key areas the made some very astute signings. Sure we can say they were sacked, or fell into our laps, but the fact is the ended up at our club and not one of the other 15; so griffin has at least done something right

Like any season time will tell.
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