Sack Griffin/New Coach Discussion

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Oh no doubt but just the thought of it is wrong
So you don't like Griffin but you don't like anyone else saying they don't like him ... and you think Craig Bellamy and Michael Maguire are both untested coaches ...

All he has been saying is keep the anti-Griffin ranting to the one thread, I'm no longer fan of Griffin either and think it is time for a change (but I don't want another rookie). But I get sick of reading a rant about Griffin in every single thread.
I LOVE GRIFFIN!!! Someones gotta be held accountable for this rubbishing of his name. Is the best we've got against him? If I was a woman, I'd be a Griffoupie!!


Will I fit in around here?

You'll do just find kid
Ultimately the buck stops with Griffin, he formulates the game plans, plays a heavy role in recruitment, chooses his assistant coaching staff to best utilise his strengths and weaknesses, motivates players to get the best out of them, selects the team and the positions. A lot of everything we do falls on him, if players are not performing, drop them, that's his job.

As much as I want him gone, I actually hope we hammer every team we play and everything is all roses.

Hang on hang on, are you suggesting that griffin has a game plan?
More input from my subconscious has come forth. On the attack side of things, where the argument is that Hook has 'coached' the talents out of the team, the initial thought is to say 'well, either they have the innate talent or they don't, you can't lose skills that you were born with'. However, let's look at his safety-first approach. I'm all for minimising errors, however I believe it's got to a point where he's so concerned with dropping a ball that he keeps tightening the reigns of the players. Instead, he should be encouraging creative football, and instead concentrate more efforts on drills & practice. Essentially, instead of concluding that passing = potential dropped balls, work on the assumption that more practice = less dropped balls.

The players individually certainly have the talent, as showcased in the 9's. The difference was that they weren't under pressure. They were there to have fun, enjoy themselves, and throw caution to the wind. As it turns out they're really good at it!

The same applies to the rest of the boring, negative shit. Instead of not wanting to risk a zero tackle for kicking it dead, don't just fucking bomb, how about they practice their short kicking accuracy? Instead of running one-out to save juice, have the forwards run in pairs to increase their fitness and cause doubt in the defence? On the other end of things, instead of carrying on like pussies in defence so that you don't get penalised in the ruck, get better wrestling coaches that teach techniques that don't get penalised!

In my mind, not only is the negative football restrictive, but it's obvious why the team seem to lack confidence - because the coach has no confidence in their abilities! With every mistake, he just shortens the leash. How about he hires a decent skills coach and minimises errors through practice, not jut by avoiding playing football???
The thing about creative footy is that the team will get used to it as the season goes on, and their skills will improve. So while the Griffinball approach might be serviceable early on in the season, it just gets worse and worse as the season goes on.
More input from my subconscious has come forth. On the attack side of things, where the argument is that Hook has 'coached' the talents out of the team, the initial thought is to say 'well, either they have the innate talent or they don't, you can't lose skills that you were born with'. However, let's look at his safety-first approach. I'm all for minimising errors, however I believe it's got to a point where he's so concerned with dropping a ball that he keeps tightening the reigns of the players. Instead, he should be encouraging creative football, and instead concentrate more efforts on drills & practice. Essentially, instead of concluding that passing = potential dropped balls, work on the assumption that more practice = less dropped balls.

The players individually certainly have the talent, as showcased in the 9's. The difference was that they weren't under pressure. They were there to have fun, enjoy themselves, and throw caution to the wind. As it turns out they're really good at it!

The same applies to the rest of the boring, negative shit. Instead of not wanting to risk a zero tackle for kicking it dead, don't just fucking bomb, how about they practice their short kicking accuracy? Instead of running one-out to save juice, have the forwards run in pairs to increase their fitness and cause doubt in the defence? On the other end of things, instead of carrying on like pussies in defence so that you don't get penalised in the ruck, get better wrestling coaches that teach techniques that don't get penalised!

In my mind, not only is the negative football restrictive, but it's obvious why the team seem to lack confidence - because the coach has no confidence in their abilities! With every mistake, he just shortens the leash. How about he hires a decent skills coach and minimises errors through practice, not jut by avoiding playing football???

I think you have hit the nail on the head. Hunt is a perfect example IMO. When handed the reigns last year he looked great in periods, really creative, great vision. Then he would push a kick and come back second half an all that stuff stopped. I reckon he would get in the change room and griffin would tell him to cut it out
How about he hires a decent skills coach and minimises errors through practice, not jut by avoiding playing football???

Mate that was supposed to happen this off season, he doesn't give a shit about changing anything to make himself a better coach.
I've got a question.

Do people think Broncos were better off with Henjak? I thought he was an alright coach, but his man-management skills were lacking and it affected the team. I thought he could've been a good coach if he improved that.

From what I heard, he was pretty good at coming up with effective gameplans when Bennett was coach.
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He had better game plans, but was still responsible for the Broncos worst season ever in my eyes (even if 2010 was slightly better ladder position). The way the team capitulated in games was a clear sign the players couldn't be fucked to play for him or even each other...

And let's not forget, he still had Lockyer!
He was a much smarter coach, but a poor man manager. Griffin is hopeless, but the players seem to like him.

If you combined their best qualities, you could be on to something.
Chris Garry @chrisgarry1 5m
Ben Barba and Josh Hoffman will play 5/8 for the Broncos, interchanging during games this season
Chris Garry @chrisgarry1 5m
Ben Barba and Josh Hoffman will play 5/8 for the Broncos, interchanging during games this season

Da fuq does this even mean?

He could be a bit more helpful, couldn't he? I mean, you can't play two people in one position. Does he mean Hoffman will play Fullback defensively and Barba defends in the front line, or the other way around?
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Chris Garry @chrisgarry1 5m
Ben Barba and Josh Hoffman will play 5/8 for the Broncos, interchanging during games this season
If Hoffman is 5/8 taking the hits in defense and allowing Barba to return kicks, it's not too bad.
Barba will add another dimension to the attack as 5/8, but we'll still have Hoffy dudding it up from FB in attack...

When Hodgo comes back, we could have the following:

Defending with 1- Barba, 4- Hodgo, 6- Hoffman
Attacking with 1- Hodgo, 4- Hoffman, 6- Barba
If Hoffman is 5/8 taking the hits in defense and allowing Barba to return kicks, it's not too bad.
Barba will add another dimension to the attack as 5/8, but we'll still have Hoffy dudding it up from FB in attack...

it basically has to be this way

the only problem is STILL hoffman is a crap fullback in attack and every time he catches the ball he does that stop, jig, and run into the defense and the play breaks down. EVERY TIME

he plays SO MUCH BETTER out wide

griffin keeps trying to re-invent the wheel with dumb stuff like this when the team cant even get some very basic structure right. i just dont see it working.
it basically has to be this way

the only problem is STILL hoffman is a crap fullback in attack and every time he catches the ball he does that stop, jig, and run into the defense and the play breaks down. EVERY TIME

he plays SO MUCH BETTER out wide

griffin keeps trying to re-invent the wheel with dumb stuff like this when the team cant even get some very basic structure right. i just dont see it working.

I see it this way:

In defence, Hoffman plays in the front line as he's got a bigger frame and is not a bad defender.

In attack, Hoffman plays outside Barba - more like an outside Centre, running lines and hitting holes. His running game is his best asset BY FAR.

In defence, Barba plays Fullback - directs the team around defensively from the back, takes bombs and generally runs amock doing Fullback things.

In attack, Barba plays 5/8 and takes the line on - ala Lockyer in his early days. He's still going to have to show that he can read the play and make decisions on when to pass, when to kick and when to take the line on.
So this is his final throw of the dice. Well, I can't see Griffin lasting much longer.

It could be "RIP In Peace" Ben Hunt too, depending on how long this circus goes on for.
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