Sack Griffin/New Coach Discussion

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If we aren't a top 4 team by Round 12, Griffin should step down as coach effective immediately.

We aren't a top 4 team in 2014, that would be an unfair target put on Griffin, and i want him gone as well.

I don't think Griffins job will be decided by our ladder position, more by the quality of football we are playing. If we cop some Henjack like hammerings and don't look in the game similar to the Warriors trial his goose will be cooked well before round 12. If we show some fight, grit and improvement then Griffin could very well see out the season with us still missing the 8.

The best thing going for Griffin is the most immediate care taker coach is an even bigger joke of the league and good replacement coaches are hard to come by, there is generally a reason why coaches are available at short notice, no one else wants them.
In the mole's section in RLW this morning he is saying the whispers of bennetts return are getting louder and louder. Say's that at this stage it is unclear whether he will be coach or coaching director but seems like it will be what has been thought for a while, Walters as Coach and Bennett as coaching director.

If this is true, I hope that after the inevitable thrashings in the first few rounds, Griffin is given the arse and Walters is installed as head coach straight away (with Benny calling the shots from newcastle).

Is it wishful thinking that this is already done and Benny has Walters with him at Newcastle to train him up? yeah im sure it is lol
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Is Bennett still under contract at the Knights for 2015?

If so wouldn't he have to be released from that in order to come across to us whether it be as coach or coaching director?

I guess maybe someone with Bennetts stature probably has so many get out clauses in his favour it wouldnt be an issue.
Is Bennett still under contract at the Knights for 2015?

If so wouldn't he have to be released from that in order to come across to us whether it be as coach or coaching director?

I guess maybe someone with Bennetts stature probably has so many get out clauses in his favour it wouldnt be an issue.

Yeah, I think Bennett does what Bennett wants TBH.

With any coach really if they want to leave while contracted there is not much you can do. I mean the club can sue them for breach of contract but it won't achieve much because if the other club want you bad enough they will just pay your costs and the other club will hurt their chances dramatically of acquiring another top coach
Yeah, I think Bennett does what Bennett wants TBH.

With any coach really if they want to leave while contracted there is not much you can do.

Tinkler might not be able to force him to coach the Knights but he could prevent him from moving to us though? (or coach anyone else)

I think you are right and Bennett will just do what he wants when he wants but its hard to see someone like Tinkler just go "No probs mate, we will just let you go a year early with no hard feelings. Whats that Anthony Griffin guy like?..."
Griffin is hopeless, but the players seem to like him.

I'm far from convinced that is the case .. getting beaten 48-4 has much less to do with tactics and gameplans as it does desire and effort, especially at this time of the season when spots are up for grabs and players should be busting to get after it and show the bloke in charge they're worthy of a gig in the team.

Confidence is king and if players aren't confident in what a coach is bringing to the table and sending them out there to do, they tend to feel a bit like lost sheep - just as any of us would do in our work places if we don't believe in the direction our bosses are taking.

As much as players have self-interests at heart, they're still desperate to succeed and to win - it's what seperates them from the 99.9% of guys out there who don't make it to elite level sport. So just being a 'good bloke' as a coach doesn't cut it with these players..
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I'm far from convinced that is the case .. getting beaten 48-4 has much less to do with tactics and gameplans as it does desire and effort, especially at this time of the season when spots are up for grabs and players should be busting to get after it and show the bloke in charge they're worthy of a gig in the team.

Confidence is king and if players aren't confident in what a coach is bringing to the table and sending them out there to do, they tend to feel a bit like lost sheep - just as any of us would do in our work places if we don't believe in the direction our bosses are taking.

As much as players have self-interests at heart, they're still desperate to succeed and to win - it's what seperates them from the 99.9% of guys out there who don't make it to elite level sport. So just being a 'good bloke' as a coach doesn't cut it with these players..

I think this is very true. Saying "we fully support griffin" to the media means nothing. I mean what else is thaiday going to say "Oh yeah mate we can't stand him and are doing everything we can to get him fired"
i think the situation the broncos are in now would be an enticing challenge for bennett. remember he went to the dragons who had a solid squad but kept under performing and took them to a premiership. he's done the same going to the knights (although without any real success yet). but the broncos is someone who he'd still be passionate about and seeing them flounder would probably hurt him a bit.
In the mole's section in RLW this morning he is saying the whispers of bennetts return are getting louder and louder. Say's that at this stage it is unclear whether he will be coach or coaching director but seems like it will be what has been thought for a while, Walters as Coach and Bennett as coaching director.

If this is true, I hope that after the inevitable thrashings in the first few rounds, Griffin is given the arse and Walters is installed as head coach straight away (with Benny calling the shots from newcastle).

Is it wishful thinking that this is already done and Benny has Walters with him at Newcastle to train him up? yeah im sure it is lol

If this turns out to be a reality, I will be so incredibly overjoyed because I know it'll start the progression of the Broncos being a top 4 side again, we will no longer be a laughing stock. We are a team in the NRL no body fears anymore.
I don't want Bennett back as head coach but I do want him back at the club. He will sort the shit out I would think. Bennett as director of coaching and whoever is the best man for the job as our head coach.
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yeah i'd like bennett as a coaching director. walters record isnt great but with bennett as the coaching director i think he'd probably do well
Bennett has good incentive to stay at the Knights in 2015.

If he gets another solid season under his belt at newy, and a fit Mullen and Gidley - then they are a shot at a grand final in either 2014 or 2015 - especially in 2015 in a comp that will see the chooks minus sbw and bunnies minus the a burgii or two...this is a legacy that he will find hard to ignore.

The flip side is -- if he brings Kevvie, Boyd, Gagai, B.Scott and J. Smith to the Broncs, and cleans out the deadwood like Gillet, Glenn, Hoffman, macca etc - then the broncs could easily win it 2015 as well.
Bennett has good incentive to stay at the Knights in 2015.

If he gets another solid season under his belt at newy, and a fit Mullen and Gidley - then they are a shot at a grand final in either 2014 or 2015 - especially in 2015 in a comp that will see the chooks minus sbw and bunnies minus the a burgii or two...this is a legacy that he will find hard to ignore.

The flip side is -- if he brings Kevvie, Boyd, Gagai, B.Scott and J. Smith to the Broncs, and cleans out the deadwood like Gillet, Glenn, Hoffman, macca etc - then the broncs could easily win it 2015 as well.

no to beau scott or jeremy smith both grubs. i personally don't think, i honestly don't think the knights have a chance either this year or next.
Bennett has good incentive to stay at the Knights in 2015.

If he gets another solid season under his belt at newy, and a fit Mullen and Gidley - then they are a shot at a grand final in either 2014 or 2015 - especially in 2015 in a comp that will see the chooks minus sbw and bunnies minus the a burgii or two...this is a legacy that he will find hard to ignore.

The flip side is -- if he brings Kevvie, Boyd, Gagai, B.Scott and J. Smith to the Broncs, and cleans out the deadwood like Gillet, Glenn, Hoffman, macca etc - then the broncs could easily win it 2015 as well.

Scott and j smith? Gross

And cleaning out the 'deadwood' as you call it, who's going to be our hooker, beau Scott?
Ironic that all you talk about is missed tackles, yet you want to sign b Scott
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