Sack Griffin/New Coach Discussion

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International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
I'm with you on this one as well Foordy, Griffin or not it's super exciting that we will have arguably the most talented junior in the game playing for us next year.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
besides IMO, the only chance Griffin has of coaching Milford is if Milford gets a mid season transfer and that will never happen.

unless, Griffin goes on one hell of a winning run... but that appears unlikely too.

The board of the Brisbane Broncos won't accept mediocrity for too long, and i think Griffin is running on fumes as it is.
Russell Coight

Russell Coight

QCup Player
Jul 10, 2013
besides IMO, the only chance Griffin has of coaching Milford is if Milford gets a mid season transfer and that will never happen.

unless, Griffin goes on one hell of a winning run... but that appears unlikely too.

The board of the Brisbane Broncos won't accept mediocrity for too long, and i think Griffin is running on fumes as it is.

They have accepted it for 2 years so wouldn't shock me by their standards if they let him see out his contract. tho i pray that won't happen.


NRL Captain
Jun 3, 2013
The problem is tho who would replace Griffin..............I don't know if the club would risk appointing a 'rookie' unproven coach.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Who is available in Super League? Idon't even think wenecessarily need a great head coach so long as we get the back up pieces right. Our strength and conditioning guru is spot on, we have the talent scouts back. Now we just need a good defensive coach and head coach who doesn't have cliques and is willing to make the tough decisions.

I've been thinking about it, I would not be completely against (not completely for either by any means) giving Kearney a shot for the rest of the season while we look around. The reason I say that is it would get him out of the defense coach role which can only be a good thing and while it was just one game as NZ head coach, he did show a willingness to cut players who he didn't feel were living up to their end of the deal.

Thoughts? Feel free to shoot me down, I'm just thinking aloud.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Given the matches we have lost, or rather how and when we lost them, including the Eels but for different reasons, we need someone to get this team mentally 100%.

Hook seems unable to do so.

I see this, along with the lack of a dominant prop, as our greatest weakness


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Given the matches we have lost, or rather how and when we lost them, including the Eels but for different reasons, we need someone to get this team mentally 100%.

Hook seems unable to do so.

I see this, along with the lack of a dominant prop, as our greatest weakness

we are worse than the eels. surely griffin has to be put on notice.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Given the matches we have lost, or rather how and when we lost them, including the Eels but for different reasons, we need someone to get this team mentally 100%.

Hook seems unable to do so.

I see this, along with the lack of a dominant prop, as our greatest weakness
A dominant prop would help, but our main problem besides the insanity of Hoggman at 5/8, is our ruck defense. We let teams roll through us way too often, and we're back at a 35+ average missed tackles p/game.

I would dare say that the way we have been in all games, fought back in most, and how strong our cover and scramble defense is, actually indicates we are mentally pretty strong. The fact we aren't closing games we should have, has to do a lot with the fact we lack direction and experience in the halves who can take control and ensure the opponent doesn't get a leg up in their efforts to try and haul us in, making sure they have to start their sets from within their own 20 against a set line.


NYC Player
May 26, 2013
You would think Hook is treading a fine line, surely.

The players and Gee have come out in support of him but the club wouldn't be happy with the past couple of years. No doubt if crowds had dropped because of the poor performances he would have been gone much quicker.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 14, 2008
It is funny that most are slowly coming round on the idea of giving Kearney half a season when before it was absolutely unthinkable.

The line trotted out has always been, oh but what happens if we 'win' the spoon under Kearney, yet I think the realization is dawning upon people that it could occur anyway under Griffin - then what? The sycophants would be happy that we won it under Griffin instead of Kearney?

If nothing else, a new coach keeps people on their toes, even if it's a lackey of the former coach. Players will know they can't cruise and don't have the same relationship with him that they did with the predecessor.

Personally, I'd rather adopt of the try and fail then not try at all and hope for the best against the face of the overwhelming obvious - that being Griffin is not upto the task and never will be.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Who the hell knows what the deal is with Hannant?

At the end of the day, Ben is one of our senior players who has been apart of the side for years being paid big bucks to run forward, tackle hard and throw the occasional pass and really at no point this season has he lived up to that price tag. At best, he showed some nice signs against the Rabbitohs...and STILL came up with a terrible error.

But but but Kennedy! Yeah, Kennedy has been shocking too, doesn't prevent Hannant's relatively poor form either.

As for this hypothetical, while theshed put forward a pretty good case to cease the discussion, I can't believe fans would actively endorse a senior player telling up and coming players to look elsewhere...especially when said player has publicly stated he wants to be a Bronco for life and loves the club. Why would you reward that player with a spot in the team especially if they're not deserving? If any coach would put up with that, they'd deserve to be sacked right on the spot.

This whole thing has been twisted. He is the Association Rep at the Broncos, a young player asks him his value and Hannant gives honest contract advice- that's his role.

At no time did he tell players to leave. There are several issues causing Hannant drama but this shouldn't be one of them.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
This whole thing has been twisted. He is the Association Rep at the Broncos, a young player asks him his value and Hannant gives honest contract advice- that's his role.

At no time did he tell players to leave. There are several issues causing Hannant drama but this shouldn't be one of them.

Of course it has. It is just lie after lie.


NRL Captain
Mar 31, 2008
This whole thing has been twisted. He is the Association Rep at the Broncos, a young player asks him his value and Hannant gives honest contract advice- that's his role.

At no time did he tell players to leave. There are several issues causing Hannant drama but this shouldn't be one of them.

what i dont understand is, if hte club had an issue why didnt they just call both hannant and wallace (i presume this is who it is about) into the office and sort it out face to face.

as you said hannant did nothing wrong in this regard.


QCup Player
Oct 15, 2013
A dominant prop would help, but our main problem besides the insanity of Hoggman at 5/8, is our ruck defense. We let teams roll through us way too often, and we're back at a 35+ average missed tackles p/game.

I would dare say that the way we have been in all games, fought back in most, and how strong our cover and scramble defense is, actually indicates we are mentally pretty strong. The fact we aren't closing games we should have, has to do a lot with the fact we lack direction and experience in the halves who can take control and ensure the opponent doesn't get a leg up in their efforts to try and haul us in, making sure they have to start their sets from within their own 20 against a set line.

Hoggman!!!! Brilliant!


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
I thought it might have been Maranta or Kahu.


International Rep
Mar 7, 2008
Given the matches we have lost, or rather how and when we lost them, including the Eels but for different reasons, we need someone to get this team mentally 100%.

Hook seems unable to do so.

I see this, along with the lack of a dominant prop, as our greatest weakness

This ^ ......The lack you speak of was something I wrote about last year and the year before. I was told by clever folk on here that the game had moved on ,evolved and I needed to keep up. I wanted two hard heads who made running through the middle an unattractive proposition.

Of course a coach who actually had some idea would have been nice too !
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