Sack Griffin/New Coach Discussion

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Thanks very much for sharing this mate. I have always had a lot of faith in white and always thought he came across as a smart operator and genuine guy. Pleasing to hear that this seems to be true.

Once again thanks for sharing

No worries at all, i was very taken back by it tbh, was a tad nervous in all honesty. He replied to my email within 45mins via his iPhone mind you, and called me within a minute of receiving my number. Honestly i doubt many CEO's would do that for a random member who was having a rant.
Just goes to show he must read this forum and knows how important it is to stop your incessant ranting, Cammie. ;)
Just goes to show he must read this forum and knows how important it is to stop your incessant ranting, Cammie. ;)

He did say to me he checks out the Facebook and forums-not sure if he meant this one tho, but yeah if he finds out I'm cammac he will probably be questioning why he called me haha. He was gutsy tho called me without his number on private and said could you delete it for me just in case you're pissed one night, we have lost and you give me a call.

Edit: I did delete it btw, in case anyone was wondering. I didn't trust myself either.
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He did say to me he checks out the Facebook and forums-not sure if he meant this one tho, but yeah if he finds out I'm cammac he will probably be questioning why he called me haha. He was gutsy tho called me without his number on private and said could you delete it for me just in case you're pissed one night, we have lost and you give me a call.

Edit: I did delete it btw, in case anyone was wondering. I didn't trust myself either.

Damn, sounds like a beta guy.
I misread it, I thought he said "give me a call to vent". :lol:
That's great that he's a nice guy, but he needs to be able to make the tough decisions and as yet, he has not.
He did say to me he checks out the Facebook and forums-not sure if he meant this one tho

in all seriousness this forum would have to be first stop on the internet if you wanted to know what your fans were thinking.
That is the reason Searle put an end to the official Titans forum, what a coward that bloke turned out to be.
Yeah look don't get me wrong, i still think he needs to sack griffin, nothing he said changed my mind on that.

not his decision ... it is the Broncos boards decision ... White would be the one to execute it though
White is the guy who needs to convince the board m. Nice to hear your story Cannac, it's nice of White to call you personally, shows that he's a class bloke.
wish this bloke was on the board .... he gets shit done.

I have no doubt White is a great guy. But White needs to make some hard decisions, and implement them. If not, he needs to take a long walk out into the snow. Most of the key decisions, under his watch, have been poor at best. Very little value for money, so far, for the paying public.
I have no doubt White is a great guy. But White needs to make some hard decisions, and implement them. If not, he needs to take a long walk out into the snow. Most of the key decisions, under his watch, have been poor at best. Very little value for money, so far, for the paying public.

Name these poor decisions?
Name these poor decisions?

He got me a turkey club when I specifically asked for a BMT sub. So there's that one.

Putting a front rower in charge of something that's not other front rowers, and apparently not having proper support for the football manager role (i.e. Expecting Gee to do too much by hisself) might be two actual bad decisions. But generally I think he's been good.
Should be interesting game two coach's with most boring game plans in NRL. A lot of Broncos supporters would like to get rid of Griffin at least his only got 1 year to go on his contract Tricky Ricky has 4 to go.
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