Guys to the 1 or 2 subscribers who seemed to take offence at my earlier posting on this thread, I wasn't out to cause waves, whatever you may think of me. If you don't want to read my postings, put me on ignore. Or worse, if I write anything that causes offence, don't hesitate to report me to the moderation team here.
I was only trying to point out that while yes, maybe 1 of Hook's weaknesses is his stubborness and reluctance to change his ways. But, I think you could on the other hand say it may also BE 1 of his strengths. Back in his playing days, and before he came to commonly be known as Hook, he was referred to as 'SteamTrain' in the lockerrooms. Why? He performed at his optimal levels 'when he was under pressure'. The guy could be like a machine when needed, BUT, he could also remain calm, cool and collected - like a cucumber.