Sack Griffin/New Coach Discussion

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Do I? That's interesting, how exactly do I do that?

You know nothing about me and I haven't insulted you so why don't we leave dispersions about someone's personality out of this yeah?
This ends here, both of you!
I'm usually pretty chill, but he's been following me around for a while now, making tough guy posts, so I responded. My bad.
the inside ball and short ball seem to be non existent anymore for us. i'm sure hook has something to do with this. he definately needs help with tactics
I'm just glad we started seeing some grubber kicks show up. Bomb to the corners got pretty old after...the 2nd one this season.
I thought the relatively short ball by Macca to McGuire was a great piece of play.
What about Darren Lockyer as attacking coach? Don't think there would be anyone better qualified.

He was a great organiser and had great game reading ability, he has the skills whether he can coach it is the question it will be something he would consider doing though.
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If Walters can instill 1/10th of his knowledge of the game and the way it works into Hunt/Hoffman (or whoever our 5/8 next year), he'll be worth his asking price. Walters was one of the greats, IMO.
I hope there are very few people who still want Griffin as our coach.

Horrendous defence. Yeah, you could say Kearney is "supposedly" our defensive coach, but Griffin should still have the final call. Not coming off your line is suicide in this day and age.

Persisting with horrific players. Wallace in the halves all of last year, and now at hooker, when there were exciting players in reserve grade.

Poor use of the bench. His strategy seems to be - "Burn out the starting pack by not using the bench properly".

0 organisation most of the time. No attacking plays or structure.

I think his likeability is what's keeping him in FG. He seriously has to go, I don't care who replaces him.
Spot on Alec, Tonight was disgraceful. Hopefully this will be the last we see of McCullough. He was deadset fucking hopeless. How can Griffin persist with him. He was given a lesson by Penriths 2nd string hooker. Griffin persists with him, Wallace and Anderson and now Griffin should be sacked. We had no attack tonight and piss poor marker defence.

Time to go Griffin you fuckwit.

By the way, if you want to email Griffin, Gee or White and express your disgust, their email address is or

Its about time our fucked up management heard some truths from the fans.
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