Sam Thaiday

My interpretation of what he said are slightly different to yours but that is fine. I will give him due credit in that he turned an ordinary year in 2012 completely around in 2013

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he went away on his honeymoon and came back overweight but managed to get down to a weight that the club wanted him to by January.

I think its incredible harsh/untrue to say that is 'not trying'. Staying in peak fitness is no easy feat and players struggle with that all the time, it doesn't mean they are being lazy because they aren't at their fighting weight 12 months of the year (especially after a honeymoon)

then at the end of the year he admitted that the weight he played 2012 at wasn't ideal for him

Broncos' Josh Hoffman pledge to get back to his fighting weight |

but again, that isn't 'not trying'. The coaching staff thought that a few extra kilos would help him bust tackles but in the end it just hampered him.
Hodgo doesn't strike me as a captain. He seems to have an "it's all about me" attitude and doesn't seem like the guy who can lead a team and he is quite injury-prone

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he went away on his honeymoon and came back overweight but managed to get down to a weight that the club wanted him to by January.

Bit odd to come back from a honeymoon overweight considering a certain activity that most likely happens.
Looking at the captains photos on BHQ and seeing the likes of langer, walters, lewis, tallis and locky and then thaiday really hits home at just how far from grace we have fallen as a team.
Bit odd to come back from a honeymoon overweight considering a certain activity that most likely happens.

haha, well from personal experience there is no shortage of activity on a honeymoon but it isn't the kind of activity that is going to maintain your physique at 8% body fat. Maybe I'm just doing it wrong though ...
Sammy won his boxing match in Auckland against the All Blacks 148 Kg prop. Not bad for "third man in"! :rock:
Sammy won his boxing match in Auckland against the All Blacks 148 Kg prop. Not bad for "third man in"! :rock:

He was gifted it. Maybe got a few extra lands with jabs but got smacked a few times a lot harder after leaving himself way too open while jabbing. Was disadvantaged reach-wise but either forgot or thought he'd be quicker when he really wasn't
Its on youtube if you want to watch,

I read somewhere there is talk about an origin qld vs nsw exhibition boxing , how awesome would that be!
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Thaiday outscored the Rugby dude. Weighty punches ( rugby ) are always going to get commentators like Bob sherridan yelling and hyping the heavy hitter , but those punches in a non professional fight get scored the same as heavy shots.

Only patty cake no impact punches don't get scored.

Crisp clean shots Like Thaidays at a higher work rate will win you an Olympic boxing match over a heavy hitter any day....provided there is no standing eight counts.

He won fair and square and I'm not a fan of Sams.

Close fight some one has to win it.....
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Thaiday outscored the Rugby dude. Weighty punches ( rugby ) are always going to get commentators like Bob sherridan yelling and hyping the heavy hitter , but those punches in a non professional fight get scored the same as heavy shots.

Only patty cake no impact punches don't get scored.

Crisp clean shots Like Thaidays at a higher work rate will win you an Olympic boxing match over a heavy hitter any day....provided there is no standing eight counts.

He won fair and square and I'm not a fan of Sams.

Close fight some one has to win it.....

Agreed .....Thaiday looked the better fighter.
If that's what Thaiday looks like after he's lost 4kg... well, let's just say that the new Broncos trainers are going to be working overtime.
Thaiday left himself open the entire fight, hardly looked the better fighter.
Thaiday left himself open the entire fight, hardly looked the better fighter.

He was a lot busier and landed more. He got that fight on work rate, which given his opponents 144 kegs, isn't really surprising.

The rugby guy landed a few heavier ones, but Thaiday landed tons more.
Thaiday certainly landed a lot more, but they were soft as fark, wouldn't knock the foam off a cappuccino, I would've given the win to Tameifuna