NEWS Sampson: Lodge can make up for his past

Broncos Maestro

Broncos Maestro

NRL Player
May 1, 2016
Know I shouldn't bite but here goes!!!

I've read this (and various other 'media' outlets) on what Lodge did/didn't do that fateful night. The only thing I'll say is that I'm glad Australia is NOWHERE the level of stupid/greed that America is. The Yanks are just 'sue' happy and demand ridiculous settlements for minor incidents (eg the cleaner forgot to steam my clothes - SUE THEM; old lady accidentally rear-ended me - SUE THEM; someone is semi-famous/rich looked at me funny - SUE THEM!)

With all this negativity for Lodge I’m wondering if he can sue the media under the grounds of ‘character defamation ‘??


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
Ok, Gallen just pushed me over the edge... Go Lodge!
I think this is the reason why Bennett, lodge and the broncos aren't strongly standing up for him to the media outside one or 2 comments.
The media and other people who have no right to comment/hypocrites (eg Gallen) are slowly making people realise he is being punished every day, by the media itself on a scale that is deadset ridiculous.

No one on here is denying he has done what he has done, we are saying he has more then paid his debt back to society in the eyes of the law and the people who know the full story, and he looks on track to keep doing so, so why keep hassling him. The media is the only one saying he is deserves to be punished every day for the rest of his life-he isn't a bloody dictator.

For anyone who thinks he should keep getting punished should really look at the Scandinavian justice system and its re-incarceration numbers- then look at the usa's. At the moment we are following the usa's.......... without getting too off track, why?!


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
I think this is the reason why Bennett, lodge and the broncos aren't strongly standing up for him to the media outside one or 2 comments.
The media and other people who have no right to comment/hypocrites (eg Gallen) are slowly making people realise he is being punished every day, by the media itself on a scale that is deadset ridiculous.

No one on here is denying he has done what he has done, we are saying he has more then paid his debt back to society in the eyes of the law and the people who know the full story, and he looks on track to keep doing so, so why keep hassling him. The media is the only one saying he is deserves to be punished every day for the rest of his life-he isn't a bloody dictator.

For anyone who thinks he should keep getting punished should really look at the Scandinavian justice system and its re-incarceration numbers- then look at the usa's. At the moment we are following the usa's.......... without getting too off track, why?!

I'd like to think this is the case, but when your only outlet of "truth" is what the media wants you to believe, it's very easy for the public to simply believe it on face value. Why wouldn't they? The outlets that spouted the "no remorse, no attempt to pay" lies have in no way posted a retraction. In fact, we've had "journalists" who are connected to these same outlets then continue to attack Lodge & the Broncos for not having made the facts public earlier - as if it's their responsibility to prevent the media from having egg on their face, and of course forgetting that it was made public earlier. It was just at a time before the feeding frenzy, when the lazy journos weren't bothered in the case.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Know I shouldn't bite but here goes!!!

I've read this (and various other 'media' outlets) on what Lodge did/didn't do that fateful night. The only thing I'll say is that I'm glad Australia is NOWHERE the level of stupid/greed that America is. The Yanks are just 'sue' happy and demand ridiculous settlements for minor incidents (eg the cleaner forgot to steam my clothes - SUE THEM; old lady accidentally rear-ended me - SUE THEM; someone is semi-famous/rich looked at me funny - SUE THEM!)

With all this negativity for Lodge I’m wondering if he can sue the media under the grounds of ‘character defamation ‘??

Australia is a bit behind, but it's growing sue-happy too. Just gotta look at any medicine profession if you are studying it or working in it. The amount of things that have been added on has been astronomical compared to what you hear about 20+ years ago.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
Gallen is trying to make his opinion relevant in the same manor as Tallis. Have an opinion on everything, make it controversial and all the media pick it up. Instant career post footy.
As far as the media's unending pursual of Lodge, what a fucking joke. Where was the muck racking when Ben McCormack hit the news and post his sentencing. I think I saw one story on how some staff were aware of his liking for kiddie porn but certainly no one went after the story and stuck it to 9 or perpetrated the story for months.
Fucking hypocrites are probably all worried about their own secrets being aired.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Are posters who are defending Lodge even aware that he plead guilty to assaulting a girlfriend a few years ago?

I’ve seen a lot of people throw around players with domestic violence in their past being allowed to play as a precedent for why Lodge is okay. But he also did that, you guys know that right?


QCup Player
Apr 18, 2014
Are posters who are defending Lodge even aware that he plead guilty to assaulting a girlfriend a few years ago?

I’ve seen a lot of people throw around players with domestic violence in their past being allowed to play as a precedent for why Lodge is okay. But he also did that, you guys know that right?
Majority of us are not defending Lodge, we are roasting the **** out of this fuckery we call NSW and their fucking media. Greg Inglis assaulted his wife, I bet you cheer for him when he making linebreaks for your beloved State.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
Are posters who are defending Lodge even aware that he plead guilty to assaulting a girlfriend a few years ago?

I’ve seen a lot of people throw around players with domestic violence in their past being allowed to play as a precedent for why Lodge is okay. But he also did that, you guys know that right?
Quote someone who is defending him, I dare you.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Majority of us are not defending Lodge, we are roasting the **** out of this fuckery we call NSW and their fucking media. Greg Inglis assaulted his wife, I bet you cheer for him when he making linebreaks for your beloved State.
Yeah. I’m not in the don’t let Lodge play camp. I am glad we have a talented prop.

But my amusement comes from how offended people are that the media is jumping on this. Of course they are. It will get clicks and they have some legitimate points. I just think as fans of the club we should just shut up, cop the very reasonable criticism on the chin, then slyly sit back and enjoy what is hopefully a huge season from Lodge and the Bronx.

Of course I cheer for Inglis, because I don’t care who he is. I watch sport to win. I don’t however get my nose out of joint, or develop a victim complex if someone calls him a woman basher.


International Rep
Jun 5, 2015
Are posters who are defending Lodge even aware that he plead guilty to assaulting a girlfriend a few years ago?

I’ve seen a lot of people throw around players with domestic violence in their past being allowed to play as a precedent for why Lodge is okay. But he also did that, you guys know that right?

Do you know what the details of that case are? I asked another poster who brought it up and never got an answer. Did he bash her? Did he slap her? Push her? Genuinely curious.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
I meant defending him in regards to negative press, not defending his actions.
Are they defending Lodge or criticising the media for half truths and hyperbole? Because there's a massive difference between the two.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Are they defending Lodge or criticising the media for half truths and hyperbole? Because there's a massive difference between the two.

The media is hyperbole and half truths. It’s been that way for decades. Why all of a sudden it a big deal when they aim it at us? We signed a piece of shit, maybe he’s a great guy now but he was a massive piece of shit in very recent history. Be happy that he’s talented but don’t carry on because the media have decided to point it out.

It’s no different to the shit Melbourne cop for cheating the cap, or the Brett Stewart situation, or the giant drug scandal that was going to rock the whole sport, or Cam Smith being Hitler to Alex McKinnon. Despite what posters here seem to think, we aren’t getting special negative treatment. We signed a dog well knowing it would be controversial. I don’t get why people can’t just accept the mostly deserved bad press and let it go.

I think we somewhat waive or right to whinge about media while signing a guy with Lodge’s rap sheet.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Do you know what the details of that case are? I asked another poster who brought it up and never got an answer. Did he bash her? Did he slap her? Push her? Genuinely curious.

Nope. I don’t know.

He was charged with a lot of things relating to a fight in kings cross a few years ago. Which included a similar list of offences to those he was charged with in the states.

However I don’t know if any of those were the girlfriend assault the he apparently plead guilty to according to recent storiesz


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
The media is hyperbole and half truths. It’s been that way for decades. Why all of a sudden it a big deal when they aim it at us? We signed a piece of shit, maybe he’s a great guy now but he was a massive piece of shit in very recent history. Be happy that he’s talented but don’t carry on because the media have decided to point it out.

It’s no different to the shit Melbourne cop for cheating the cap, or the Brett Stewart situation, or the giant drug scandal that was going to rock the whole sport, or Cam Smith being Hitler to Alex McKinnon. Despite what posters here seem to think, we aren’t getting special negative treatment. We signed a dog well knowing it would be controversial. I don’t get why people can’t just accept the mostly deserved bad press and let it go.

I think we somewhat waive or right to whinge about media while signing a guy with Lodge’s rap sheet.
So because it's always been that way it's immune to criticism? I just want an honest portrayal of what happened, or nothing at all.

Even sharks fans are admitting the Broncos are copping it more because they're the Broncos though.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
So because it's always been that way it's immune to criticism? I just want an honest portrayal of what happened, or nothing at all.

Even sharks fans are admitting the Broncos are copping it more because they're the Broncos though.
I’m not talking about you personally but it just seems like a very conveneient time for some posters to draw the line on journalistic standards.


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