NEWS Seibold: leave Darius alone

If seibs was trying to say boyd was being the 'organiser' and we looked organised i could wear the lack if involvement (i.e. cronk during the GF, he was rarely involved but if he is not on the field, i dont think they win).
Thankyou for saving me the time to write pretty much the same thing. Siebs has taken a leaf out of WB's book. Always defend your players. Drive the team closer together. Build confidence in the targeted player to help him step up his game.
Also this isn't about Keary. This is about Siebs trying to take the negative spotlight away from Boyd. Exactly what Wayne would've done. Make some comment that makes him the Media's target to get the media off the players back. Wish he did more stuff like Wayne... Especially pre 2015 Wayne

I dont think its what Bennett would have done tbh. Wayne would have turned the attention away from the players and made it all about him. Look at what he did last year after the Cowboys game. Had a pop at the press, then just walked out of the press conference. He didnt bring players from the Broncos or other teams into the equation, he just made the story about Wayne. He is an expert in misdirection.

Seibold on the other hand, has probably fired up Keary and the Roosters for the next game we play against them, Got the media comparing Boyd to Keary ( putting more scrutiny on Boyd ) and made himself look more than a little stupid. The idea he had wasnt a bad one in terms of defending Boyd,, but he executed it very poorly.
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There is literally nothing left to defend Boyd with.
Is he worth 700k - No
Does he deserve captaincy - No
Is he making an impact on the field - No
Is he our best 6 or 1 - No

Either Seibold has made a goose of himself or him and Lockey are tightening the screws using the media. I think and hope its the latter.
He might have executed it poorly (kind of like our team at the moment), and it may very well be an anomaly for Keary, but that doesn’t make what Seibold said any less true.

Don’t get me wrong, I do not want Boyd in the team. He’s done, has been for a long time. He brings nothing to the team to the point where it’s counterproductive having him in the lineup.

But for the media to write article upon article about Boyd only having 1 run for 1 metre and in the very same week, say nothing when Keary does basically the same thing?

Well, it smacks of double standards. But should we be surprised.
Comparisons with Bennett and Seibold and how they handle the media are a bit unfair.

Bennett has a lot more experience standing in the spotlight.

Do you remember years ago Mascord wrote that funny Wayne Bennett Guide for Dummies:

Let's re-live the magic:

1. If his side wins .... Bennett will say very little so that his players get all the publicity and not him. He will be extremely limited in his praise to prevent his players getting big heads and becoming complacent;

2. If his side loses ... he will be effusive at the media conference and buy into all sorts of side issues with nothing to do with the match to deflect attention away from his players poor performances. He will even joke with reporters;

3. If his side plays very poorly .... he will most likely refuse to acknowledge it, insisting he was quite happy with the players showing and optimistic about the following week. This is a sign he knows confidence is badly down and he is using his public utterances to boost it;

4. The first question of a media conference ... almost always gets a short answer, no matter how good or bad the question is. This sets the tone for the conference Wayne is in charge;

5. Bennett name-checks one reporter per season ... there is a favoured hack who gets his name mentioned when Bennett answers a question. The reason for this is open to speculation but Bennetts sense of loyalty seems to involve identifying with one of everything at any given time. One radio network (see below), one protégé, one journalist. For years it was Steve Ricketts of the Courier-Mail. Then it was Chris Bombolas of Channel Nine. The position is now vacant;

6. Bennett does not do one-on-one interviews with any electronic media aside from ABC Radio. John Singleton reportedly fell out with Bennett recently when the coach refused to talk to the Matthew Johns Show. When I am working for the ABC as a sideline eye, Bennett will be interviewed by me. When I am working for Triple M, he refuses. This seems to have its roots in Bennett growing up listening to ABC radio on weekends but one suspects there are other reasons he distrusts television and radio;

7. Bennett is actually very helpful to most print reporters... but in most cases will talk to them for long periods on the phone before refusing to be quoted. He is almost always interested in helping with feature stories but shies away from news stories.

8. Once a year, with just a day or so notice ... he tells his club he is ready to do a whole day of one-on-one interviews. This is usually at a time when his players need a break from scrutiny. Reporters come from miles around ...

That was published a while ago. I don't really bother with press conferences anymore. I wonder if any of that still holds up in the ensuing decade...
I dont think its what Bennett would have done tbh. Wayne would have turned the attention away from the players and made it all about him. Look at what he did last year after the Cowboys game. Had a pop at the press, then just walked out of the press conference. He didnt bring players from the Broncos or other teams into the equation, he just made the story about Wayne. He is an expert in misdirection.

Seibold on the other hand, has probably fired up Keary and the Roosters for the next game we play against them, Got the media comparing Boyd to Keary ( putting more scrutiny on Boyd ) and made himself look more than a little stupid. The idea he had wasnt a bad one in terms of defending Boyd,, but he executed it very poorly.
The more I reflect on this the more I'm sure he's done it to deliberately put pressure on Boyd. He could've said nothing about Darius' run stats but he chose to remind everyone how shit they were and compare him to one of his peers. Of course, we were always going to ridicule him for downplaying them. That was the plan all along.

Darius' stats were last weekend's news. Seibold has milked them into this weekend.
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Darius is a confidence player and Siebold knows it just like Bennett knew it. All he is doing is backing him to get the job done and reminding people that others put up simular numbers last week without anything being said to.
Darius is a confidence player and Siebold knows it just like Bennett knew it. All he is doing is backing him to get the job done and reminding people that others put up simular numbers last week without anything being said to.
But that's what he didn't do: he cherrypicked only a subset of the stats knowing everyone would dissect the rest and show how useless he is all round.
Irrespective of Boyd gets tapped on the shoulder at seasons end or not, Seibold has laid a perfect pitch for media linchpins next time we meet Rotters next season with his silly comments.

I wouldn’t be surprised if NRL prepares 2020 season with us v Rotters to kick off our
season in SHITney. That would give the media to keep beating the drums 2-3 weeks ahead of our season start. This will again result in us starting the season under pressure & it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if Keary is all fired up & have a blinder(hopefully he doesn’t).

Seibold - perplexed with your intentions but you surely have added fuel to the burning animosity SHITney have towards us and you sir, have become a dumbo with your unwarranted comments.
All Siebs did was highlight the double standard, and good on him
He did not have a crack about Keary's form
He had a shot at the media, and rightly so
And now people from far and wide, including Bronco fans, are having a go at Siebs for being so stupid
It beggars belief
All Siebs did was highlight the double standard, and good on him
He did not have a crack about Keary's form
He had a shot at the media, and rightly so
And now people from far and wide, including Bronco fans, are having a go at Siebs for being so stupid
It beggars belief
There is no double standard.

One player has played pretty well for most of the season and keeps his team ticking over. There is no debate on whether he should be paid the amount he is, or whether he should be in the team.

The other is Darius Boyd, who has had a substandard 18 months + and everyone in almost unanimous agreeance thinks he should retire or be dropped. Not a single person thinks this of Keary, despite the cherrypicked single game sample that Seibold is trying to prove some sort of abstract point with.
Fair enough mate, I still see it as a double standard and have no issue with what Siebs said
On the face of it, it's just a coach relieving pressure on a player that's under the pump. Nothing wrong with that. I guess because we all want Seibold to come out and say he's been shit (which we all know), when he comes out with this stuff it's like a moving flag to a bull (even though we all know you can't publicly hang players out).
It's funny that people are making such a huge deal about something Seibold probably doesn't even remember saying. He deflected criticism of Boyd and turned it into an attack on the media. I doubt he thinks Keary is a worse player than Boyd and I'm sure he has more important things to focus on than just Boyd's stats from last week.
The other is Darius Boyd, who has had a substandard 18 months + and everyone in almost unanimous agreeance thinks he should retire or be dropped. Not a single person thinks this of Keary, despite the cherry picked single game sample that Seibold is trying to prove some sort of abstract point with.

The only issue I have with this is the unanimous agreeance he should retire or be dropped. That is just not the case. The media have actually been saying he should be playing fullback. The talk earlier in the year was he couldn't be dropped as a player of his experience would get nothing from playing Qcup. Also everyone in the media claimed he should stick out his contract as they would also with that amount on the table. The only time it came up outside this was when Buzz said it was the board holding Siebs back.

The media did the same thing when Macca came back on the bench. 360 claimed it was outrageous and disrespectful to Macca. They have made a big deal out of every transfer we have made also. Never have I seen stories like the Nickorema ones, about how we stabbed him in the back. When the Panthers moved DWZ to bulldogs not a fucking peep.

No the media are attempting to manipulate everything we do at our club. When we got a player from GC we are raiding their juniors, yet how many of ours are playing for them. We let players go, we have unjustly treated them somehow by letting them get better deals or play positions they want at other clubs. They print offers for our players by other clubs before negotiations are allowed. Constant support for another Brisbane team when Goldcoast not an hour south can't get their head above water, obviously with one intent and that is to hurt the Broncos brand. They hate the success the Broncos had in the past and they hate the era of QLD dominance. I hate those bastards down in Sydney because of their self indulgence and arrogance. I hope our boys flog the Panthers tonight, I hope they rip them to pieces.

I want our boys and Siebs to do well, so we can get our respect by destroying those southern pricks. To have those days back when the Broncos feared no team and couldn't give a piss about what anyone says is my dream.
So that bulldust about the board tying the coaches hand in regards to certain
team selections was all a big lie.

Seibold's assistant coach is Darius Boyd, thats the truth from all this nonesense.
He's probably keeping Darius around to pick his thoughts on what 'Wayne' would have done. If that's the case, we just hired the biggest fraud for the next 5 years.
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But that's what he didn't do: he cherrypicked only a subset of the stats knowing everyone would dissect the rest and show how useless he is all round.

Thats true. All he really did was make a comparison between one of Kearys worst performances of the year to an average game for Darius currently. He definitely didn't achieve what he was hoping to.