No matter what comes of the investigation now, the three involved are guilty of being absolute clowns of the highest order. Putting themselves in this compromising position in the middle of a finals campaign shows a huge portion of disrespect - and lack of brain activity for that matter - towards their club, their teammates and their mentors. It puts the reputation of the club and everyone involved in it at serious risk, and now the mud is sticking as it always does.
You'd think that after 4 years of lessons learnt (or so we thought), the advice and recommendations they recieve regarding conduct in public, the risks that they know exist, warnings from their captain and no doubt their coach, as well as many other things in their favour, that these 3 would possess the brain capacity to simply do the right thing - at this time of the year at the very least, for God's sake.
Even if nothing comes of the investigation by way of criminal charges, I have shed just about all respect for those involved. Especially dissapointing way to have to send out two heroes of our club aswell, one of them in particular who has worked tirelessly to develop and maintain an admirable culture at the Broncos over the course of two decades.
Regarding means of punishment, if there is any at all - I personally would have no real objections to having them stood down while the investigation continues and, naturally, immediate terminations of contracts should the club recieve sufficient evidence to do so by the authorities. And given past outcomes, a simple code of conduct breach may be all that is required.
If no grounds to stand the players down are forthcoming, then I seriously hope that some alternative action will be taken for reasons I outlined intially.
The problem the club faces though is that of the media and the general public. Given past treatment of misbehavour at our club, and the intense, saturation coverage that comes with these incidents, the Broncos may be forced to take considerable action simply to protect its reputation and avoid a backlash if nothing is done. Particularly given that this time around the players allegedly involved are of much higher profile, and the club may be seen as hypocritical if these players get off with a lesser punishment than the likes of Te Reo, Lacey, Seymour and co. I'd certainly hate to be Bruno at the moment.
Here's hoping though, for the sake of everyone else, that no criminal charges are laid and that these blokes are guilty of only monumental stupidity (for which they should have their lefties strung up for).