Should Mam be sacked?

As thread title

  • Yes

    Votes: 26 49.1%
  • No

    Votes: 27 50.9%

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Alternatively, we can show we care about players when they're at low points of their lives like this, and nurture them through it. We are, after all, a club. A club looks after its own. We need to show Ezra he's in a club, that we care about him, not that we're just wringing his talent and flinging it away at the first trace of a dry spot.

Show him we care, show his teammates we care, and maybe he'll care back. For them, and for us.
he didnt care about his club when he got behind the wheel mate.
Is a mentally shot Ezra Mam better than Jock Madden? I'd argue he's not. Jock will probably play a lot in 2025. To be honest, I can't see Ezra doing much in 2025.....or maybe ever. If some other club wants to take the risk, I've got my doubts it will come back and hurt us.

Everyone and everything is better than Jock Madden.
Alternatively, we can show we care about players when they're at low points of their lives like this, and nurture them through it. We are, after all, a club. A club looks after its own. We need to show Ezra he's in a club, that we care about him, not that we're just wringing his talent and flinging it away at the first trace of a dry spot.

Show him we care, show his teammates we care, and maybe he'll care back. For them, and for us.
You can support a player while maintaining or setting standards that you expect others to follow.

Players need to understand it is a privilege to live the life they do. They aren't owed anything. If they are unable to behave like normal citizens then they are free to get normal jobs and lose all the perks and support that they currently enjoy.
Well, alot has been proven actually.

- Footage of him driving into another vehicle head on.
- Police releasing a information that he was unlicenced
- Police releasing information that he failed a preliminary roadside drug test. (only tests for Cannabis, Cocaine or Meth)
-Reports of injuries to a child
-Ezra Mam checks into a rehab facility (could be mental health could be drugs)

I'd say theres a fair bit going against ezra getting off this one.
Your aggressive stance suggests that you really are thinking of the worst possible scenario when you don’t know yet. He could have forgot to renew his license or it expired he could have had a small trace of cannabis in his system and had a car accident without it being directly correlated. The footage shows it was a very low speed crash and it was unfortunate a child got hurt. Ezra methed or coked out of his head at 4pm with a BAC of 0 is actually on the more unlikely end of the spectrum but it seems to be the one you are running with. Yes he makes more in a year than you do in a decade at 22, no need to project your jealousy. Im leaving my opinions reserved and being optimistic about the situation until offical proof is revealed.
You can support a player while maintaining or setting standards that you expect others to follow.

Players need to understand it is a privilege to live the life they do. They aren't owed anything. If they are unable to behave like normal citizens then they are free to get normal jobs and lose all the perks and support that they currently enjoy.

I don't disagree with that.

But you can still set standards with having a zero tolerance policy where one **** up and your sacked.

Some people actually do learn from their mistakes. And sometimes they might needs some help getting back on the right path.

For the first offence, make the punishment harsh enough to send a message but also gives the player a chance at redemption.

If the player repeats his mistake then you look at the sacking option.
Alternatively, we can show we care about players when they're at low points of their lives like this, and nurture them through it. We are, after all, a club. A club looks after its own. We need to show Ezra he's in a club, that we care about him, not that we're just wringing his talent and flinging it away at the first trace of a dry spot.

Show him we care, show his teammates we care, and maybe he'll care back. For them, and for us.
I agree with this to some extent but at what point do we need to be in the business of being professionals and actually win something? We are all here to follow the team to premiership success, not watch them win community service awards.
I don't disagree with that.

But you can still set standards with having a zero tolerance policy where one **** up and your sacked.

Some people actually do learn from their mistakes. And sometimes they might needs some help getting back on the right path.

For the first offence, make the punishment harsh enough to send a message but also gives the player a chance at redemption.

If the player repeats his mistake then you look at the sacking option.
Like everything in life, there's varying degrees. If it was driving unlicensed, that's not on the serious level. If it was driving unlicensed that caused serious injury (i'm not commenting on this particular scenario, just in general), that would be a different consideration.

At some point you have to decide as a club where that line is, first time or not. An extreme example, but if TC Robati SA'ed someone once and was remorseful, would that be enough to bring him back, cause he could learn from his mistakes and get back on the right path?

It's the same logic. Somewhere along the line you have to go, we're not going to put up with that, good bloke, bad bloke, whatever.
Your aggressive stance suggests that you really are thinking of the worst possible scenario when you don’t know yet. He could have forgot to renew his license or it expired he could have had a small trace of cannabis in his system and had a car accident without it being directly correlated. The footage shows it was a very low speed crash and it was unfortunate a child got hurt. Ezra methed or coked out of his head at 4pm with a BAC of 0 is actually on the more unlikely end of the spectrum but it seems to be the one you are running with. Yes he makes more in a year than you do in a decade at 22, no need to project your jealousy. Im leaving my opinions reserved and being optimistic about the situation until offical proof is revealed.
get off the cones Broncones.
Ok ill make it even simpler. The club drew a "line in the sand" in the 2023 preseason. Since that time we have had more off field incidents with no players held accountable. In your opinion, what infringement would warrant sacking a player?

At the moment we have an incident where a player has caused members of the public to be hurt. If that is not enough to move a player on, what is?
The only reason someone should be fired is due to their actions at their workplace period as far as I’m concerned.
I see best case for Mam atm is a stint in rehab, 12 weeks on the sideline a bunch of fines and a few hundred thousand in compensation .
Mate give it up.
The guy has self admitted for rehab.
DD said he has lost his way recently.
You're living in a fantasy land.
Don’t make blanket statements where there’d could only be 2 reasons why he’d be on the wrong side of the road when there could be many. Only takes a split 2nd of distraction to end up on the wrong side of the road. Maybe he was changing the radio station, playing with the air con, he might just be a really shit driver, he was unlicensed after-all. If he was on the booger sugar and coming down from that, it very well could be that he was feeling tired. Get off your high horse. The moral outrage that some on here show is over the top. He’s human, humans make mistakes. Looks like he’s made a big one and will be dealt with in the courts.
Don’t make blanket statements where there’d could only be 2 reasons why he’d be on the wrong side of the road when there could be many. Only takes a split 2nd of distraction to end up on the wrong side of the road. Maybe he was changing the radio station, playing with the air con, he might just be a really shit driver, he was unlicensed after-all. If he was on the booger sugar and coming down from that, it very well could be that he was feeling tired. Get off your high horse. The moral outrage that some on here show is over the top. He’s human, humans make mistakes. Looks like he’s made a big one and will be dealt with in the courts.
The Ranger has full voice control, Change the radio, air con settings phone etc .
Lol at the shit driver/unlicensed comment as a defence, I needed a good laugh also he might be tired from the drug fucking LOL if that's what made him tired it's the cause.
Also if he was on the nose candy it's not a fucking mistake. He bought it, used it then jumped in his car.
All his decisions based on the idea that nothing will go wrong.
You keep hanging on to the 1% chance that he wasn't under the influence, I hope your right but it's likely not happening.
The best he/we can hope for is a low reading to save his Broncos career.
I see best case for Mam atm is a stint in rehab, 12 weeks on the sideline a bunch of fines and a few hundred thousand in compensation .
thats best case for him but completely ***** us so on ya bike mate.
Maybe he was changing the radio station, playing with the air con, he might just be a really shit driver.
You forgot one possible reason/excuse for the swerve:
Damn. The vote is 50/50.

I'll be changing my vote to 'yes' if the secondary test comes back positive.

This thread is going to light up should he stay or go.

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