Sonny Set To Leave The NRL

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QCup Player
Mar 7, 2008
The nrl needs to look at allowing clubs to assign a "marquee or franchise tag" which will allow that player to earn sponsorship money outside the salary cap.

I don't see why a Locky, SBW, Inglis can't maximise their personal earnings through their own sponsorships.

I don't know how the current system works, so please add any comments.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I still like my own idea (of course) that the NRL select 2 players from each club as "marquee" players, and offer $X in addition to their club salary, paid by the NRL.

Has double value:
1. Less reason for players deemed marquee to leave a club, as they get good pay from their club + the NRL money
2. Players who consider themselves as good as the marquees in their club but are caught behind may be motivated to move to a club that's not so good

Could be some controversy from the NRL when they change selections, but meh. Details.


QCup Player
Mar 7, 2008
Coxy said:
I still like my own idea (of course) that the NRL select 2 players from each club as "marquee" players, and offer $X in addition to their club salary, paid by the NRL.

Has double value:
1. Less reason for players deemed marquee to leave a club, as they get good pay from their club + the NRL money
2. Players who consider themselves as good as the marquees in their club but are caught behind may be motivated to move to a club that's not so good

Could be some controversy from the NRL when they change selections, but meh. Details.

I think the NRL has to consider this idea, it just doesn't make sense to not allow the genuine superstars in the game to earn money in their own right.

There are not that many in our game who are genuine marketable superstars, probably 10-15.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
If I was to go through the clubs and list one or two players who I think would be worth throwing more money at I'd say:

Brisbane: Lockyer and Folau
Canberra: Todd Carney (when he sorts his shit out) and Alan Tongue
Cronulla: Trent Barrett and Greg Bird (ugh, what a shocker)
Canterbury: drawing a blank here...Michael Ennis and Brett Kimmorley? lolz
Manly: Brett Stewart and...nobody really stands out
Gold Coast: Scott Prince and Luke Bailey
North Queensland: Johnathon Thurston and Matt Bowen
South Sydney: Roy Asotasi and ... well, nobody
Warriors: Steve Price and Brent Tate?
Newcastle: Kurt Gidley and Jarrod Mullen
Parramatta: Jarryd Hayne and Krisnan Inu
Wests Tigers: Robbie Farah and Benji Marshall
Sydney Roosters: Anthony Minichiello (if he gets his back right again) and Myth-ell Pearce
Melbourne: Greg Inglis and Cameron Smith
St George-Illawarra: Matt Cooper and Darius Boyd :P lolz
Penrith: Frank Pritchard and Petero Civoniceva


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Yeah, you could put some conditions in saying that if you're a marquee player and you move clubs, you lose marquee status for the next 12 months. However, the reverse isn't true, if you're not a marquee player and you move to another club and the NRL deems you marquee there, that's sweet.

BTW, replace Jarryd Hayne with Feleti Mateo for Parramatta IMO.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
ALH said:
The nrl needs to look at allowing clubs to assign a "marquee or franchise tag" which will allow that player to earn sponsorship money outside the salary cap.

I don't see why a Locky, SBW, Inglis can't maximise their personal earnings through their own sponsorships.

I don't know how the current system works, so please add any comments.

Apparently they can. but as i understand it the rules state(this is for sponsorships that don't count in the cap):

* The potential sponsor can have no relationship withthe club what-so-ever.
* The club can offer no assistance in finding the sponsor
* The player in question may NOT wear any of the clubs merchandise at all. (i.e not jersey, hat, t-shirt etc)
* The club can not be mentioned in any sense though the advert.

there may be more rules but those are the ones i am aware of.


QCup Player
Mar 7, 2008
bfoord said:
ALH said:
The nrl needs to look at allowing clubs to assign a "marquee or franchise tag" which will allow that player to earn sponsorship money outside the salary cap.

I don't see why a Locky, SBW, Inglis can't maximise their personal earnings through their own sponsorships.

I don't know how the current system works, so please add any comments.

Apparently they can. but as i understand it the rules state(this is for sponsorships that don't count in the cap):

* The potential sponsor can have no relationship withthe club what-so-ever.
* The club can offer no assistance in finding the sponsor
* The player in question may NOT wear any of the clubs merchandise at all. (i.e not jersey, hat, t-shirt etc)
* The club can not be mentioned in any sense though the advert.

there may be more rules but those are the ones i am aware of.


Those rules are restrictive hence players can't maximise their earnings.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
mick! said:
A big point that HAS to change when it comes to the next TV rights deal is to leave the NRL and Origin as SEPARATE entities.

It's a travesty how much our game misses out on in terms of dollars at the moment. With an audience of 3 million nationwide or larger, three times a year, Origin simply has to have it's own top-dollar TV deal IMO.

Thats where there is some $$ waiting to be had Mick but with pay per view.
Even if they sold 1mill subcriptions @ say $30 x 3 games ( assuming that as an average across comercial and domestic subscription)there's $90mill per year . Plus they would still sell advertising on top.
We would get all the prelim games as well and the U20s could become a series in its own right.

Hell thats better value than paying $59 for a mundine fight.

IMO its only a matter of time b4 something along these lines happens.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I reckon the next TV Rights deal should be sold as four separate packages.

1. Toyota Cup U20's
2. NRL Regular Season
3. State of Origin & Internationals
4. NRL Finals

what do you think?



NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
bfoord said:
I reckon the next TV Rights deal should be sold as four separate packages.

1. Toyota Cup U20's
2. NRL Regular Season
3. State of Origin & Internationals
4. NRL Finals

what do you think?

IMO, 2 & 4 have to go together. I don't think any station would buy the regular season and not have the finals.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 26, 2008
Yep thats the logical thing although not sure about the 20s.
Definatley the other 3 and as I said b4 eventually it will be pay per view, its only a matter of time.


NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
Dexter said:
eventually it will be pay per view, its only a matter of time.
You could be right but I'm hoping your wrong!

PPV...imagine paying for the Grand Final and NOT being at the game. If it ever happens, I'll be very pissed!

Major JW Hochstetter

NRL Player
Mar 4, 2008
That was insane.

Sounded extremely close to clobbering one another.

Gus is a knob, but some good points thrown at Gallop and its quite clear that his tongue has been tied by the puppet master - couldn't reveal any sort of plans for the future, nothing at all. Rabs is commenting on that subject (Gallop being having his hands tied) as I type and he's 100% correct.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
GCBRONCO said: - david gallop having a discussion with Phil Gould on right now

As much as I can't stand Gould, its good to see someone standing upto Gallop, this game is lacking serious leadership and vision in key areas.

Anyway we can listen to that interview?


QCup Player
Mar 4, 2008
broncospwn said:
GCBRONCO said: - david gallop having a discussion with Phil Gould on right now

As much as I can't stand Gould, its good to see someone standing upto Gallop, this game is lacking serious leadership and vision in key areas.

Anyway we can listen to that interview?

They are going to replay it after the game.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Mar 4, 2008
Hitman said:
Dexter said:
eventually it will be pay per view, its only a matter of time.
You could be right but I'm hoping your wrong!

PPV...imagine paying for the Grand Final and NOT being at the game. If it ever happens, I'll be very pissed!

Imagine not having some crap commercial at every single chance they can squeeze one in.
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