It's close, I don't think it's right up there. Fact is he's still averaging half a metre less than the next best there, and over the course of 15 hit ups, that adds up. If he's going to do less work than the others, it should be better each time and it's not. He just seems to always be easily wrapped up by the defence. I'm not saying it's an incurable problem, but it's certainly something he needs to work on.
Look don't get me wrong, I like Nick Kenny but to say that he should be starting in an origin match is nuts. He would get absolutely monstered in the early encounters and he seems to be the sort of player that needs to get off to a good start to be able to have any impact at all on a game. Yes he's been our form prop, but as has been said I think that's more a reflection on the state of our props (and simple lack of them really) at the moment.
Look don't get me wrong, I like Nick Kenny but to say that he should be starting in an origin match is nuts. He would get absolutely monstered in the early encounters and he seems to be the sort of player that needs to get off to a good start to be able to have any impact at all on a game. Yes he's been our form prop, but as has been said I think that's more a reflection on the state of our props (and simple lack of them really) at the moment.